Otherwise known as Logan, he has a past that is a mystery even to him. As a subject of the Weapon X program, Wolverine’s skeleton was bonded with the indestructable adamantium which would later be torn from his body by Magneto. In addition to the bone claws that protrude from his wrists, Wolverine possesses super-keen senses and an accelerated healing factor. His healing factor having recently been turned against him, he and his love Eleketra have resolved to get married.
A mistress of the martial arts, Elektra Natchios has fought with and against the Hand. Formerly a lover of Daredevil, she has died and been resurrected only to have what gave her new life meaning cruelly torn from her. Elektra aided Wolverine back onto the path of humanity after his feral regression, and they subsequently fell in love and have made plans to marry.
Formed by Professor Charles Xavier to protect a world that fears and hates them, they are now split in half by a philosophical disagreement over how to approach the dream of peace between human and mutant. Xavier’s team has opted for the traditional approach while the other squad, led by Cyclops and Phoenix, have resolved for more protactive tactics. Even after the war with Apocalypse, these two teams have not quite yet found their way back to each other.
Originally formed through manipulation by the wizard Merlyn, the United Kingdom’s answer to the X-Men has had many different rosters over the years. They once counted X-Men Shadowcat, Colossus, and Nightcrawler amongst their ranks. Currently led by Captain Britain, they also include Meggan, Pete Wisdom, Kylun, Psylocke, and Martinique Jason, daughter of the original Mastermind.

Excalibur 2000 Annual – Love & Marriage (1)
The wedding of Wolverine and Elektra begins here! But when both teams of X-Men gather at Braddock Manor, will old grudges ruin the ceremony before it begins? By David Wheatley.

Wolverine 2000 Annual – Love & Marriage (2)
On the eve of the wedding, Logan falls into a spell, experiencing fantasies of a world that never was. By David Wheatley.

Love & Marriage #1 – Love & Marriage (3)
The conclusion to Love & Marriage! With Wolverine stuck in his dreamstate, can his friends help him escape in time for his wedding to Elektra? By David Wheatley.
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