Norrin Radd gave up his life to save his planet and his love. After years as Galactus’ herald, the Silver Surfer found himself trapped on Earth and no longer under the world-devourer’s command. Freed once more to roam the spaceways, the Silver Surfer now exists to do the galaxy good to atone for his part in the worlds massacred by Galactus. Once a man, now almost a god, he will forever be know as the Silver Surfer!

Silver Surfer #1 – Galactic (1)
Norrin Radd has traversed space for years, but now, free of Galactus’ control, he is faced with the choice of saving or condemning a planet once more. Will he be the planet’s savior or a new kind of herald? And what’s this about Galactus’ siblings? All this and more is in “Feast Of The Gods” by Hunter Lambright.

Silver Surfer #2 – Galactic (2)
The Silver Surfer and crew journey to Xandar, where Galactus’ siblings have begun to consume the headquarters of the universe’s space police. Will they be able to stop the death of a planet, or will the universe be left to govern itself? And if you thought Aegis’ herald was destructive, wait until you see Tenebrous’! It’s here in part two of “Galactic” by Hunter Lambright.

Silver Surfer #3 – Galactic (3)
Imbued with the power of the Nova Corps, the Surfer reaches out to the Magus as the Imperial Guard arrives to join in the fight against Aegis and Tenebrous! But can they stop Galactus’ siblings before they’re able to bring back Diableri? Find out in part three of “Galactic,” by Hunter Lambright!

Silver Surfer #4 – Galactic (4)
The Silver Surfer has a plan to take on Galactus’ siblings, but it involves gathering some puzzle pieces. Can he survive a team up with the Universal Church of Truth to stop an attack by the Annihilation Wave? Plus, when the dust clears, it means a trip to Godthab Omega. But who is there, and why does the Surfer need him? The Silver Surfer returns to action on part four of “Galactic” by Hunter Lambright!

Silver Surfer #5 – Galactic (5)
It’s an issue two years in the making! The Silver Surfer’s plan is enacted, but will he be able to bring it to fruition with a thousand Power Cosmic-energized chaos sprites on his tail? It’s a battle that will threaten to tear the universe apart–literally–and you’d better believe you’ll need to stick around for the ending! Not everyone will make it out in one piece! Find out just what goes down here, by Hunter Lambright!

Silver Surfer #6 – Mortality
The Silver Surfer is back on Xandar after the events of “Galactic,” just in time to stand at the deathbed of one his newest allies! When given the chance to make a deal with the devil for the life of his biggest fan, will the Surfer take it? Plus, the Technarchy march on Xandar in one of the last arc’s loose ends, forcing the Nova Corps to take on the Nova-Corpse! It’s all here in the conclusion to Hunter Lambright’s run on the book!
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