Tony Stark is a multimillionaire playboy, CEO of his own company Stark International, and a founding member of the Avengers. After falling victim to a near-fatal accident that logded a piece of shrapnel in his chest, Stark built a suit of armor while in captivity to save his life and became the hero known as Iron Man. Over the years, Stark has battled against many foes wishing to steal the Iron Man technology, and has also suffered from alcoholism. With the departure of Steve Rogers, Tony has stepped into the role as the Avengers’ leader and chairman.
Originally in Stark’s secretarial pool, Virginia “Pepper” Potts was hired as Stark’s personal assistant after she fixed an accounting error he made. At first having a romantic interest in Tony, Pepper originally fell in love with and married Happy Hogan. The two adopted children but later had them taken away by child services and they divorced soon after. After Stark returned from seeming death, Pepper and Happy began working for him again and rekindled their relationship. But they’ve recently met with more difficulties as of late, culminating in the miscarriage of their unborn child.
A former soldier as well as a mercenary, James “Rhodey” Rhodes has long been a close friend to Tony Stark. On more than one occasion, Rhodes even took control of the Iron Man armor, serving as Stark’s substitute and even running Stark Industries for a time. Eventually, Rhodey was given the War Machine, his own suit of armor, which he used both as a solo hero and as a member of the West Coast Avengers. Although he had retired from superheroics, Rhodes has recently suited up as War Machine once more to join Nomad’s new Secret Avengers unit, albeit unbeknownst to Tony.
Chief of security for Stark Enterprises, Harold “Happy” Hogan is a former boxer with a history of losing fights. After he saved Tony Stark’s life, Tony hired him as his chauffeur and personal assistant, eventually learning Stark’s identity as Iron Man. After being exposed to cobalt rays a few times, Hogan has been transformed into a savage, superhumanly strong creature called the Freak. He eventually married Pepper Potts, but the two divorced and have had numerous problems since getting back together, culminating in Happy drinking excessively and Pepper miscarrying their child.
After Jocasta sacrified herself to defeat Ultron, Tony replaced his armor’s onboard artificial intelligence with one of his own design, called Friday. That AI has since been upgraded, replaced by one which Stark has named Maria after his late mother. Maria serves as a resource for Tony, providing him with information as needed and handling communications as well as updates on his vital signs and his armor systems.

Iron Man #1 – Launch
Tony Stark gets his second chance at an ongoing at Marvel Omega! When a meeting is interrupted by a hostage situation at Stark Enterprises Chicago, Tony can’t help but suit up and prepare to take them on as Iron Man. When he finds out they’re laced with StarkTech, however, things get a little more personal. Plus, you’ll never believe who the villain is until you see it! Everything begins again here with “Launch,” by Tony Thornley!

Iron Man #2 – Upgrade
Bastion gives Tony his demands, but with the hostages at stake, does Tony even have a choice not to comply? With the stakes raised, a chase erupts inside the Stark Enterprises building from a Trojan Horse planted by Bastion, but where will it lead? And, in the end, who will benefit? Plus, more than anything, what exactly is the Extremis project? Find out which questions are answered in “Upgrade,” by Tony Thornley!

Iron Man #3 – Post-Humanity
Bastion wants Extremis – and he’s willing to tear apart everything that Tony Stark holds dear to acquire it and adapt it to his own genetics! As Stark and Jim Rhodes – allied once again as Iron Man and War Machine – face down a horde of rampaging Prime Sentinels in Dallas, it soon becomes evident that Bastion holds the upper hand – and someone close to Stark is destined to pay the price by Tony Thornley.

Iron Man #4 – Critical (1)
Against the force of Bastion, can Tony Stark’s human brain compete with the cold, calculating intelligence of the smartest Sentinel in existence? Or will he make a critical error with the lives of the people he cares about at stake? With some of the smartest minds in the Marvel Omega Universe at his side, can he possible lose? Check it out as Dino Pollard steps on as the new series writer!

Iron Man #5 – Critical (2)
Surrounded by Baston’s Prime Sentinels in the Adirondacks with nowhere to turn, Tony must find a way to defeat Bastion without letting him get his hands on the Extremis software–because if he fails, the world’s Prime Sentinels will get that much deadlier! Plus, find out just what the status of Pepper and the virus is! Will she make it out okay? And if Tony should fall, who will be the one to answer the call for help? Find out here, by Dino Pollard!

Iron Man #6 – Reboot
After the events of the last few issues, Stark is running on fumes, but can he muster up the strength to fight the all-new Beetle? By Dino Pollard!

Iron Man #7 – Whiplash (1)
Out of the past comes a threat to Tony Stark unlike any in recent memory. When given the means to take his revenge, will Ivan Vanko exact the ultimate vengeance against Stark to rectify his father’s failures? Plus, Happy Hogan gets a mystery visit from a familiar stranger–but to find out what that means, you’re going to have to read the issue! Check out the start of a brand-new story-arc, by Dino Pollard!

Iron Man #8 – Whiplash (2)
Tony’s intervention into Syria ends badly, and international tensions increase as a result! But things are about to get much worse when Tony is liberated from his prison by…Iron Man? Diplomacy takes on a new meaning, by Dino Pollard!

Iron Man #9 – Whiplash (3)
As Whiplash and the Hammers continue with their vendettas, Iron Man struggles with the conflict in Syria – made worse by his very presence! Written by Dino Pollard.

Iron Man #10 – Whiplash (4)
As Tony Stark battles against the legacy of one of his oldest friends and colleagues! Elsewhere, James Rhodes struggles to maintain his friend’s control over the company built by Howard Stark, but as Morgan Stark creates alliances within the company, can he protect Tony’s interests? Written by Dino Pollard.

Iron Man #11 – Fire & Ice
Tony Stark and Happy Hogan go on the road–but wherever Iron Man goes, trouble follows! Find out just how hot it can get–or is it how cold?–in “Fire & Ice,” by Dino Pollard!
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