Cassandra Nova Xavier is the long-lost twin sister of the X-Men’s founder, Charles Xavier. Like her brother, Cassandra possesses incredibly powerful telepathic abilities, and also demonstrates telekinesis, as well as being able to create solid objects and lifeforms of pure psionic energy. She has recently adopted the Xavier Institute and the X-Men as her own, fully assuming the mantle of ‘Professor X’ and moving forward with her master plan – to finally make the dream of peace between man and mutant as much of a reality as possible.
They are the heroes of the future – mutants, the next step in human evolution – who will make the world safe for all living creatures, and do it with style! Under the guidance of Cassandra Nova, the group has become a media phenomenon and the world’s most-loved superheroes. Among their ranks they boast Cyclops, Archangel, Storm, Banshee, Colossus, Dazzler, Havok, Kwannon, Bishop, Domino, Moonstar, Skin, Bolt, Sunpyre, Cameron Dalin, and Ecstasy.
Unbeknownst to the world, they are the true X-Men, the free minds who may be the only hope in bringing down Cassandra Nova and putting an end to her devious machinations once and for all. By luck they evaded the brainwashing that Nova’s conducted on their not-so-fortunate teammates, thanks to the telepath in their midst. Led by the man called Cable, this renegade faction of X-Men consists of Nightcrawler, Jubilee, Fantomex, Deathbird, and Proteus.
Also known as Professor X, he is the man behind the dream of peaceful coexistence between human and mutant, and the founder of the X-Men. A telepath of the highest order, Charles disappeared after being cured of the Legacy Virus, and was recently found to have been recuperating in the company of Magneto, with whom he is rebuilding the island nation of Genosha. Since joining with his old friend, Charles has come to adopt a more aggressive stance for his dream. Now, he finds himself facing an enemy unlike any other – his own sister.
Erik Magnus Lehnsherr is a man who will do whatever it takes to save his people from certain doom. Using his ability to control the forces of magnetism, Magneto has been a thorn in the side of the X-Men since his public debut. In recent times, his views have changed, and during a long stretch in hiding with his old friend Charles Xavier, Magneto has come to understand a more peaceful resolution to the human/mutant conflict in helping to reform the island of Genosha. However, all that work is threatened now, with Cassandra’s sights set on bringing down Magneto once and for all.
From overseas to deep space, the Avengers have answered the call of duty wherever they are needed and have become the most beloved heroes not just in America, but in the world. Now they find themselves facing an enemy that may finally bring the heroes to their end, but what connection do the new Masters of Evil have to Cassandra Nova Xavier? Led by Captain America, the Avengers are Black Widow, Iron Man, Warbird, Giant-Man, Wasp, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Vision, She-Hulk, Falcon, Ant-Man, and Jack of Hearts.
A notorious supervillain organization, the roster of this team has gone through many changes over the years. Currently run cooperatively by the trio of Graviton, Klaw, and an all-new Crimson Cowl, the Masters have recently launched a brutal assault on the city of Los Angeles. Among the new, seemingly unstoppable ranks are Armadillo, Grey Gargoyle, Whirlwind, Avalanche, Sandman, Living Laser, Blizzard, Black Mamba, and many more!

Uncanny X-Men #36 – Final Seeds
The first of two preludes to the huge X-Men/Avengers event starting in January, as Cassandra returns and all hell breaks lose at the Xavier Institute! By Ryan Krupienski.

X-Men #26 – Confrontation
One team of X-Men are stranded, a team member out of commission and another dead… and with knowledge of the truth about Cassandra Nova! By Ryan Krupienski and Dino Pollard.

Uncanny X-Men #37 – SuperNova (1)
Cassandra has seized the mansion, but there are still X-Men to be brought into her fold. Will the last two free minds at the Xavier Institute fall into her grasp, or will Cable be able to stop Cassandra before it’s too late? By Ryan Krupienski.

X-Men #27 – SuperNova (2)
Two teams of X-Men come to blows as Cassandra moves in to fill out the ranks of her strike force. Will anyone escape to oppose her? Plus, the return of the two biggest names in the X-Men mythos! By Ryan Krupienski and Dino Pollard.

Avengers Assemble #1 – SuperNova (3)
The Avengers make their official debut in this limited series as a devastating earthquake tears through Los Angeles. When a small group of Avengers head to the west coast for a recon mission, however, they get more than they bargained for when the all-new Masters of Evil greet them! By Ryan Krupienski and Dino Pollard.

Uncanny X-Men #38 – SuperNova (4)
Jubilee and Proteus plan a rescue mission with Cable and Blaquesmith, while Charles Xavier summons a surprising ally to Genosha! Plus, take a more intimate look at the connection between Cassandra and her X-Men! By Ryan Krupienski.

X-Men #28 – SuperNova (5)
Two teams of rogue X-Men move closer to reuniting, and a blast from the past faces Magneto in Genosha! Things take a turn for the worse, though, when Cassandra finds the Z’noxx Chamber! By Ryan Krupienski and Dino Pollard.

Avengers Assemble #2 – SuperNova (6)
The Masters of Evil have wrecked havoc on the city of Los Angeles – and have a handful of Avengers as their prisoners! And while the remaining Avengers map out a battle plan, the connection between the Masters and the machinations of Cassandra Nova starts to become apparent. By Ryan Krupienski and Dino Pollard.

Uncanny X-Men #39 – SuperNova (7)
While Xavier and Magneto formulate a plan to rescue the renegade X-Men, Cassandra takes the campaign for mutant rights to a whole new level – does she mean to finally create peace, though, or is her ultimate goal to incite an all-out genetic war?

X-Men #29 – SuperNova (8)
The renegade X-Men have finally reunited, but their relief may be short-lived when Cassandra’s men and women move in on them! The X-Men must escape and make it to Genosha – maybe Magneto can lend a hand with that! By Ryan Krupienski and Dino Pollard.

Avengers Assemble #3 – SuperNova (9)
While one team of Avengers are at the mercy of the Masters of Evil, the rest head out to Los Angeles and confront the villains once and for all! Will even a near-full team of Avengers be enough to stop the deadly new Masters, though? Just in case, some surprise guests pop up and get ready to join the action!

Uncanny X-Men #40 – SuperNova (10)
While Magneto attempts a reconciliation, Charles Xavier is at long last reunited with his X-Men. The reunion may be short-lived, though, as Cassandra prepares her forces for the invasion of Genosha! By Ryan Krupienski.

X-Men #30 – SuperNova (11)
Now meeting for the first time – Charles Xavier and Cassandra Nova! The sibling rivalry officially begins as Cassandra attacks her brother – and her X-Men arrive in Genosha! The end is near! By Ryan Krupienski and Dino Pollard.

Avengers Assemble #4 – SuperNova (12)
Final issue! The Avengers and X-Force and the Masters of Evil go all-out in the battle for Los Angeles, while Iron Man fights for his life… and it all comes to a stunning conclusion! By Ryan Krupienski and Dino Pollard.

SuperNova: Omega – SuperNova (13)
The Phoenix vs. Cassandra Nova! ‘Nuff said! By Ryan Krupienski and Dino Pollard.
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