Helmut Zemo is the thirteenth man to bear the title of Baron Zemo. His father, Heinrich Zemo, fought Captain America during World War II and Helmut himself clashed with Captain America a few times, first as the Phoenix and later as Baron Zemo. The leader of many incarnations of the Masters of Evil, Zemo was also the architect of the Thunderbolts while posing as Citizen V. Now, seemingly reformed, Zemo has once more taken up leadership of the Thunderbolts, but his belief this time is that the only way the Thunderbolts can save the world is by ruling it. He now possesses two moonstones.
A genius inventor, P. Norbert Ebersol once worked for HYDRA. As the Fixer, he and Baron Zemo have worked together in numerous incarnations of the Masters of Evil, and Fixer was the only one of the original Thunderbolts who remained by Zemo’s side. Now, he continues to stay by Zemo’s side, once again finding himself among the Thunderbolts. Armed with his techpac, the Fixer is able to command a wide variety of weaponry.
A former Russian spy, Emil Blonsky exposed himself to the same amount of gamma radiation that transformed Bruce Banner into the Incredible Hulk. The exposure transformed Blonsky into an amphibious creature called the Abomination. Although he retained his mental faculties, he could no longer revert to human form. Frequently terrorizing various heroes throughout the years, the Abomination has now joined Zemo’s Thunderbolts, serving as a member of a secret branch of that team.
Dr. Chen Lu was a brilliant physicist in China ordered to find a way to defeat Thor. Exposing himself to small doses of radiation at first, he was able to survive a full-on blast, granting him the ability to control all forms of radiation. After failing to defeat Thor, the Radioactive Man joined a few versions of the Masters of Evil. However, in Vietnam he worked as a crime fighter and although he joined the recent incarnation of the Masters of Evil, he possesses a desire to perform some good in the world.
Originally a low-level telepath, Marvin Flumm was recruited into SHIELD as a candidate for their ESP Division. However, he teamed with the Fixer in a failed attempt to take over the agency. Frequently working with the Fixer and often in the employ of Hydra, Flumm later joined the Resistants as Think Tank. With his powers later amplified, Mentallo mostly worked alone although occasionally in the employ of AIM or the Red Skull. Recently, he was used by Zemo in a recent scheme but has joined the Thunderbolts. His true loyalties remain unclear.
The daughter of Jason Wyngarde, the original Mastermind and half-sister to Martinique Jason, the former X-Man also called Mastermind. Regan Wyngarde, like her half-sister, inherited her father’s mutant ability to generate complex illusions. However, unlike Martinique, Regan has chosen to use those powers in the same manner as her father—for her own personal gain and amusement. Recently held captive by Baron Zemo in his quest to conquer the world, Lady Mastermind has no memory of that encounter and has joined Zemo’s Thunderbolts.
A vicious sociopath, little is known about the history of Leonard Lester. Gifted with incredibly precise aim, anything can become a weapon in the hands of Bullseye, even mundane objects such as paper clips or pencils. This innate ability as well as his own violent tendencies led Bullseye to lead the life of an assassin. Also possessing an adamantium spine, Bullseye recently joined Zemo’s Thunderbolts. He has no desire to make the world a better place, he simply wants the ability to kill people and to be paid handsomely for his talents.
Mark Scarlotti was once a brilliant technician working for Stark before a desire for a life of luxury led him to create a sophisticated metal whip and take on the identity of Whiplash, becoming an operative of the Maggia. Later coming into the employ of Justin Hammer, Scarlotti received an upgrade to his technology and took on the identity of Blacklash. Diagnosed as manic-depressive, he attempted to reform, but his wife was killed by an assassin and custody of his son was given to his parents. With no options left, he began working for Hammer again before Zemo gave him a better offer.
Simon Maddicks was a soldier in the United States Army, but for unknown reasons, much of his past remains a mystery to him. Roxxon hired him as a mercenary and a miniature anti-gravity generator was implanted in his spine to grant him the ability of flight. He also underwent extensive conditioning which enhanced his strength other physical abilities. Given an armored suit equipped with electrified talons, the Killer Shrike has become a deadly and skilled mercenary, one whose abilities have recently led him to being offered membership in the Thunderbolts.
A former partner of Joseph Manfredi, the first Blackwing, Steven Levins was a professional criminal who took on the Jack O’Lantern identity and equipment once used by Jason Macendale. As the Jack O’Lantern, Levins battled Spider-Man and Captain America and even served as a member of the Red Skull’s Skeleton Crew for a time. Now, Levins has surfaced once more as a member of Zemo’s Thunderbolts, but for what purpose remains unknown.
A former Olympic swimmer, Todd Arliss damaged his spinal cord while trying to rescue a drowning man. Desperate to regain his swimming ability, Arliss participates in an experiment conducted by Dr. Dorcas, who blends Arliss’ DNA with Namor, the Sub-Mariner as well as that of a tiger shark. Mutated at the genetic level, Arliss also became more vicious and predatory as a result of his transformation. Now, Arliss has mutated further, transformed into a shark/human hybrid, complete with razor-sharp claws and teeth.
As a child, Cletus Kasady was extremely antisocial, making him the target of ridicule and abuse in an orphanage. By the time Kasady reached his twenties, he had been convicted of eleven murders, although claims responsibility for many more. While sharing a cell with Eddie Brock, the alien symbiote broke Brock out but left a trace behind. That trace of the symbiote bonded with Kasady, transforming him into a vicious creature called Carnage. Living life by an absurdist philosophy, Carnage believes all human beings are inherently evil and chaos is the only true law.

