Danielle Moonstar was an original member of the New Mutants, and is a former agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and member of X-Force. Her psionic ability to pull thoughts and memories from people’s minds, which she commonly manifests physically in the form of arrows, was boosted when she was mind-controlled by Apocalypse and served him on the Dark Riders. After being freed, Moonstar joined the X-Men and has since gone back to a more basic use of her powers. She now serves as a teacher at the Xavier Institute, and finds herself with a possible new love in her life.
Tammy Lynne Baker, one of the co-leaders of the New Mutants squad, is an overweight Southern belle from Kentucky. After getting off to a rocky start, which included the arrival of her rival Milkshake and the exposure of her secret crush on the X-Men’s Bobby Drake, she is now ready and able to tackle her role as one of the leaders of her squad. Her mutation allows for “super-powered gas pocket ejection,” which is, in essence, super-powered belches and farts.
Shaquanita Jenkins is a loud-mouthed, obnoxious, and vulgar black girl from the Bronx, an overweight ghetto queen with absolutely no social skills to speak of and an opinion about everything. She immediately formed a rivalry with the Institute’s other resident big girl, Bootylicious, and perhaps ironically, the two of them now co-lead the New Mutants squad. Milkshake possesses the mutant power to induce hypnotic lust in males by shaking her breasts and posterior rhythmically.
Boyd Larraby is a slender, handsome young WASP from Buffalo, New York. The epitome of a condescending, superficial homosexual, Boyd took great pleasure in exposing his mutant status publicly, using his powers to lash out at his tormentors. Recruited by Xi’an Coy Manh to join the Xavier Institute, Boyd has been assigned to the New Mutants squad, which he could care less about. His mutation allows him to control air molecules in a stunning variety of ways.
Exiled for his sexual and political identity by his wealthy family, Ahmed al-Rashideventually found himself in Iraq during the war to liberate the country from Saddam Hussein. He was discovered in an Iraqi prison by the Israeli superheroine, Sabra. Sabra took the young man to the Xavier Institute to learn how to control his unique abilities, but he has yet to come out of his shell, as the culture and customs of America are alien to him. He bears the mutant ability to transform into a living sandstorm.
Apparently the daughter of the White Queen, Sophia Frost is one of the Xavier Institute’s biggest mysteries… even to herself. A dead ringer for Hilary Duff (as she’s been told by many students), this beautiful young blonde’s telepathic abilities are so catastrophically dangerous to herself and those around her that she has formed four other distinct personalities (with physical manifestations) to cope with her own unfathomable levels of psychic power. These personalities include the spoiled and selfishRebecca, the temperamental and paranoid Alicia, the naïve and flaky Amelia, and the sultry, sexy Terra.
Not much is known about Eduardo Franco, other than that he is a Latino gang-banger native to San Antonio, Texas. Present at the Xavier Institute only for a short time, he has already made a name for himself as a thug . . . and as a ladies’ man. Tattooed and goateed, he cuts a dangerous image and sets a rather bad example for those around him. Eduardo has the power to convert his body into solid, organic rock and back again at will.
Ami Huo is one of the Xavier Institute’s brightest students, and she is quite the overachiever. One of the longest-attending students and the veteran member of the New Mutants squad, Ami is possibly the most well-adjusted and normal of the mutants on her squad, if not the school itself. She has the mutant ability to think, move, and heal thirty times faster than normal humans.
Trent Cameron was a very intelligent and wealthy young black man, whose parents sent him to the best schools and ensured that he remained an academic superstar. He was cast out of his fancy boarding school and out of his family when his mutation manifested and he became a semi-tangible living mathematical concept. He now speaks and thinks only in binary code, making it difficult for him to communicate with others, and he bears the ability to telepathically download numbers and formulas into the minds of others, overwhelming them.
The son of Piledriver, one of the members of the infamous Wrecking Crew, Ricky Calusky is obnoxious and postures constantly, and his greatest role model is his own father. He ran away from the grandparents who cared for him to join his father in the Wrecking Crew when his mutant powers manifested, but the other members of the Wrecking Crew had no use for a mutant and left him on the Institute’s doorstep. He has the mutant power of geokinesis, which allows him to telekinetically manipulate the Earth and earthen materials.

Giant-Sized New Mutants – What The Hell…?
Bootylicious. Milkshake. Air Force. Sirocco. Fusion. Rock Hard. Integer. Jinx. Velocity. Excavator. Are these ten teenagers the future of the X-Men? Meet the next generation of New Mutants in “What The Hell…?” by George Cameron!

New Mutants #1 – Welcome To Mutant High
Class is now in session at the Xavier Institute! Danielle Moonstar begins training her squad of mutants, but it may be more difficult to get her team of New Mutants to work together or even get along than she originally thought! Even more difficult when something is waiting in the wings… Find out what it’s like at a mutant school in “Welcome To Mutant High,” by George Cameron and Ryan Krupienski!

New Mutants #2 – Are You In, Or Are You Out?
Liam O’Keefe, the mutant known as Backdraft, is dead. Unfortunately for him, no one besides his teachers really seem to notice, as they’re too busy with their own teenage drama! Jinx comes to the Institute and Air Force has his first encounter with the Hellions in “Are You In, Or Are You Out?” by George Cameron and Ryan Krupienski!

New Mutants #3 – Use The Rod, Beat The Child
The battle between the D-Generation’s Excavator and Southpaw and Milkshake and her friends rages on while Moonstar and the staff of the Xavier Institute try to determine just what caused the death of poor Liam O’Keefe, the mutant who was called Backdraft. Also, Fusion plays the role of mediator between Sirocco and Air Force, but will it be enough? Read “Use The Rod, Beat The Child” by George Cameron and Ryan Krupienski!

New Mutants #4 – Tomorrow’s Not The End
Liam O’Keefe was an outsider, even at the Xavier Institute. When he turned up dead it was first assumed to be a suicide, but is that really true or was the young mutant called Backdraft murdered? Both Backdraft’s instructors and his squadmates investigate his death, trying to get to the truth! A forgotten plot thread is resolved in “Tomorrow’s Not The End” by Hunter Lambright!
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