Once an arrogant and egotistical surgeon, Stephen Strange lost the use of his hands and instead of seeking help from the medical establishment, he went across the world and sought out the help of the Ancient One. Trained in the mystic arts, Doctor Strange returned to Greenwich Village where he lives in his Sanctum Sanctorum alongside his servant, Wong. From here, Strange acts as the Sorcerer Supreme, defending this realm from any forces that would seek to corrupt it. Now, Strange has once more opened his home to the non-team known as the Defenders.
Brunnhilde was the greatest of Odin’s valkyrior, his warrior women, but she became a puppet of the Enchantress, her essence merged with both Barbara Norriss and Samatha Parrington. While in the middle of battle in Asgard, Brunnhilde’s essence was once more merged with Parrington and awoke to find herself in the clutches of the mysterious Caro Institute, who attempted to use her body as a vessel for the demon Tiamet. Breaking free, the Valkyrie now once more finds herself alongside the Defenders.
Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Kyle Richmond led a selfish, pampered lifestyle, always more concerned with wealth, women and leading a life of excitement. At first a member of the Squadron Sinister, Nighthawk reformed and joined the Defenders, becoming one of the biggest supporters of the team and frequently trying to keep them together, even in the midst of dissolution. After he fell into a coma, Nighthawk was cursed by Mephisto but eventually found the means to subvert it. Now, he has once again found himself among the Defenders.
Russian-born Tania Belinsky became a successful young neurosurgeon. However, after her father was arrested for sedition, she adopted the costume and identity of the Red Guardian to reform Russian society. At the request of Doctor Strange, she came to America and there joined the Defenders. At the behest of her country, she was brought to the lab of Sergei Krylov, who used nuclear radiation to transform her into Starlight and himself into the Presence. For years, she was the Presence’s thrall until the Defenders helped her break free of his control.
Petty criminal, soldier, hitman. All of these described Eric Simon Payne at some point in his life and culminated in his admission into the demonic cult called the Agents of Fortune. They unlocked the psionic potential inside him and gave him a mystical shadow cloak. Eventually, Payne turned on the cult and became the Devil-Slayer, joining the Defenders in the process. Later, Payne was separated from the cloak and admitted to a mental hospital, where he later partnered with the entity Sorrow for a time. Now with his cloak restored, he has rejoined the Defenders.
According to Robert Reynolds, he ingested an experimental serum which granted him the power of a million exploding suns. Calling himself the Sentry, he eventually realized the only way to stop his dark side, the Void, was to erase all memory of his existence. However, when the Void recently resurfaced, the Sentry reemerged with the help of Doc Samson. With nowhere to go, the Sentry has come to the Sanctum Sanctorum, although whether he is the greatest hero the world has never known or just a madman with unspeakable power is still in question.

Defenders #1 – The Best Defense (1)
The possession of a young girl. A military prison housing a dangerous secret. A costumed criminal causing chaos. And a deck of special tarot cards. Does it sound like none of these things fit together? Well, that’s just a regular day for the Defenders! Find out who will make the cut in this non-team in the first part of “The Best Defense” by Dino Pollard!

Defenders #2 – The Best Defense (2)
The Valkyrie is in a mental institution, Hellstorm gets a surprise homecoming, John Blaze is a cripple, and Doc Samson and the red Hulk have a man-to-monster chat. All this and Doctor Strange asks Wong to make him some tea. Oh, and there’s the little matter of a psycho with massive power going to confession. No more answers but a lot more questions as “The Best Defense” continues, by Dino Pollard!

Defenders #3 – The Best Defense (3)
Doctor Strange now knows what he needs to do, but the question becomes does he want to? And who are Mr. Grant and Mr. Moore, what do they have to do with Mr. White and why are they so interested in the Valkyrie? Plus, Hellstorm goes to church, Sleepwalker runs afoul of his ex, and the Hulk and Doc Samson bond over deer meat and whiskey as “The Best Defense” continues, by Dino Pollard!

