The genetically-engineered son of Isaiah Bradley, the first Captain America, Josiah was born in the 1950s, part of an experiment by the government to recreate the Super Soldier Serum. Kept young by the Super Soldier Serum he inherited from his father, he fought in Vietnam, worked as a mercenary, and eventually discovered Islam and made the pilgrammage to Mecca where he took on the name Josiah al hajj Saddiq or Josiah X. He returned to the impoverished area of New York nicknamed Little Mogadishu and opened up a mission. When he was discovered by Steve Rogers, Rogers chose to retire and named Josiah as the new Captain America.
The daughter of wealthy Virginians, one of Sharon’s relatives fought in the French Resistance alongside Captain America during World War II. Inspired by these stories, Sharon joined SHIELD where she received the codename Agent 13. After Captain America saved her from the mercenary Batroc, the two crossed paths several times and began working together. Over the years, they’ve had an on-again, off-again relationship. Since Steve retired from his role, Sharon has been assigned to Josiah X as his handler. Although at first she was suspicious of him, she has come to respect him.
After the murder of his parents, Sam Wilson suffered a nervous breakdown. He adopted the identity of the Falcon and at first turned to a life of crime. While on an assignment as a minion of the Red Skull, the Falcon realized the error of his ways and turned on his employer with the help of Captain America. He was subsequently given more advanced equipment by the Black Panther and, under orders from Henry Peter Gyrich to make the team more diverse, became an Avenger. Following the death of Steve Rogers, the Falcon joined SHIELD and has been assigned to work with Josiah as his new partner.
During World War II, Sergeant Nick Fury led his own squad known as the Howling Commandos. Following the war, he became a test subject for the Infinity Formula, an experimental serum which has prevented his aging. He worked for the Office of Special Services and later the CIA where he retained the rank of Colonel. Later, Fury was recruited by Tony Stark as the Director of SHIELD (Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage and Logistics Directorate), a worldwide espionage and peace-keeping organization answerable only to the United Nations Security Council.
Formerly the National Security Council’s liaison to the Avengers, Gyrich clashed with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes on a number of issues during his tenure with them. He later joined the Commission on Superhuman Activities and was recently promoted to the Director of that organization. Although he was very much opposed to Josiah X replacing Steve Rogers as Captain America, Gyrich has softened his position somewhat and has grudgingly agreed to work with the new Captain America. Since then, Gyrich has also been contacted by the shadowy organization known as Control and, unbeknownst to anyone else, has been working as a mole inside their organization for Captain America.

Captain America #1 – Sentinels of Liberty (1)
Jack Monroe has not had an easy life. From being driven nearly insane by the Super Soldier Serum, placed in suspended animation for several decades, and then later being forced to serve as Scourge, things have been difficult. But now, the man called Nomad is seeking revenge. Or is he looking for something else? “Sentinels of Liberty” begins here, by Dino Pollard!

Captain America #2 – Sentinels of Liberty (2)
In 1940, a young man named Isaiah Bradley was recruited for Operation: REBIRTH. But why has Steve Rogers never heard of him? What information has Nomad uncovered about not only Isaiah, but other details of America’s attempts to create a super soldier? And why does this concern Captain America? Find out as “Sentinels of Liberty” continues, by Dino Pollard!

Captain America #3 – Sentinels of Liberty (3)
General Lewis Haywerth was the original Director of the Commission on Superhuman Activities. And if anyone knows what the secret history of Operation: REBIRTH is, it’s him. But Captain America and Sharon Carter may find other problems once they meet with Haywerth. Meanwhile, Nomad confronts another victim of Operation: REBIRTH—Josiah X! “Sentinels of Liberty” continues, by Dino Pollard!

Captain America #4 – Sentinels of Liberty (4)
General Haywerth is dead, but the secret he was killed for is still out there, waiting to be uncovered. Will the pieces fall into place as Captain America, Nomad, and Jim Hammond’s paths begin to converge, or does this only place them further up on the hit list? It’s all here in part four of “Sentinels of Liberty” by Dino Pollard and Tony Thornley!

Captain America #5 – Sentinels of Liberty (5)
As Cap tries to get some answers out of Nuke regarding the death of General Haywerth, Nomad and the original Human Torch check out the first Hulkbuster base—built before the gamma bomb explosion! How is that possible? Also, there’s some big trouble in Little Mogadishu, will Josiah X have to reveal his secret? Find out as “Sentinels of Liberty” continues by Dino Pollard!

Captain America #6 – Sentinels of Liberty (6)
Things come to a head as Nomad and Jim Hammond go up against Thunderbolt Ross clad in Hulkbuster armor! And meanwhile, Josiah X has been called out by none other than the Taskmaster! But where does Cap fit into all this and what will this mean for the future? Find out in the conclusion of “Sentinels of Liberty” by Dino Pollard!

