An immortal mutant born into slavery in ancient Egypt, Apocalypse has lived for centuries by the motto ‘Survival of the Fittest’. Time and again, he has implored his Celestial technology and henchmen called the Four Horsemen to carry out his twisted plots. Apocalypse’s mutation gives him complete mastery over the molecular structure of his body, in turn endowing him with a myriad of abilities that make him nearly invincible.
A more recent addition to Apocalypse’s arsenal, the original Dark Riders awakened their master when the madman Stryfe resurfaced and tried to assassinate Charles Xavier. The Riders ended up betraying their master and siding with Stryfe, then struck out on their own after their third leader, Genesis, was killed. The new Dark Riders are small but effective, consisting of Dani Moonstar, Tusk, and Trial.
Throughout time, the Four Horsemen have been the heralds of Apocalypse, settingPestilence, Famine, War, and Death upon the world and culling the weak from the strong. Their roster is ever-changing, having once included the X-Man Archangel and the Morlock Caliban. The four mutants currently serving in these roles are Omega Red,Black Tom, Sabretooth, and Threnody.

Apocalypse #1 – Awakening
Apocalypse walks the Earth again! And with the help of his latest servant, he begins plotting his next move! By Shawn Gauthier.

Apocalypse #2 – The Search For Ozymandias (2)
The Search For Ozymandias continues as Cable and Apocalypse face off against each other! But another threat looms in the distance… By Shawn Gauthier.

Apocalypse #3 – The Eye of the Storm
Now that the Legacy Virus is known to infect humans, Apocalypse needs a sample for his own purposes. And to get it, he sends his Dark Riders after Sinister!

Apocalypse #4 – The Aggregation of the Horsemen (1)
Apocalypse sends his Dark Riders after the first of his chosen Horsemen—Threnody! By Shawn Gauthier and Jeff Axtman.

Apocalypse #5 – The Aggregation of the Horsemen (2)
The Dark Riders pursue Apocalypse’s choice for the second Horseman—Sabretooth! Also, Post explores Apocalypse’s temple. By Shawn Gauthier and Jeff Axtman.

Apocalypse #6 – The Aggregation of the Horsemen (3)
As Post meets with the Dark Riders, the X-Cutioner pursues Black Tom Cassidy. But Apocalypse wants him, too! By Shawn Gauthier and Jeff Axtman.

Apocalypse #7 – The Aggregation of the Horsemen (4)
Apocalypse seeks out his final Horseman—Omega Red! And Post offers his service to the dark lord! By Shawn Gauthier and Jeff Axtman.

Apocalypse #8 – Genetic Eclipse (2)
Apocalypse and his Dark Riders have Shadowcat prisoner! Can Kitty break through Apocalypse’s conditioning and reach Moonstar? By Shawn Gauthier and Jeff Axtman.

Apocalypse #9 – Genetic Eclipse (7)
Apocalypse attacks Attilan and faces the wrath of the Inhumans! Also, the identities of the Twelve are revealed! By Shawn Gauthier and Jeff Axtman.

Apocalypse #10 – Genetic Eclipse (14)
In the conclusion to Genetic Eclipse, Cable and Cyclops join forces to end the threat of Apocalypse once and for all! By Mike Franzoni.
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