Defenders #4 – The Best Defense (4)
The mysterious being known only as the Void has risen from the recesses of Robert Reynolds’ psyche. Now, it will take the combined might of Doctor Strange, the Hulk, Ghost Rider, Hellstorm and Sleepwalker to stand up to this menace! But the secret to success may not lie in the strength of the Defenders, but the psychiatric skills of Doc Samson! “The Best Defense” concludes here, by Dino Pollard!

Defenders #5 – Starlight Run (1)
Tania Belinsky was once a brilliant neurosurgeon as well as the superhero known as the Red Guardian. But when Sergei Krylov infused both her and himself with radiation, they became the Presence and Starlight and Tania found herself inexplicably bonded with him. Now, have things reached a breaking point? Find out in part one of “Starlight Run” by Dino Pollard!

Defenders #6 – Starlight Run (2)
The Presence has chosen to prove his love to Tania Belinsky in the only way that will make her realize they are the only ones in the world for each other. And once she discovers his plan, her horror will drive her to seek the help of some old friends to help her! Plus, more on the Sentry and the return of Nighthawk as “Starlight Run” continues by Dino Pollard!

Defenders #7 – Starlight Run (3)
The Presence is heartbroken since Starlight has left him. And what becomes of the broken-hearted? They attempt to turn the entire planet into a nuclear wasteland, of course. Can the Defenders put a stop to the Presence? More than that, can Starlight break free of his influence? Find out in the conclusion of “Starlight Run” by Dino Pollard!

Defenders #8 – City of Dead (1)
Spider-Man has been having bad dreams—clone dreams, in fact, going back to a time that he would rather forget. But when he seeks counsel from Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme, Spidey finds the good doctor has his hands full with the search for the Sentry and Red Hulk! Can Nighthawk, Hellstorm, Brother Voodoo, and Spider-Man get to the bottom of this? Plus, more on Valkyrie! It’s the perfect time to jump on with the first part of “City of Dead” by Dino Pollard!

Defenders #9 – City of Dead (2)
The Scarlet Spider is trapped in the Realm of the Dead, held prisoner by none other than Jack the Ripper! It’s up to Spider-Man, Brother Voodoo, Hellstorm and Nighthawk to rescue him! But can this ragtag team of Defenders stand up to the Ripper and his zombie hordes? Find out in the conclusion to “City of Dead,” by Dino Pollard!

Defenders #10 – What Do You Get When You Mix Red and Green? (2)
Bruce Banner, the Incredible Hulk, has crossed a line and committed a human atrocity on a terrible scale – and the rampaging Red Hulk has decided that’s the perfect excuse to mix it up with his twisted Green reflection! That leaves Doctor Strange and his fellow Defenders in the middle of the conflict – but can they prevent this violent clash from escalating out of control ? By Dino Pollard.

Defenders: Valkyrie – Flight of the Valkyrie
Allied with the mighty heroes of Asgard and her sisters of the Valkyrior, Brunnhilde the Valkyrie is a formidable force – but how will she fare when, abducted by magical means, she finds herself alone against the threat of an otherworldly demon? And how does young Samantha Parrington, comatose patient at the Caro Institute fit in this plot? The mystery of the Defenders’ Valkyrie is beginning to unravel by Dino Pollard.

Defenders #11 – The Golden Age (1)
Returning from the dead is no easy task, especially not when it means dealing with the reality of your cloned existence. Welcome to the Defenders, Scarlet Spider! Hope you survive the experience! Plus, Valkyrie rejoins the group after her MARVEL GIRLS special and the Sentry begins reverting people to personalities reminiscent of the 1960s! Wait, what?

Defenders #12 – The Golden Age (2)
It’s a blast from the past and the Sentry reignites the personalities of his long-lost team to fight enemies from the past! With the Sentress, Scout, and Watchdog all back, what on earth could be wrong enough to have the Defenders step in? The answer: Everything! The weird gets weirder as the arc by Ed Ainsworth and Dino Pollard moves forward!

Defenders #13 – The Golden Age (3)
The world’s premiere scientists gather to figure otu the secrets of the miniature sun in the middle of New York City, but the Defenders are too busy fighting the Sentry and his family of Golden Age super-heroes to help out! Can they discover what’s behind the city’s transformation before the change becomes permanent? The story continues here, by Ed Ainsworth and Dino Pollard!

