A prison for super-villains, the Raft is no stranger to the problems that plague other prisons, like smuggling, corruption, and poor treatment. Host to more than a handful of unique personalities, the Raft does not carry only prisoners and guards, but also people who are painted all sorts of shades of grey. These are some of their stories.

The Raft #1 – Meet the F.N.G.
It’s a day in the life of a warden at the Raft! Marcus DeWitt is the new kid on the block, but will his first day on the job be quiet, or will it be a baptism of fire? Plus, take a look inside the prison from the viewpoint of one of its longest inmates, Mr. Think! And when it’s all said and done, the prison drama doesn’t stay inside the cement blocks and iron bars. Is Marcus safe even after he’s left the Raft? Check out this brand-new series from Aaron Stanley and Hunter Lambright!

The Raft #2 – Once You Get Hooked
Marcus DeWitt has only been on the job for one night, and he’s already been approached by a man aiming to corrupt his position! Will he be able to find a way out of a tricky situation? Plus, there’s more trouble out in the Yard! And don’t miss the introduction of the Raft’s canniest resident, the Hippo! The intrigue continues, by Aaron Stanley and Hunter Lambright!

The Raft #3 – This Day, Same As Any Other
The Raft gains a new psychiatrist, but will she be able to handle the first day on the job? That may only be the least of her worries when some of the inmates in the Yard end up causing a full-scale riot! And what news will shake John Forrester to his core? Plus, more from the Hippo and Jerry as well as the Redeemer and Mr. Think, all wrapped up in an issue-sized package by Aaron Stanley and Hunter Lambright!

The Raft #4 – So Crazy It Might Work
An inmate goes missing, two guards search for the black market source, and Mr. Think recruits villains for his reform program! By Aaron Stanley and Hunter Lambright!
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