After discovering that their parents were really the Pride, the criminal masterminds of the Los Angeles underworld, six kids ran away in order to figure out just how they could strike back against their parents and their lies. When they did this, they discovered that their parents had not only been holding back the truth about their jobs, but also about their birthrights. When the Pride was gunned down at its annual meeting in the underwater Vivarium by a group called Control, the GIbborim, the demigods who backed the Pride, gave control over the city to the kids by appointing them both its protectors and its masterminds.
Although the most recent incarnation of the Champions was only brought together by the trouble the New Warriors found themselves in, most members of the group have history together as members of the original team of New Warriors. After relocating to Los Angeles, the team has encountered such threats as Lady Octopus’ MGH drug ring as their trial by fire in their new environment.
Witness to Dr. Strange during mystical combat, Ian learned he was part of a world few could comprehend. Spending the next ten years perfecting his abilities, he later challened Dr Strange for title of Sorcerer Supreme. Humbled by the defeat, Ian has dedicated himself to furthering his knowledge in magic. An avid follower of the tarot, McNee often finds himself drawn places with no idea as to what his purpose there is or why his assistance is needed.

Runaways #13 – Threaded Moon (1)
The Runaways have survived their parents, hired villains, and gigantic biblical creatures. Now, as they attempt to run the city in their parents’ stead, will the kids be able to face an army of the undead? And what’s the vampires’ connection to Clan Minoru? Find out in part one of “Threaded Moon” by Hunter Lambright!

Runaways #14 – Threaded Moon (2)
Blade’s in town and as always, he’s looking for vampires. In Los Angeles, that makes Topher his prime target. And while the Runaways prepare to confront the vampires on their own, Chase is utilizing his own methods, by seeking out the help of the Pusher Man to find a way to take on the undead! “Threaded Moon” continues, by Hunter Lambright!

Champions #4 – Twilight of a New Moon
Vampires have invaded Los Angeles and the West Coast Avengers are unavailable! That means the task falls to the Champions, or what’s left of them! Can Silhouette, Firestar, Justice, Lightspeed and Nova stand up to the undead menace on their own? Meanwhile, back at their base, Turbo and new arrivals Bill Foster and Jessica Jones have problems of their own! Find out more in “Twilight of a New Moon,” a tie-in to the “Threaded Moon” story-arc in Runaways by Scott Redmond!

Runaways #15 – Threaded Moon (3)
Alex Wilder faces off against Baron Blood! But wait…isn’t Baron Blood dead? Then who is this guy and what is his connection to Topher? And how will Master Pandemonium, Jinx and the Dream Weaver factor into these plans? Find out as “Threaded Moon” comes closer to its conclusion, by Hunter Lambright!

Amazing Fantasy #21 – Roadkill
Vampires have taken over Los Angeles, leaving Ian McNee trapped in a diner with four others, with only a “Home, Sweet Home” sign to keep the vampires at bay! Will the five survive the creatures of the night, or will the untimely arrival of some unexpected visitors throw the precarious balance out of whack? Find out in “Roadkill,” a tie-in to the “Threaded Moon” crossover, by Hunter Lambright.

Champions #5 – Night of the Vampires
Silhouette has been transformed into a vampire! Can her teammates reach her in time to save her before the change becomes permanent? Also, can Namorita help Darkhawk kick his addiction to mutant growth hormone? Find out in the second part of this “Threaded Moon” tie-in, “Night of the Vampires” by Scott Redmond!

Runaways #16 – Threaded Moon (4)
There is only a small window to defeat the vampire known as Topher. And in order to do it, the Runaways will have to ally themselves not only with Blade, but also the new Baron Blood! Also, Nico discovers some shocking mysteries about her own family! Read the conclusion to “Threaded Moon” by Hunter Lambright!
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