Defenders #14 – The Golden Age (4)
After years tethered to the being known as the Presence, the heroine known as Starlight has returned to combat the Sentry! Can the Defenders convince him that they aren’t agents of the Sun King from Beyond the Pale Storm? And what will the Defenders do when the world’s premiere heroes and scientists fall victim to the sun’s transforming rays? The Golden Age reaches its pulse-pounding conclusion, by Ed Ainsworth and Dino Pollard!

Defenders #15 – Fear and Payne (1)
The Defenders have uncovered Heaven’s plans for an all-out war on Hell! Can they stop the oncoming Armageddon? By Ed Ainsworth and Dino Pollard!

Defenders #16 – Fear and Payne (2)
Faced with the living embodiment of Sorrow, will the Defenders stand or fall? Plus, the Defenders uncover a plot to implant demons among humans on Earth! When they find out who’s behind it, will they be able to stop the dominoes that lead toward full-on Armageddon? Find out here, by Ed Ainsworth and Dino Pollard!

Defenders 2012 Annual – Puny Gods
The Red Hulk gets creative to get his memory back–and when he does, all will be revealed! Who resides under the mass of red muscle and radiation? And when he does find out, who will the Red Hulk’s first target be as he gets angry? The answers you’ve been looking for since the first issue are revealed, by Ed Ainsworth and Dino Pollard!

Defenders #17 – Fear & Payne (3)
While the Defenders have to face off against an army of demons at the Caro Institute, Doctor Strange, Hellstorm, and the Man-Thing must go to Citrusville to prevent Termineus from using the Nexus of All Realities for his own purposes! It’s all-out supernatural action, by Edward Ainsworth and Dino Pollard!

Defenders #18 – Grandstanding (1)
In a throwback to a previous chapter of the Avengers’ lives, the Grandmaster and Scarlet Centurion are playing a game with our heroes! The Defenders and the Avengers are transported around the world to battle against one another for the greatest prize – information! Written by Curtis Fernlund and Dino Pollard.

Defenders #19 – Hell’s Angels (1)
Daimon Hellstrom searches for answers as Heaven decides to wage a war against the Champions of Hell! The weapon, the Potentate, may be more than anyone expected! The Defenders find themselves drawn into the coming war but can they make sense of just why they’re on the side that they’ve been told to align with and can their intervention save the balance of all reality? Written by Dino Pollard.

Defenders #20 – Hell’s Angels (2)
Angela stands revealed! Can the Defenders stand up against the might of an angel? Plus, Nighthawk undergoes a startling transformation, and Hellstrom and Satana find themselves together again–and when the children of Hell are united, only worse things can follow. Give it a read in part two of “Hell’s Angels,” by Dino Pollard!

Defenders #21 – Hell’s Angels (3)
Zadkiel’s war on the Hellspawns continues, with the undead Punisher sent after Hellstorm and Satana while the angel goes after the red Hulk! As the Defenders struggle to contain the carnage, Doctor Strange works towards a potential resolution. “Hell’s Angels” continues, by Dino Pollard.

Defenders #22 – Hell’s Angels (4)
Hell is coming to Earth, and only the Defenders can stop it! Can Daimon Hellstrom be counted among them? Or does he have his own agenda? Plus, Doctor Strange summons a council of hellish proportions! Find out what happens in part four of “Hell’s Angels,” by Dino Pollard!

Defenders #23 – Hell’s Angels (5)
The War for the fate of Heaven and Hell Begins…and Ends here! The Defenders take up arms against the Asura, facing down opponents from Heaven, and Hell, in their back yard – Avenging the Death of the Hulk, and more importantly, saving the world! But a mysterious re-emergence from a Defender is cause for Concern and highlights bigger battle ahead of them – All this in Defenders #23 – Hell’s Angels By Dino Pollard

Defenders #24 – The Godwheel (1)
Strange rallies the Defenders into perhaps the most important battle of their lives, against a former member of their number in Dino Pollards Penultimate Defenders Issue, Godwheel Part 1!
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