Gathered to face the threats that no single hero could face alone, the Avengers are Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. The team has gone through many incarnations and featured numerous membership changes, but their commitment to their mission has always remained the same. Four of their members—Iron Man, Captain America, Storm, and Nightcrawler—were selected to compete in the game as the Scarlet Centurion’s champions.
When Doctor Strange, Namor, the Hulk, and the Silver Surfer were unexpectedly thrust together, it was the beginning of the Defenders. The team has gone through countless iterations throughout the years, more a loose collection of heroes who can barely tolerate each other than a cohesive unit. Four of their members—Hellstorm, Starlight, the Scarlet Spider, and Devil-Slayer—were selected to compete in the game as the Grandmasters’ champions.
One of the oldest living beings in the universe, En Dwi Gast is a being of vast cosmic power. He frequently participates in power games, with his favored game being to pit teams of champions against each other. He has competed against the likes of Kang, Death, Korvac and others. His current opponent is the mysterious new Scarlet Centurion.
The Scarlet Centurion is an alias utilized by various individuals over the years, most-often connected in some form with Kang the Conquerer. The first Scarlet Centurion was Nathanial Richards, a one-time identity he assumed after he was the Pharaoh Rama-Tut but before eventually becoming Kang. The second Scarlet Centurion was the son of Kang, Marcus. The identity and motivations of the current Centurion are shrouded in mystery.

Defenders #18 – Grandstanding (1)
In a throwback to a previous chapter of the Avengers’ lives, the Grandmaster and Scarlet Centurion are playing a game with our heroes! The Defenders and the Avengers are transported around the world to battle against one another for the greatest prize – information! Written by Curtis Fernlund and Dino Pollard.

Avengers #43 – Grandstanding (2)
Carrying on from the events of Defenders #18, the Avengers have been pitted against the mystical Defenders at the enigmatic employ of the Grandmaster and the Scarlet Centurion! As the games continue, the stakes are high in their quest for knowledge but will the result raise more questions than answers! Written by Curt Fernlund and Dino Pollard.
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