Sean Cassidy has led a colorful life, working as a detective, an agent of Interpol, as well as an X-Man and once, the Headmaster of the Xavier School. Possessed of the ability to create a powerful sonic scream, Sean had served the X-Men recently but then left in order to rejoin Interpol and to go after threats that the X-Men were ill-equipped to deal with. Alongside a team of superhuman Interpol agents as well as the now-defunct X-Corps, Banshee was able to deal a massive blow to the shadowy organization known as Weapon Plus. Now, he has returned to the X-Men although this time, as the leader.
Scott Summers is the first of the X-Men and among their most-stalwart members. He has served the team through many incarnations, often as the leader and torch-bearer of Charles Xavier’s dream of mutant and human harmony. Although his powerful optic blasts were once uncontrollable without the use of a ruby-quartz visor, he has now discovered to control them. He had chose to leave the X-Men in order to be with his wife and longtime teammate, Jean Grey-Summers, in the mutant nation of Genosha. But recent events brought both him and Jean back into the service of the X-Men.
When Jean Grey-Summers was a child, her telepathic powers manifested as her mind linked with that of her dying friend. Traumatized, her parents took her to see Charles Xavier, who trained her in the use of her telepathic and telekinetic powers. Joining the X-Men first as Marvel Girl, Jean was replaced for a period by a cosmic entity calling itself the Phoenix Force. Believed dead, Jean eventually was discovered to be alive. Taking on the name Phoenix, Jean’s powers have evolved to almost unlimited levels. Recently, she was named the President of Genosha but current events brought her and her husband back to the X-Men.
Trained as a Cheyenne mystic, Forge also possesses a mutant talent for perceiving mechanical energy, which makes him an inventive genius. While serving in the military, he was offered a position with SHIELD but turned it down. Later, he worked with the United States government as a defense contractor until he eventually joined the X-Men. After a rocky romance with his teammate, Storm, Forge left the X-Men and ran the government-sanctioned X-Factor for some time. With X-Factor now disbanded, Forge has returned to the X-Men.
The woman known only as Rogue is both blessed and cursed with the ability to absorb the abilities and memories of anyone she touches, which forces her to keep even those she cares about most at arm’s length. Raised by the shape-shifting Mystique, Rogue began as an enemy of the X-Men but later came to join their numbers to try and cure her condition. Although she’s still saddled with her curse, she has become a valued member of the team. Recently, she took a leave of absence to find her path in life, but has since returned to the X-Men.
When she was fourteen years old, Kitty Pryde was recruited into the X-Men. Undergoing training from both Professor Xavier and Wolverine made her adept in hand-to-hand combat as well as mastery over her mutant ability to phase through solid objects. As Shadowcat, she became a valued member of the X-Men and later, Excalibur. Following the dissolution of Excalibur, she returned to the X-Men for a time before embarking on her own adventures and eventually she came into the employ of the CIA and was forced to spy on her former teammates. After a stint with Interpol, she has now returned to the X-Men.
Piotr ‘Peter’ Rasputin was raised on a small farm in Siberia where he discovered his mutant ability to transform his skin into super-strong organic steel. He was recruited into the X-Men by Charles Xavier and was a mainstay of the team for many years until defecting to Magneto’s Acolytes. He later reformed his ways and joined Excalibur, only to eventually return to the X-Men. Now, after having served in Russia’s Winter Guard for a short while, he’s once again returned to the Xavier Institute as a teacher and a member of the X-Men.
Illyana Rasputin is the younger sister of Colossus but has led a very traumatized life. When she was a child, she was captured by the demon Belasco and raised in the dimension of Limbo as a sorceress. When she was freed by the X-Men, she joined the New Mutants, becoming close friends with her teammate, Kitty Pryde. In addition to her magical abilities and her powerful Soulsword, Magik can also create teleportation portals. Although she was restored to her original age and killed by the Legacy Virus, she recently returned from the mysterious realm called Wonderland.
Henry McCoy is a brilliant geneticist possessed of enhanced strength, agility, and dexterity. One of the original X-Men, Beast was covered in blue fur after an experiment on himself went awry. He has for the most part been a mainstay of the team, with the exception of stints with X-Factor and the Avengers. After the Legacy Virus was cured, Beast became the X-Men’s leader for a short time and eventually married teammate Cecilia Reyes. He has now gone on reserve status, preferring to focus his attention on his students as headmaster of the Xavier Institute.

Astonishing X-Men #1 – Stateless (1)
After getting their footing in Amazing Fantasy #34, the team gears up for their first threata newly reformed Gene Nationbut only after it announces itself on their doorstep! Plus, Rogue confronts Mystique about her recent behavior while Kitty and Peter are reunited for the first time in months. Sparks will fly and mutants will rise and fall as a new Astonishing era begins! Find it all in part one of “Stateless,” by Hunter Lambright, Chris Munn, and Dino Pollard!