Thunderbolts #1 – The Gathering Storm (1)
In the wake of Noh-Varr’s attack, Hawkeye and Diamondback discover that the Masters of Evil have resurfaced, and the threat they pose this time is far more serious than it’s ever been in the past! And Baron Zemo makes good on his promise of reforming by taking control of the Thunderbolts, but his way of saving the world isn’t exactly heroic! A new era for Marvel’s most wanted begins in part one of “The Gathering Storm,” by George Cameron!

Thunderbolts #2 – The Gathering Storm (2)
The Masters of Evil are back in a big way, complete with a network of cells across the planet! In response, Hawkeye and Diamondback begin recruiting a team of their own to take on the Masters and their first recruit is none other than Harrier! Meanwhile, will Baron Zemo and Moonstone reveal the truth of these new Masters to the rest of the Thunderbolts? Read part two of “The Gathering Storm,” by George Cameron!

Thunderbolts #3 – The Gathering Storm (3)
Crimson Cowl’s new Masters of Evil have targetted a truck full of unassembled nuclear warheads, and only the Thunderbolts stand in their way! It’s the Thunderbolts against the Masters of Evil in an all-out brawl with Diamondback as the sole witness! Meanwhile, Hawkeye and Harrier hit the bars to search for another recruit. Also, what is the secret kept within Stormfront-1? “The Gathering Storm” continues, with the new creative team of Curt Fernlund and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #4 – The Gathering Storm (4)
Vantage stumbled upon Baron Zemo’s plans and was subsequently captured by the Fixer! After a visit to the behavior modification unit, Vantage is completely ignorant of any wrongdoing on Zemo’s part. Meanwhile, the Masters of Evil invade a Hydra base and Hawkeye recruits another Redeemer! Also, just what is Songbird planning? Find out as “The Gathering Storm” continues, by Curt Fernlund and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #5 – The Gathering Storm (5)
Baron Zemo’s plans come closer to fruition as the Masters Of Evil acquire yet another target – MODOK! And in the meantime, Hawkeye rallies the new Redeemers in hopes of taking down Zemo once and for all. What shocking ally has the Thunderbolts’ former leader brought into the fold, though? And just what is Moonstone’s next move? The action continues in part five of “The Gathering Storm” by Curt Fernlund & Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #6 – The Gathering Storm (6)
Zemo’s psychic plan comes to a head as Thunderbolts battle Masters of Evil battle Redeemers in a dynamic showdown. But even if one group comes on top of the other, will it be Zemo who walks away champion? Look no further than part six of “The Gathering Storm” by Curt Fernlund and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #7 – The Gathering Storm (7)
Zemo’s plans reach fruition while the world reacts in chaos. Will Songbird and Atlas be able to stand their own against the new Swordsman? Find out what Moonstone up to, playing both sides against the middle. Can the White House stand before a new regime, or will Zemo find that someone has already beaten him to the punch? Look no further than “Brave New World” by Curt Fernlund and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts 2008 Annual – Villains in White Hats
The world has changed, and the not for the better! The Thunderbolts take it upon themselves to find their leader after his disappearance at the end of the last issue, but chances are someone else has a few surprises up their sleeve. See it all in “Villains In White Hats” by Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #8 – Dark Knights (1)
Now that the Red Skull is out of the picture, Baron Zemo has three Moonstones in his possession and two teams of Thunderbolts. Now the question is, what is his next plan and how does it involve the psychotic mass murderer called Carnage? “Dark Knights” begins a new era for Marvel’s Most Wanted, by Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #9 – Dark Knights (2)
Zemo’s secret Thunderbolts have freed Cletus Kasady from prison and they have the Carnage symbiote as well. Why does Zemo want Carnage? What sort of deal does he intend to make with this psychopath? Meanwhile, Hawkeye is at the mercy of…Citizen V and the V-Battalion? Find out more as “Dark Knights” continues, by Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #10 – Dark Knights (3)
Hawkeye alone with Baron Zemo, although it looks like Helmut has a task and a special offer for the former Avenger, one that involves ending Baron Strucker’s reign of evil. Is Hawkeye willing to exchange one evil for another? And what secrets will the Thunderbolts discover about the shadowy organization called Control? Find out as “Dark Knights” continues, by Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #11 – Dark Knights (4)
As some of the Thunderbolts mull over their recent actions in Arizona and ponder the question of what they’ve become, Baron Strucker and Justin Hammer are busy making plans of their own! Plans that involve Hawkeye and the V-Battalion! But are they unwitting puppets or co-conspirators? Find out in the conclusion to “Dark Knights” by Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #12 – Masters and Slaves (1)
In order to strike a blow against Control, Baron Zemo needs a weapon, one that has information that may be useful to him. That means the Thunderbolts have to break Control’s prized weapon out of confinement at the Raft, the Super Soldier called Nuke! It’s the beginning of a dangerous new direction for Marvel’s Most Wanted as “Masters and Slaves” begins, by Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #13 – Masters and Slaves (2)
