• Secret Avengers
    Secret Avengers #3 – Secret Files and Origins (3)

    While Black Widow and Nomad grill Thunderbolt Ross for information on the Winter Soldier, Ant-Man and Photon go digging for some information of their own on Deathlok. When Spider-Woman and White Tiger go hunting for the Winter Soldier, though, are they hunters…or hunted? The questions start getting answered here, by Dino Pollard!

  • Secret Avengers
    Secret Avengers #2 – Secret Files and Origins (2)

    Nomad’s secret mission continues here! The Secret Avengers have uncovered the Winter Soldier’s existence, but can they keep ahold of him long enough to understand why he’s a target? The team continues digging into Control even as Nomad begins to question the hand that put the team together–Nick Fury’s! Check it out, by Dino Pollard!

  • Secret Avengers
    Secret Avengers #1 – Secret Files and Origins (1)

    The debut of a brand new series! It’s a dirty world out there, full of secrets – and as Nick Fury strives to investigate the shadowy organization known as Control he knows he’ll need a loyal squad equally capable of operating in those dark corners where regular teams of heroes never venture. Enter – the Secret Avengers! But who will make it to Fury’s team – and why does their inaugural mission revolve around an old foe, General Thunderbolt Ross…? By Dino Pollard.