Nathan Dayspring Summers was infected by Apocalypse with a techno-organic virus that would have ravaged his body and eventually consumed him had he not been taken two thousand years into the future to be raised by the Clan Askani. His telepathic and telekinetic abilities developed and he later travelled back in time, destined to destroy the one man who had shaped the course of his life – Apocalypse. Following the death of Apocalypse, Cable operated with X-Corps and now that the organization has disbanded, he finds himself once again a soldier without a war.
A sophisticated artificial intelligence, the entity called Ship was created by the Celestials over a millennia ago to monitor the progress of humanity. Eventually coming under the control of Apocalypse, Ship later became the headquarters for X-Factor. In the future, Ship lost its memories and began calling itself the Professor, acting as a guide for Cable. In the present, the Professor became Prosh, generating a techno-organic body for himself. However, Prosh was forced to retreat into space in order to save Cable’s life. Now, Prosh has returned to Earth.
Volume 2

Cable #1 – Apocalypse Tomorrow (1)
With Apocalypse dead and X-Corps disbanded, the man called Cable has become a soldier without a war. That is, until Sinister comes back into his life with a shocking secret! Why does the mad geneticist need Cable’s help and how does it involve the Clan Akkaba? Find out in the beginning of “Apocalypse Tomorrow” by Hunter Lambright and Dino Pollard!

Cable #2 – Apocalypse Tomorrow (2)
Apocalypse is trapped in Sinister’s mind, and Cable and Prosh won’t back down until Apocalypse is destroyed, even if that means killing Sinister in the process! Plus, Clan Akkaba has a plan brewing of their own, but will it bear any fruit when Sinister brings in a wild card named Quietus? The adventure continues in part two of “Apocalypse Tomorrow,” by Hunter Lambright and Dino Pollard!

Cable #3 – Apocalypse Tomorrow (3)
Cable must make a journey to one of the most desolate places imaginableSinister’s mind! Can he and Sinister rid the madman of Apocalypse for good, or will something even more sinister be lying in wait for them? Find out in part three of “Apocalypse Tomorrow,” by Hunter Lambright and Dino Pollard!

Cable #4 – Apocalypse Tomorrow (4)
After nearly two years of absence, Cable returns to the frontlines in the conclusion to the revived title’s new story-arc! With Apocalypse now in the form of a psychic virus in a cloned body made from Cyclops’ and Apocalypse’s DNA, is there any way Cable and Prosh can hope to defeat him? Plus, Sinister has some plans of his own! The story concludes here, by Hunter Lambright and Dino Pollard!
Volume 1

Cable #1 – The Askani’Son Returns
Cable begins his search for Apocalypse and faces the dark lord’s latest soldier! By Shawn Gauthier.

Cable #2 – The Search For Ozymandias (1)
Ozymandias, the former servant of Apocalypse, is the only one who knows the identities of the mysterious Twelve. And thus, the hunt begins! By Shawn Gauthier.

Cable #3 – The Search For Ozymandias (3)
In the conclusion to The Search For Ozymandias, Apocalypse and Master Mold battle, with Cable caught in the middle! By Shawn Gauthier.

Cable #4 – Bushwhacked!
Cannonball is reunited with his mentor, and he’s being pursued by the mutant-hating Bushwacker! By Shawn Gauthier.

Cable #5 – Jarard
Who is the mysterious Jarard and what are the Askani Wars he speaks of? Find out here! By Shawn Gauthier.

Cable #6 – Harold and the Guardians
The voice in Cable’s head leads him, Blaquesmith, and Jarard to an unlikely source! By Shawn Gauthier.

Cable #7 – Genetic Eclipse (Prologue 1)
Genetic Eclipse begins, and Shadowcat stands revealed as the first of the Twelve! But does she want any part of it? By Shawn Gauthier.

Cable #8 – Genetic Eclipse (Tie-In)
In this tie-in to Genetic Eclipse, it’s Cable vs. Post! By Shawn Gauthier.

Cable #9 – Genetic Eclipse (9)
The X-Men are split on how to deal with the threat posed by Apocalypse, with Cable stuck in the middle! By Mike Franzoni.
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