Charles Xavier is the man behind the dream of peaceful co-existence between humans and mutants, and he formed the X-Men to help bring that dream to frution. Under their founder’s guidance, Storm, Iceman, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Gambit, Rogue, Marrow, and newcomer Spark fight to make the world safe for man and mutant alike.
A splinter team of X-Men led by the very first to be recruited into their ranks, Cyclops. Phoenix, Archangel, Beast, Cecilia Reyes, and Dazzler all believe in Charles Xavier’s dream of human-mutant peace, but feel the need to take a more proactive approach. Their aggressive attitude created a rift which cut them off from the other squad.
Nathan Dayspring Summers was infected by Apocalypse with a techno-organic virus that would have ravaged his body and eventually consumed him had he not been taken two thousand years into the future to be raised by the Clan Askani. His telepathic and telekinetic abilities developed and he later travelled back in time, destined to destroy the one man who had shaped the course of his life – Apocalypse.
Katherine ‘Kitty’ Pryde has the mutant ability to phase her body through solid matter. A onetime X-Man, she later helped form Excalibur after recovering from injuries sustained during the Mutant Massacre. After many adventures with Excalibur and a short stint as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Shadowcat decided it was time to rejoin the X-Men, albeit briefly. Kitty is now trying to make a new life for herself working in a small New York electronic shop, away from the X-Men’s crazy life.
After finding the ancient Cytorrak Crystal in an abandoned cave in South Korea, Cain Marko was imbued with mystical powers that gave him god-like strength and covered him in indestructible body armor, transforming him into the unstoppable Juggernaut! A longtime foe of the X-Men and his step-brother Charles Xavier in particular, the Juggernaut recently put his feud to rest and is now an ally of the mutant heroes.
An immortal mutant born into slavery in ancient Egypt, Apocalypse has lived for centuries by the motto ‘Survival of the Fittest’. Time and again, he has emplored his Celestial technology and henchmen called the Four Horsemen to carry out his twisted plots. Apocalypse’s mutation gives him complete mastery over the molecular structure of his body, in turn endowing him with a myriad of abilities that make him nearly invincible.
Throughout time, the Four Horsemen have been the heralds of Apocalypse, setting Pestilence, Famine, War, and Death upon the world and culling the weak from the strong. Their roster is ever-changing, having once included the X-Man Archangel and the Morlock Caliban. The four mutants currently serving in these roles are Omega Red, Black Tom, Sabretooth, and Threnody, with a mysterious mutant taking on the new role of the Fifth Horseman, Armageddon.
A more recent addition to Apocalypse’s arsenal, the original Dark Riders awakened their master when the madman Stryfe resurfaced and tried to assassinate Charles Xavier. The Riders ended up betraying their master and siding with Stryfe, then struck out on their own after their third leader, Genesis, was killed. The new Dark Riders are small but effective, consisting of Dani Moonstar, Tusk, and Trial.

Cable #7 – Genetic Eclipse (Prologue 1)
Genetic Eclipse begins, and Shadowcat stands revealed as the first of the Twelve! But does she want any part of it? By Shawn Gauthier.

Shadowcat #5 – Genetic Eclipse (Prologue 2)
Still reeling from her encounter with Cable, Kitty finds herself alone against the Dark Riders! Can she escape and get help? Genetic Eclipse continues! By Yannick Lamarre.

Uncanny X-Men #14 – Genetic Eclipse (1)
Apocalypse and the Dark Riders come for Shadowcat, and only Cyclops’ X-Men can stop him! By Ryan Krupienski.

Apocalypse #8 – Genetic Eclipse (2)
Apocalypse and his Dark Riders have Shadowcat prisoner! Can Kitty break through Apocalypse’s conditioning and reach Moonstar? By Shawn Gauthier and Jeff Axtman.

Cable #8 – Genetic Eclipse (Tie-In)
In this tie-in to Genetic Eclipse, it’s Cable vs. Post! By Shawn Gauthier.

Shadowcat #6 – Genetic Eclipse (3)
A captive Shadowcat is at the mercy of Apocalypse. The Darwinian madman wants to know the secret of the Twelve, and how Kitty is involved! By Yannick Lamarre.

X-Men #11 – Genetic Eclipse (4)
In this continuation of the Genetic Eclipse crossover, the X-Men meet two of Apocalypse’s Horsemen—Sabretooth and Black Tom! By David Wheatley and Daniel Sauve.

Uncanny X-Men #15 – Genetic Eclipse (5)
Apocalypse’s forces grow even more brash as they attack once more! Can the X-Men stand up to the combined might of Death and Pestilence? By Ryan Krupienski.

X-Men #12 – Genetic Eclipse (6)
The X-Men gain a surprising ally in their fight against the Horsemen…in the form of the Juggernaut! By David Wheatley and Daniel Sauve.

Apocalypse #9 – Genetic Eclipse (7)
Apocalypse attacks Attilan and faces the wrath of the Inhumans! Also, the identities of the Twelve are revealed! By Shawn Gauthier and Jeff Axtman.

Shadowcat #7 – Genetic Eclipse (8)
Having outlived her usefulness as a prisoner, the Dark Riders prepare to execute Shadowcat. Does she have a prayer of surviving? Featuring a surprise guest star! By Yannick Lamarre.

Cable #9 – Genetic Eclipse (9)
The X-Men are split on how to deal with the threat posed by Apocalypse, with Cable stuck in the middle! By Mike Franzoni.

Genetic Eclipse: Gambit #1 – Genetic Eclipse (10)
Gambit and Wolverine journey to Egypt to rescue Shadowcat and retrieve Apocalypse’s data on the Legacy Virus! By David Wheatley.

Wolverine #14 – Genetic Eclipse (11)
Shadowcat has been captured by the forces of Apocalypse, and it’s up to Wolverine and Gambit to save her! By David Wheatley.

X-Men #13 – Genetic Eclipse (12)
Genetic Eclipse continues as the X-Men battle Apocalypse’s Dark Riders, and try to save one of their own who has fallen to En Sabah Nur’s control! By David Wheatley.

Uncanny X-Men #16 – Genetic Eclipse (13)
A ragtag group of X-Men take the fight to Apocalypse and his Horsemen, but he has a surprise up his sleeve…in the form of Armageddon! By Ryan Krupienski.

Apocalypse #10 – Genetic Eclipse (14)
In the conclusion to Genetic Eclipse, Cable and Cyclops join forces to end the threat of Apocalypse once and for all! By Mike Franzoni.

Genetic Eclipse: Epilogue – Splintered Hearts
The battle with Apocalypse is over, but the X-Men have suffered a great loss. Can they ever hope to repair the breach between them? By Ryan Krupienski.
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