Mar-Vell was originally sent to Earth as a spy for the Kree Empire but after living among mankind, he came to empathize with them. Turning against his kind, Mar-Vell became Captain Marvel. Originally armed with Nega-Bands that bestowed great power on him, Mar-Vell was eventually granted Cosmic Awareness by the being Eon, becoming the Protector of the Universe. During a battle with Nitro, Mar-Vell was exposed to a powerful chemical that caused his body to develop an incurable cancer that killed him. Now, years later, what is the secret of this new man who possesses Mar-Vell’s memories and powers?
Genis-Vell is the son of Mar-Vell, the Kree hero who was also known as the original Captain Marvel as well as an honorary Avenger. The same Nega-Bands his father wore grant Genis a whole host of abilities including flight and energy projection, and he also possesses the Cosmic Awareness. After spending a brief period of time calling himself Legacy, Genis has since become molecularly bonded to Rick Jones and has followed in his father’s footsteps as the new Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel #1 – The Return
Mar-Vell was one of the greatest heroes in the universe until he died. But now, as the Avengers are locked in a battle with Ultimo, who should mysteriously join the field than someone resembling Mar-Vell? Has the Kree hero mysteriously returned from the dead or is this some plot? More than that, how will Warbird and Genis react? Find out in “The Return” by Anthony Crute!

Captain Marvel #2 – Old Friends and Old Enemies
Mar-Vell is back…or is he? That’s what Warbird and Genis want to know! And they’re going to get their answers…but first they need to help Mar-Vell defeat the Super-Adaptoid! It’s an awkward reunion involving genetic tests and metal restraints! Find out what the results are in “Old Friends & Old Enemies” by Anthony Crute!

Captain Marvel #3 – Just Talking To Myself
Captain Marvel has a heart to heart with Captain Marvel! And no, not his son, Genis, but…ANOTHER Mar-Vell? What’s going on here? And will it prevent him from dealing with the Brothers Grimm? Find out in “Just Talking To Myself” by Anthony Crute!

Captain Marvel #4 – Nitro, The Man Who Killed Captain Marvel
After the revelations between Captain Marvel and himself last issue, Mar-Vell must face the promise he broke to Warbird and Genis! But will any of that matter when a supervillain threatens the George Washington Bridge? Maybe it will matter even more when that villain is revealed to be “Nitro, The Man Who Killed Captain Marvel,” by Anthony Crute!

Captain Marvel #5 – Clash on Titan (1)
Mar-Vell and Genis-Vell begin the trek to Titan, but will anything there be welcoming the pair with open arms? As Elysius and Starfox begin the process of trying to validate Mar-Vell’s existence with ISAAC, Mar-Vell’s power levels are questioned. Has he truly gotten that much stronger since his resurrection? Plus, when on Titan, can anyone but Thanos be far behind? Check out the first part of “Clash of Titan,” by Anthony Crute!

Captain Marvel #6 – Clash of Titan (2)
Starfox, Elysius and the two Captain Marvels – Mar-Vell and Genis-Vell – are at the mercy of the psychotic super-computer ISAAC, as the moon of Titan veers desperately towards destruction at the will of Thanos. Can even the combined might of the Marvels and the Eternals prevent the annihilation of an entire world ? By Anthony Crute.

Captain Marvel #7 – Guardian (1)
Captain Marvel has found his way to a place centuries in the future. How will he get home? Who can he call on for help? Why, the Guardians of the Galaxy, of course! As long as he’ll help them out in return, that is! It’s the return of the Mar-Vell you know and love in the first part of a new story-arc!

Captain Marvel #8 – Guardian (2)
Follow Captain Marvel’s journal as he and the Guardians of the Galaxy travel into the future–the long way! Anthony Crute returns to the cosmic captain with its first issue in over a year!

Captain Marvel #9 – Grandstand
Mar-Vell has returned from the dead without memory of how this has come to past, but finally, his secrets are laid bare as the horrors of what lays beneath Titan promises to reveal everything! With Warbird and Genis-Vell by his side, the newly returned Captain Marvel must face everything that has brought him to where he is and make the defining decision of where that leads him! Join us in the final issue of Captain Marvel! Written by Gavin McMahon.
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