Captain America #7 – Legacy (1)
The Red Skull has been defeated and now SHIELD and Captain America are both aware of the existence of the shadowy organization known as Control. The question now comes, what happens next? Cap and Nick Fury apparently have a plan, one which involves Josiah X and Nomad. Cap’s future drastically changes in the first part of “Legacy” by Dino Pollard!

Captain America #8 – Legacy (2)
Steve Rogers has resigned as Captain America and in his place he’s appointed Josiah X! But is America ready for a new kind of Captain America? And more importantly, what about SHIELD and the Commission on Superhuman Activities? How will they feel about this outsider coming into the mix? “Legacy” continues, by Dino Pollard!

Captain America #9 – Legacy (3)
Josiah X has his first mission as the new Captain America, going after a group of Neo-Nazis! Does he have what it takes to follow in the footsteps of Steve Rogers? And will his new partner, the Falcon, feel the same way? All this, plus Thunderbolt Ross gets a surprise visitor in prison as “Legacy” concludes, by Dino Pollard!

Captain America #10 – What Ever Happened to the Living Legend? (1)
Steve Rogers has now retired as Captain America, but what has he been up to since he stepped down? And more importantly, how many people are after him for revenge? It’s a brand-new story-arc that will bring about a shift in the world of Captain America in the beginning of “Whatever Happened to the Living Legend?” by Dino Pollard!

Captain America #11 – What Ever Happened to the Living Legend? (2)
As the world mourns the death of Steve Rogers, Josiah X, the current Captain America, doesn’t agree with Nick Fury’s theory that Nuke was the triggerman. And the Falcon and Sharon Carter are also not convinced that the killer has been identified, so they launch an investigation of their own. Who will discover the truth? Find out as “Whatever Happened To The Living Legend?” continues, by Dino Pollard!

Captain America #12 – What Ever Happened to the Living Legend? (3)
The new Captain America continues his mission to find out who killed Steve Rogers, but will he find out that Nick Fury knows more about the death than he’s letting on? Plus, Agent 13 and the Falcon team up with the Tinkerer to determine who broke in, and you won’t believe who it is! It all boils over in part three of “Whatever Happened to the Living Legend?” by Dino Pollard!

Captain America #13 – Cut Off One…
When Josiah hears about a possible Hydra cell operating within the city, he and his fellow Avenger Nightcrawler go investigate. But what they find may prove to be quite different from what they’re expecting! Who is Venger and how is he taking advantage of Hydra’s current instability? Find out in “Cut Off One…” by Hunter Lambright and Dino Pollard!

Captain America #14 – The American Nightmare (1)
There’s quiet trouble on the streets of Little Mogadishu as Captain America is alerted to the existence of an illegal smuggling ring right under his nose. But, as he digs in, the stakes are shown to be even higher than he could possibly have imagined, and Josiah X learns the hard way the consequences wearing red, white, and blue. Check out all the action in part one of “The American Nightmare,” by Dino Pollard!

Captain America #15 – The American Nightmare (2)
Josiah X begins the process of tracking the slave-traffickers back to their source, but to do so, he’s going to need to get his hands dirty. The question is, can a man shed the red, white, and blue just by taking off a costume, or is that something that is meant to stick deeper inside him? The answer will reshape Josiah’s view of both himself and his duty. Nick Fury, Sharon Carter, and the Black Widow guest-star in part two of “The American Nightmare,” by Dino Pollard!

Captain America #16 – The American Nightmare (3)
Captain America and the Black Widow take the fight to its roots in Kiev! Can they succeed in shutting down a branch of the human-trafficking operation when the rest of the tree still stands? Plus, Josiah faces unexpected opposition in the form of a villain-for-hireZaran, the Weapons Master! And, when all is said and done, another player on the field is revealed! Check it out in the conclusion to “The American Nightmare,” by Dino Pollard!

Captain America #17 – Elements of Control (1)
Things don’t get any easier for Josiah X when a television pundit declares him Public Enemy #1! But the new Captain America has other things to worry about, namely a Senator who has information about Control and will only provide it once his safety is guaranteed! Can Cap, the Falcon and Sharon Carter protect the Senator or will Control get to him first? Find out in part one of “Elements of Control,” by Scott Redmond and Dino Pollard!

Captain America #18 – Elements of Control (2)
Captain America, Falcon, and Sharon Carter have been tasked with the job of protecting Senator Crowne from the agents of Controlincluding a new, revamped Americop! With the attacks coming from all sides, will they be able to stay on their feet, or will Control’s forces overrun them? Plus, a new threat emerges from the shadows, and it’s not taking any prisoners! All of this and more is in part two of “Elements of Control,” by Scott Redmond and Dino Pollard!