Astonishing X-Men #2 – Stateless (2)
In the pleasant coastal town of Valle Soleada mutants and humans exist in harmony – but that seems destined to change when the new Gene Nation make their presence felt! Sensing potential violence on the wind, the X-Men set out to act as peacekeepers – but you know what they say about good intentions, and Colossus and Rogue are about to run into more trouble than they ever bargained for by Chris Munn, Hunter Lambright, and Dino Pollard.

Astonishing X-Men #3 – Stateless (3)
Things aren’t looking good for the newest incarnation of the X-Men! With a race riot brewing in Valle Soleada, spurred on by Erg and his new Gene Nation, can the X-Men stop this threat before it boils over? Or will it become an international disaster? The end of the new team’s inaugural arc is here, with the finale to “Stateless!”

Astonishing X-Men #4 – SuperNova Remnant (1)
When Cassandra Nova returned, everyone knew that no good would come of it. Now, with voices in her head, a transport to a new facility imminent, and mysterious figures watching in the shadows, we’ll see just how bad it can get! The tag-team of Hunter Lambright, Chris Munn, and Dino Pollard dig into a loose end of Marvel Omega’s Super Nova event here!

Astonishing X-Men #5 – SuperNova Remnant (2)
In the face of the Slipskulls and Predator X, the X-Men will have to use every bit of their power and guile to get out of this one unscathed! And when Cassandra Nova starts listening to the voice in her head, can any good come of it? Plus, Forge goes on a recruitment mission! But when all is said and done, will any of it matter when it garners the attention of the Phoenix? Brought to you by the team of Hunter Lambright, Chris Munn, and Dino Pollard!

Astonishing X-Men #6 – SuperNova Remnant (3)
Possessed with a boundless power, Cassandra Nova may unwittingly spell the X-Men’s doom! As Jean Grey and Cyclops rejoin the team, will even their added power be enough to contain the power of the Hecatomb? Find out as the book closes on a loose end of crossovers past, by Hunter Lambright, Chris Munn, and Dino Pollard!

Astonishing X-Men #7 – X, Lies, & Videotape
The aftershocks of X-Men #50 are felt all the way back in New York, where the Astonishing team finds themselves shaken to their core! Can they bring themselves to forgive their teammate for his part in the terrorist X-Men? Plus, in The Séance in Your Head back-up, Dr. Nemesis searches for answers about the mutant afterlife–locked away in the recesses of Rogue’s mind! Prepared to be astonished by Hunter Lambright, Chris Munn, and Dino Pollard!

Astonishing X-Men #8 – Black Magik (1)
Danger strikes close to home for the X-Men as a group of students accidentally unlocks the cairn to the N’Garai dimension! It’s an all-out assault from another dimension by the deadliest of supernatural monsters. Can the X-Men pull together after the revelations from X-Men #50, or will they fall divided? Find out in the beginning of “Black Magik,” by Lambright, McMahon, and Pollard!

Astonishing X-Men #9 – Black Magik (2)
It’s a Generation X reunion in Paris! Well, most of them, but this reunion is far from a happy one, given that M’s reason for reaching out to her old friends is because she needs their help to find her sisters! And where the St. Croix twins are involved, you’ll usually find Emplate! But this time, he’s not alone… Written by Hunter Lambright, Gavin McMahon, and Dino Pollard.

Astonishing X-Men #10 – Black Magik (3)
The X-Men travel to Limbo in search of two missing generations of X-Students! Will they make it in time? By Hunter Lambright and Dino Pollard.

Astonishing X-Men #11 – Black Magik (4)
Trapped in Limbo, the X-Men continue the hunt for their wayward students! But will the emergence of an unholy alliance between Belasco and Empath redefine the terms of engagement? Besieged at every turn, our mutant heroes may find themselves in way over their head! Betrayal is the name of the game in part four of “Black Magik,” by Hunter Lambright and Dino Pollard!

Astonishing X-Men #12 – Black Magik (5)
It’s the final battle between the X-Men and the hordes of Limbo–with the fate of Paris hanging in the balance! Plus, check out match-ups like M vs. Emplate, Cyclops and Phoenix vs. N’astirh, and Magik vs. Belasco! It’s the finale to “Black Magik,” by Hunter Lambright and Dino Pollard!

Astonishing X-Men #13 – Brotherhood (1)
With an incarerated Mystique finally cooperating, the X-Men clamp down hard on a Brotherhood Cell. But will they defeat it in time to make it worthwhile and save one of their own? What on Earth is going on between Rogue and Colossus? Find out in Astonishing X-Men #13 – “Brotherhood Part 1” by Hunter Lambright and Dino Pollard
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