Danielle Moonstar was an original member of the New Mutants, and is a former agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and member of X-Force. Her psionic ability to pull thoughts and memories from people’s minds, which she commonly manifests physically in the form of arrows, was boosted when she was mind-controlled by Apocalypse and served him on the Dark Riders. After being freed, Moonstar joined the X-Men and has since gone back to a more basic use of her powers. She now serves as a teacher at the Xavier Institute, and finds herself with a possible new love in her life.

Moonstar #1 – Cheyenne, Mutant, Valkyrie (1)
Danielle Moonstar has been many things in her life—student, double agent, valkyrie, terrorist, X-Man, and Dark Rider. Now she’s a teacher at the Xavier Institute and has a new relationship. But dreams of her past still haunt her… By George Cameron.

Moonstar #2 – Cheyenne, Mutant, Valkyrie (2)
Dani joins Karma, Skids, Jennifer Kale, and Evangeline Whedon for a much-needed girls’ night out. But what happens when the night takes a deadly turn? Find out as “Cheyenne, Mutant, Valkyrie” continues, by George Cameron!

Moonstar #3 – Cheyenne, Mutant, Valkyrie (3)
Dani is worried her abilities might be mutating again. To find answers, she needs to turn to one of the foremost experts on mutant genetics—Moira MacTaggert. And in the course of the visit, she also has the opportunity to catch up with her old friend, Rahne! What will Moonstar learn? Discover in part three of “Cheyenne, Mutant, Valkyrie” by George Cameron!

Moonstar #4 – Cheyenne, Mutant, Valkyrie (4)
Moonstar, Wolfsbane, and Karma journey to Brazil to confront Empath over what’s happened to Magma. But will they wish they hadn’t once they’re forced to go up against the might of Moses Magnum? The conclusion to “Cheyenne, Mutant, Valkyrie” by George Cameron!
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