James Hudson was the driving force behind the creation of Alpha Flight and Department H, using his ambition and intelligence to create the agency responsible for defending Canada against superhuman threats both within and without. Presumed dead on more than one occasion, he has returned to serve as Alpha Flight Commander and head of Department H. He still retains his finest creation – the battlesuit which provides superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, and the ability to generate and manipulate electromagnetic energy.
Heather MacNeil Hudson was a teenager when she met and married James Hudson, but over the years, she has risen to become the driving force of Alpha Flight, taking on the mantle of leadership after her husband was presumed dead. She has since stepped down from field work since the birth of her daughter, and now serves as the Alpha Flight Team Liaison. Her battlesuit, in addition to providing superhuman strength, speed, and reflexes, was modified to allow her to manipulate the Earth’s geothermal forces.
Walter Langkowski is one of Canada’s greatest scientific minds, and a mainstay of Alpha Flight since its inception. He has inhabited the body of the Box robot and even Snowbird before the Eskimo gods restored his true form. He possesses the ability to transform himself into the form of the legendary sasquatch, granting him enormous strength, speed, endurance, reflexes, senses, resistance to physical injury, and razor-sharp claws.
Eugene Judd, despite being mystically afflicted with painful dwarfism, has become the heart and soul of Alpha Flight over the years and helped Heather take command of Alpha Flight after Guardian’s death. He has seen and done much in the many decades that he has been alive, and brings vast experience to Alpha Flight. He is superhumanly strong and agile, acrobatically gifted to an inhuman degree, and possesses fledgling knowledge in the mystical arts.
Narya is the result of the union of a relatively ordinary man and the great goddess Nelvanna, created for the sole purpose of defending Canada from the threat of the Great Beasts that would ravage the world if left unchecked. In addition to superhuman strength, flight, and the ability to shapeshift into any Arctic animal, she possesses limited precognition and postcognition and can compel others to aid her against the Great Beasts. However, her lifeforce is bound to Canada, and she cannot long stay away.
Suffering from post-traumatic stress, Madison Jeffries’ ability to psionically manipulate metal, glass and plastic went out of control. He was captured and James Hudson recruited him into Department H, where he was a committed member of Alpha Flight up until he was abducted by the Zodiac. Now rescued from their clutches, Jeffries has once again returned to Department H and Alpha Flight.
Lillian Crawley is a mutant whose skin is as hard as a diamond. Once a member of the villainous Omega Flight, she reformed and brought her rough persona and fiery spirit to Alpha Flight. Married to fellow Alphan Madison Jeffries, she remains with the team to watch over her husband.
Discovering a gift left by his grandfather, Michael Twoyoungmen became the fourteenth Sacree Shaman to serve his people. Blessed with the ability to draw magical items from his mystic pouch, Shaman became one of the first recruits into James Hudson’s Alpha Flight, serving as a mystical advisor and close friend. Recently, he was promoted as the Director of Department H.

Alpha Flight #1 – The Family That Preys (1)
The Alphans are back! The team begins to reform under the careful guidance of Department H and its multiple levels of secrecy. Will the new crew be able to stand under the weight of its legacy, and will Vindicator even be allowed back into active duty? Find out in part one of “The Family That Prays” by Stuart Fairchild!

Alpha Flight #2 – The Family That Preys (2)
Snowbird uses her post-cognitive abilities to try and uncover more information on the Director. What exactly are the Hudson Files? And why is Department H buzzing about them? Meanwhile, the man those files are named after is having some difficulty over his past decisions. “The Family That Preys” continues, by Stuart Fairchild!

Alpha Flight #3 – The Family That Preys (3)
Witness a battle from 717 BC between the Deviant called Romulus and Ikaris and Ajak of the Eternals! Then, it’s back to the present as Sasquatch and Shaman continue running tests on Snowbird! All this and the return of Flashback as “The Family That Prays” continues, by Stuart Fairchild!

Alpha Flight #4 – The Family That Preys (4)
Guardian and Sasquatch contact Northstar to warn their old teammate, but what will his reaction be towards Department H coming back into his life? Also, Vindicator takes the more recent Alphans to the Ranch, preparing them for a brand new role within the team! All this, and Romulus and Daken have a conference with the Zodiac! What does Romulus want from them? Find out as “The Family That Prays” continues, by Stuart Fairchild!

Alpha Flight #5 – The Family That Preys (5)
The Hudson are numerous clones of Guardian created by Department H during General Clarke’s reign. And they are currently being hunted down by Daken and the Zodiac on behalf of Romulus! Just what is the Lance of Longinus Romulus wants to badly? And what secrets are hidden in Guardian’s memories regarding the Lance? “The Family That Prays” continues, by Stuart Fairchild!

Alpha Flight #6 – The Family That Preys (6)
The secrets of the past are revealed! Romulus unveils his master plan and how he set it into motion years ago, starting with a chance meeting with Guardian! Plus, as Alpha Flight comes together to fight its foes, can they save the world in the process? And when the smoke clears, someone will have to answer for the sins of the past…

Alpha Flight #7 – The Family That Preys (7)
In the aftermath of the battle with Romulus, Alpha Flight is left to pick up the pieces, provided they can find them first! Guardian confronts Gentry about his grandfather! Meanwhile, the other Flights get catapulted in their new directions! Check out this exciting new issue, helmed by new regular writer Desmond Reddick!

Alpha Flight #8 – Unfinished Business (1)
The forces of Weapon P.R.I.M.E. have come to reclaim Tigerstryke, but Wild Child, Nemesis and crew aren’t going to let him go without a fight! Plus, the new director of Department H is crowned! Who will be the new liaison for Alpha Flight? And when a handful of villains come to town, will James Hudson be able to make a decision that will catapult Omega Flight into its new direction? Find out as a new arc starts here, by Desmond Reddick!

Alpha Flight #9 – Unfinished Business (2)
Under the premise of divide and conquer, will Alpha Flight stand, or will divided they fall? By Desmond Reddick!

Alpha Flight #10 – Unfinished Business (3)
Madison Jeffries faces Scorpio and the Zodiac—and it’s a battle that will have major implications for the future of both Jeffries and Alpha Flight! Plus, the other Flights deal with mysteries of their own as Shaman begins flexing the muscles that come with his new position as director of Department H. If you’re looking for your share of action and intrigue north of the border, this one’s got plenty from Desmond Reddick!
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