Jonothon Starsmore is a living furnace of psionic energy, whose powers blew a gaping hole in his face and upper torso. Recently as Chamber, however, a new aspect of his powers have come to light, effectively healing him of his scars. This change in appearance has boosted his self-confidence, making him a little too sure of himself.
The second in her family to discover their mutant birth right, Paige Guthrie followed in her older brother Sam’s footsteps by joining Charles Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters as Husk. Possessing the ability to shed her skin to reveal a new body underneath, Paige’s kind heart and Kentucky upbringing belies her true intelligence.
Everett Thomas was brought up by his momma to be a god-fearing, kind-hearted man. Unfortunately, when he developed a mutant talent to copy the abilities of any superhuman in his vicinity, he realized that not everybody in the world was raised with the same edicts as him and he joined the school as Synch.
Monet St. Croix was born into the luxury of Algerian wealth, her status complimenting her mutant abilities of strength, flight, beauty, intelligence, and many other various powers. The sister of both Emplate and the two-in-one being Penance, Monet is fiercely independent and highly conceited. Since the tragic events that killed all but one of the Generation X students, Monet has entered into a mutual relationship with her teammate, Synch.
Believed dead after her first encounter with the Phalanx, Clarice Ferguson was found by the villainous Fatale, who poisoned her against her potential friends at Xavier’s school. Quickly realizing her mistake, Blink joined the students of Generation X and – before her death alongside the rest of her friends – attempted to strike up a relationship with Jubilation Lee. Clarice functions as the team’s teleporter, possessing the power to ‘blink’ things from one point in space to another.
Volume Two

Generation X #1 – The Day The World Went Away (1)
Absolutely the most outrageous take on any X-Men characters ever! The mystery of the Generation X team’s fate is revealed, but you have to see it to believe it! By Chris Munn.

Generation X #2 – The Day The World Went Away (2)
At long last – the all-new, all-twisted take on the GenX kids continues! While Husk and Sinister scheme to find a way back to life, the mysterious Adam sheds more light on the place called Wonderland. What dark machinations hide below the surface, though? All this, and perhaps one of the most inappropriate scenes ever written in fanfic! By Chris Munn.

Generation X #3 – The Day The World Went Away (3)
The mystery of Wonderful continues to unravel as Adam begins to show his true colors, and a certain Sinister man’s plot to return to life swings into action! By Chris Munn.

Generation X #4 – The Day The World Went Away (4)
He’s the best there is at what he does, and what he does is… carve up dead mutants? It’s the return of Wolverine in part 4 of “The Day The World Went Away” by Chris Munn!

Generation X #5 – The Day The World Went Away (5)
The final issue of the series! Wolverine versus Thunderbird! Sinister versus Hazard! And the future of Generation X as the kids try to find their way out of Wonderland and away from the machinations of Adam! The long-awaited finale to “The Day The World Went Away,” by Chris Munn!
Volume One

Generation X #1 – Reflections
The residents of the Massachusetts Academy reflect on their lives, but it will soon be interrupted by the appearance of Fatale! Also, a ghost from the past! By Mike Rudden.

Generation X #2 – Deprivation
Blink is back! But is she friend or foe? Also, the school welcomes some new recruits! By Mike Rudden.

Generation X #3 – Converging Generations
Generation X travels to Westchester, so Blink can be examined by none other than Professor X! By Mike Rudden.

Generation X #4 – Judgment Day
Monet gets closer to Generation X’s newest member, and Blink’s judgment is at hand! By Mike Rudden.

Generation X #5 – The Real World
Gaia returns to Generation X, but as a mole for the Hellions! And who is the other traitor inside Generation X? By Mike Rudden.

Generation X #6 – Temporary Tears
The Hellions’ attack has left Everett rattled, forcing him to make a tough decision! Plus, more on Jono and Angelo. By Mike Rudden.

Generation X #7 – The Vengeance of Emplate (1)
Banshee and Emma study Nuclear’s changing powers, while Emplate prepares to exact his vengeance! By Mike Rudden.

Generation X #9 – The Vengeance of Emplate (3)
Satannish comes to destroy his creation, and only M and Nuclear can stop him! By Mike Rudden.

Generation X #10 – Spring Break (1)
Spring break has come, and the students break off into separate groups. But why is Nuclear suddenly sick, and why does it concern Sinister? By Kimberly Leigh and Tony Thornley.

Generation X #11 – Spring Break (2)
Jubilee, Synch, and Blink face off against the Hellions! M learns some shocking news from Sinister! And Sean and Emma’s date leads him to an important decision! By Kimberly Leigh and Tony Thornley.

Generation X #12 – Spring Break (3)
The explosive conclusion to Spring Break! And you won’t believe how it ends! By Kimberly Leigh and Tony Thornley.

Generation X #13 – Three Words (1)
Skin deals with the fallout of last issue’s conclusion, Sean meets with Moira, and Emma meets the White Queen! By Chris Munn.

Generation X #14 – Three Words (2)
Chamber’s face is healed, but…how? And why did Sean back out of his proposal? Plus, more on the White Queen! By Chris Munn.

Generation X #15 – Three Words (3)
A time of change. Nuclear makes a decision, Sean and Moira have an announcement, and Chamber and Skin come to blows! By Chris Munn.

Generation X #16 – Science & Psionex (1)
In the wake of all the changes, Psionex strikes in the night! Can Generation X fend off this surprise attack? By Chris Munn.

Generation X #17 – Science & Psionex (2)
Generation X has been captured, and are being subjected to inhumane experiments by GeneTech! Now it’s up to Jubilee to save the day! By Chris Munn.
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