A brilliant scientist, Victor Von Doom rules his nation of Latveria with an iron fist. Embittered with rage towards his former colleague, Reed Richards, Doom has continually tried to exact revenge upon Richards and the Fantastic Four. He aspires to nothing less than world domination and has continually combined his mastery of sorcery and science to obtain this goal. Doom senses a greater threat to not only the planet, but the universe on the horizon and has a plan to stop the threat himself, utilizing the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, SHIELD and the United States as his pawns.
From overseas to deep space, the Avengers have answered the call of duty wherever they are needed and have become the most beloved heroes not just in America, but in the world. Over the years, the team has included numerous members. After recent events, they find one of their own is missing and the remaining members—Captain America, Iron Man, Warbird, the Vision, Namor and Cannonball—will find themselves at the mercy of an old foe once they are attacked by the very country they have called their home.
When four friends attempted a space flight, they were bombarded by cosmic rays. These cosmic rays endowed them with incredible powers. Upon their return to Earth, the friends decided to use the powers for the betterment of mankind. They became the Fantastic Four, a team of explorers who have saved the world on many occassions. Since the Thing seemingly went insane, the Fantastic Four—Mr. Fantastic, the Invisible Woman, the Human Torch, and interim member Rage of the New Warriors—now been forced to serve at the behest of SHIELD for a special mission, one which holds a personal significance for them.
Genis-Vell is the son of Mar-Vell, the Kree hero who was also known as the original Captain Marvel as well as an honorary Avenger. The same Nega-Bands his father wore grant Genis a whole host of abilities including flight and energy projection, and he also possesses the Cosmic Awareness. A new addition to the Avengers, Genis was warned by Kang that a great threat was coming. After being separated from his teammates with the explosion of the Ohmphalos space station, Genis found himself in Latveria at the mercy of Doom.
A veteran of World War II, Colonel Nick Fury is kept young by the Infinity Formula. Currently the Director of SHIELD, Fury frequently serves as a liason between the world’s governments and various superhumans, among them the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. When the United States declares war on the Avengers, Fury is assigned to take them in and he in turn calls in the Fantastic Four. Although he’s loathe to follow his orders, Fury knows if he doesn’t the government may take far more drastic measures.
The son of Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman, Franklin is a young mutant who possesses the power of a god. With his ability to warp reality, there is virtually nothing he cannot do. In the midst of a battle, Franklin was being protected by the Inhuman dog called Lockjaw. The creature was told to teleport Franklin somewhere else and Lockjaw chose one of the safest places on the planet—by the side of Doctor Doom. Now, the Latverian despot plans to use Franklin’s powers in his own plans.

Avengers #17 – Pax Doom (1)
The President of the United States has had his fill of the Avengers. And now, deep within the Damocles Chamber in the Pentagon, he and his cabinet have a plan to ensure the Avengers fall into line—by declaring war on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes! Meanwhile, Captain Marvel finds himself trapped in Latveria, at the mercy of none other than Doctor Doom! “Pax Doom,” a crossover with Fantastic Four, begins here by Dino Pollard and new co-writer Derrick Ferguson!

Fantastic Four #14 – Pax Doom (2)
The Avengers have accepted an offer for amnesty within the borders of Latveria. Under orders from the President of the United States to bring them in, Nick Fury has turned to the only people he can trust—the Fantastic Four! But this mission is made even more personal when they discover that Doctor Doom also has Reed and Sue’s son, Franklin Richards! “Pax Doom” continues here! Also: a special back-up story featuring the Thing, all by Curt Fernlund!

Avengers #18 – Pax Doom (3)
Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are on the run from the United States and the only person they can trust is… Doctor Doom? The Avengers have been granted honorary citizenship in Latveria and Doom informs them of his reason for inviting them into his home. Meanwhile, the United States sends S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Fantastic Four after the Avengers. The crossover continues in part three of “Pax Doom” by Dino Pollard and Derrick Ferguson!

Fantastic Four #15 – Pax Doom (4)
While the Avengers and the Fantastic Four are busy battling it out, Doom proceeds with his own plans to drain the powers of Franklin Richards and Captain Marvel! And all that stands in his way is the Vision! Can the synthezoid stand up to the monarch of Latveria? Find out in part four of the “Pax Doom” crossover, by Curt Fernlund!

Avengers #19 – Pax Doom (5)
Doctor Doom has stolen the reality-altering powers of Franklin Richards as well as Captain Marvel’s Cosmic Awareness. To make matters worse, he has soundly defeated both the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. Now, Doom has his sights set on the United States. But when he gets there, he’ll find a few surprises waiting for him… The “Pax Doom” crossover concludes here, by Dino Pollard and Derrick Ferguson!
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