Maximillian Coleridge is a crime-fighter of dubious distinction, invariably treading a personal line between morality and unlawful conduct as The Shroud. Able to wield extra-dimensional shadow matter known as Darkforce, and to traverse the Dark Dimension where that matter originates, the Shroud has been known to freely consort with career criminals for his own ends and has a reputation for Machiavellian methodology.
Well-regarded as a diplomat, administrator and general ambassador for the small Eastern European nation of Symkaria, Silver Sablinova is happiest when employed as an international mercenary, better known as Silver Sable. Fulfilling a family remit established since the Second World War, she has a remarkable success rate in hunting down absconded war criminals – especially Nazis – and recovering looted treasures.
Respected and affluent businessman Thomas Fireheart heralds from the Native American Kisani tribe based in Hartsdale, New Mexico. Honored with the mantle of tribe champion, in accordance with an ancient spiritual legacy, Thomas can transform into the mountain lion werecat known as Puma and takes his responsibilities – as the guardian of his people and their lands – deadly seriously.
Victim of a dire ancestral curse – lycanthropy – Jack Russell faces a constant struggle to retain control of the savage beast that lurks within. Able to transform into a Werewolf by night, Jack’s animal nature is at its wildest – and sometimes uncontrollable – during the full moon. Although resigned to his tragic fate, Jack still hasn’t given up all hope of finding a cure for his affliction.
Suffering from a rare and lethal blood disorder, biochemist Dr. Michael Morbius recklessly treated himself with an experimental chemical serum distilled from the bodily fluids of bats, resulting in an even worse fate – an affliction akin to vampirism. Now cursed with a barely suppressible hunger for blood, Morbius continues to seek a true cure for his miserable condition, though with little hope for success.
When his unscrupulous bosses attempted to steal his invention – a remarkable chemical substance that could render any surface virtually frictionless – a bitterly disillusioned Jalome Beacher resorted to a life of larceny. Coating a speed-skater’s outfit with his chemical and adopting the criminal identity of Slyde, Jalome now relishes his new life as a respected thief and master opportunist for hire.
After charter airline pilot Cylla Markham was grievously injured whilst assisting members of the X-Men in a mission, she was approached by the villainous Donald Pierce and willingly underwent biogenetic reconstruction, emerging as a high-functioning cyborg. Since tangling with the X-Men under the name Lady Skullbuster, Cylla has adopted a new identity as Scylla and is presently employed as a bodyguard and personal assistant to Thomas Fireheart, the Puma.
Heralding from Egypt, Cleo Nefertiti is a woman of mystery and a career criminal and opportunist known as the Asp. Once a prominent member of the professional criminal organisation the Serpent Society, she possesses the ability to transfix and paralyze unsuspecting observers with the sensual movements of her body when she dances, and can also secrete a lethal venom from the pores of her skin, resulting in a frightful Touch of Death.

Agents of Gemini #1 – The Silver and the Black
On a remote Indonesian island, criminals-for-hire Slyde and The Asp take on the challenge of an impossible labyrinth riddled with deathtraps whilst in California, The Shroud delivers a chilling warning to those planning a hostile incursion into his territory. Meanwhile, in Symkaria, Silver Sable encounters an arresting woman offering a tale of mystery and promise. What links these seemingly unconnected events? The answer lies in “The Silver And The Black”, the first episode of a long-awaited series by Steve Seinberg and Meriades Rai!

Agents of Gemini #2 – Just Out There Upon The Beach
The race for the twin halves of the Gemini Key begins in earnest! Can a squad composed of Puma, Shroud, Morbius, and Scylla manage to defeat the forces of mad Nazi scientist Josef Schwartz in order to get it? Or will they be too busy encountering Silver Sable and her coalition to get it? With the teams drawn up and the goals set, is there any way this issue can end but in a super-brawl? Yeah, we didn’t think so! The new series continues here, by Steve Seinberg and Meriades Rai!

Agents of Gemini #3 – When the Brink of Ruin Lies
Heading after the Gemini Key, our two teams of misfit supernatural heroes and murkier types alike clash in the Josef Schwartz’ jungle stronghold! Can the two teams determine that they’re truly on the same side in time to achieve their mutual goals, or will Schwartz win out as Silver Sable and the Shroud take each other out at the knees? Find out here, as Seinberg and Rai’s tale of mystery and intrigue continues!

Agents of Gemini #4 – I Hold a Mystic Sign
Silver Sable’s band of treasure hunters has secured the second half of the mysterious artifact known as the Gemini Key… leaving their rivals, led by the Shroud, with nothing! Shroud is convinced that HE needs the Key to prevent impending catastrophe, and is willing to go to desperate lengths to rectify the situation – namely treading the dangerous pathways of the Darkforce Dimension. But will his team survive? And what will happen when Jack Russell, the savage Werewolf By Night, discovers the duplicity perpetrated by the slippery Slyde…? Written by Meriades Rai!

Agents of Gemini #5 – Follow the Thread and Then Trace Your Way Free
The Shroud has trespassed upon the shadowy pathways of the Darkforce Dimension, earning the unwanted attention of the hungering Predator… and you won’t believe what happens next! Our agents of fortune are about to discover the secret of the Gemini Key, but there are still plenty of twists and turns to be had. As this mini-series reaches its shocking conclusion, what does fate hold in store for Shroud, Silver Sable, Werewolf By Night, Slyde, Asp, Morbius, Puma and Scylla… not to mention the delicate fabric of reality itself? Don’t miss this one! Written by Meriades Rai.
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