Captain America: Sharon Carter – Impressions
How did Sharon Carter react to Steve Rogers’ decision to resign from his role as Captain America? What were her first impressions of Steve’s successor, Josiah X? Does she believe that the new Captain America can ever live up to the standards of his predecessor? The truth can now be revealed by Scott Redmond and Dino Pollard.

Captain America #19 – War Crimes (1)
While Cap and his partners are still reeling from their recent encounter with the forces of Control, a new threat looms in the darkness. One that comes right out of Josiah’s own experiences during the Vietnam War. Will a past mistake destroy the new life Josiah has built for himself? “War Crimes” begins here, by Scott Redmond and Dino Pollard!

Captain America #20 – War Crimes (2)
Captain America’s past rises to the surface as his friends come under fire from someone connected to Josiah’s past in Vietnam! Will he find Sharon Carter and the Falcon before the meet their maker, or will Batroc the Leaper and the Man With No Face succeed? Politics and action abound, by Scott Redmond and Dino Pollard!

Captain America #21 – War Crimes (3)
The Man With No Face has taken Sharon Carter and the Falcon hostage, but Captain America will have to revisit a piece of his past he never wanted to remember in order to get them back. Plus, The Man With No Face’s origin is stands revealed! Check out the action here, by Scott Redmond and Dino Pollard!

Captain America #22 – Hero
In an issue that pays homage to “The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man,” Josiah is prepared to quit being Captain America after the events of the last few issues. Tony Stark can’t let that happen. Take a look into one of the quiet moments in the life of a man who struggles with the weight of the legacy of a nation, brought to you by Scott Redmond and Dino Pollard.

Captain America #23 – The Iron Patriot (1)
While Captain America and the Falcon spend time in Russia working to bust a Russian crime ring, a new hero steps into the spotlight back stateside–the Iron Patriot! But even though his outward motives and methods seem perfectly innocent, there’s something about the Iron Patriot that’s raising eyebrows all over the place–especially to the Falcon! Start guessing in the very first issue of this arc, by Scott Redmond and Dino Pollard!

Captain America #24 – The Iron Patriot (2)
The mystery deepens surrounding the Iron Patriot–and the man behind the mask is absolutely not who you’d expect! By Scott Redmond and Dino Pollard!

Captain America #25 – The Iron Patriot (3)
Who is the man behind the Iron Patriot mask? The mystery is revealed–but even when Captain America sees the face, can he bring himself to believe the answer? Plus, more on the mystery surrounding Control as well as the activities of Aleksander Lukin! It’s everything you could want and more, brought to the table by Dino Pollard!

Captain America #26 – Holy War (1)
In discussing the aftermath of the revelations from the previous arc, Josiah isn’t sure whether or not he can trust Fury, or anyone at SHIELD outside of Sharon Carter. But before they can formulate much of a plan, things get much worse as a church is attacked. And a note is left indicating who is responsible in the start of a new, personal trial for Captain America, by Dino Pollard!

Captain America #27 – Holy War (2)
As Keller continues to rally and fuel the hate campaign against Captain America, the team rush to end the continued threat of the Colonel but can they do it in time? The Iron Patriot steps up! Written by Dino Pollard.

Captain America #28 – Divided States (1)
As Control continues with their plots to overthrow the new Captain America and establish a new world order, the Captain is faced with the challenge of the men who once sought his title! Elsewhere, Iron Patriot returns. Written by Dino Pollard.

Captain America #29 – Divided States (2)
Captain America has HAD it! And when up against the new Freedom Force and the Sons of the Serpent, he starts to give in to his darker urges. Can the Avengers get to the bottom of what’s going on? By Dino Pollard.

Captain America #30 – Divided States (3)
To stop Freedom Force, Captain America has gone rogue! With Todd Zeller and Vulpine Media stoking the flames of a cultural divide, can Josiah stem the tide of hatred without losing a piece of himself? Plus, don’t miss an ending that will set the stage for the next run of Captain America. You won’t want to miss this as “Divided States” concludes, by Dino Pollard!

Captain America #31 – War of the Captains (1)
With Josiah nowhere to be seen, the responsibility of Bearer of the Shield returns to its original owner – or does it? Mysteries begin to unravel as Sharon probes a little deeper, and Sam does some digging of his own – Only for the vacuum of Captain America to be filled by an Unknown Hero – Read on for more mystery-solving antics in Captain America #31 – War of the Captains by Dino Pollard
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