Baron Zemo has one of Control’s prized weapons in his possession, the vicious super soldier called Nuke! And he’s got it aimed right at Strucker! What will Nuke find when the Thunderbolts unleash him against the forces of Hydra? All this and more on the Masters of Evil! “Masters and Slaves” continues, by Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #14 – Masters and Slaves (3)
Is the Ringer Thunderbolts material? That’s what Baron Zemo wants to know, so he sends a squad out to test the villain. But can the Ringer stand up to the might of MACH-IV, Jack O’Lantern, Tiger Shark and Carnage? And what is Zemo’s true purpose? Also, more on Citizen V and Hawkeye as “Masters and Slaves” continues, by Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #15 – Masters and Slaves (4)
Who is the Wizard working for? Because it seems like he’s double-dealing on Baron Strucker! Also, why did Strucker want the Ringer to join his team in the first place? All this, plus a sparring match between Blizzard and the Jack O’Lantern quickly turns into something much more deadly! “Masters and Slaves” continues by Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #16 – Masters and Slaves (5)
Baron Wolfgang von Strucker attempts to bolster his ranks in preparations for the inevitable clash between two titanic forces, but Baron Zemo has plans of his own. Meanwhile, Melissa Gold is having second thoughts after Blizzard’s outrage last issue, but will anything come of them, or does associating with Zemo’s Thunderbolts truly make her as twisted as them? “Masters and Slaves” continues, by Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #17 – Masters and Slaves (6)
The Ringer gets punished for being an unknowing mole, while Klaw and Living Laser try to recruit Tiger Shark for the newest incarnation of the Masters of Evil! Plus, when Doctor Octopus plays both sides against the middle, the inevitable confrontation between the Barons comes to a head! It’s all here in part six of “Masters and Slaves” by Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #18 – Masters and Slaves (7)
Assault on Castle Zemo! Strucker sends his army of supervillains after the Thunderbolts and the ultimate prize? Nothing less than the head of Baron Zemo! But the Thunderbolts are no slouches and they quickly rise to the challenge. However, there are those on both sides who have their own agendas in mind. Just how will this play out for the warring Barons? Find out as “Masters and Slaves” continues by Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #19 – Masters and Slaves (8)
Baron Zemo comes up against a force of nature that even he might not have been able to plan for. Can he stand against the might of Graviton? Plus, as the forces of Baron Strucker fight the Thunderbolts, someone finds out that what they say about Hydra is true—Cut off one head, and another will take its place! Find out what that means in part eight of “Masters and Slaves,” by Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #20 – Masters and Slaves (Epilogue)
With the battle between the Barons over, those still alive are left to pick up the pieces. Andreas Strucker learns the meaning of “family business.” Pieces are shuffled across the chessboard as a new grandmaster makes its way to the stage. Plus, Hawkeye comes to Songbird and makes her an offer she can’t refuse! Find out how the story closes out and how the next pieces are up in the epilogue to “Masters and Slaves” by Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #21 – Cold Snap
For all of his life, Donnie Gill has been a disappointment. He failed to make the big leagues as the Blizzard, and he failed as a Thunderbolt. Now, he’s been given the chance to make up for everythingstarting with the destruction of MACH-IV! Meanwhile, back at Castle Zemo, Songbird and Hawkeye make their final choice regarding the Thunderbolts. Will they stay or will they go? For all of this and more, check out “Cold Snap,” by Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #22 – The Romulus Gambit (1)
Some time ago, Baron Strucker used Cassandra Romulus for his own Super Soldier experiments. Now with his death and his son looking to clean up his messes, will Cassandra be considered an asset or a danger? How can Zemo turn this to his advantage, and how does Mentallo fit into everything? Find out as “The Romulus Gambit” begins, by Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #23 – The Romulus Gambit (2)
Hydra’s esteemed assassin Dakani has few regrets in life, but she’s haunted by her one, glaring failure – defeat at the hands of Cassandra Romulus, a product of Hydra’s own super-soldier experiments gone rogue. Now the Swordsman, Andreas Von Strucker, is giving Dakani the opportunity to gain revenge – but her mission will be complicated by the unexpected involvement of Baron Zemo’s Thunderbolts . By Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard.

Thunderbolts #24 – The Romulus Gambit (3)
Zemo and Radioactive Man set plans in motion to play two of their enemies against each other, but the real action is between Dakini and Cassandra Romulus! With Fixer’s equipment down, he and Mentallo are at a disadvantage against Romulus! Can they take her out before they get taken out? And exactly who is on whose side in this game?

Thunderbolts #25 – Lunar Flare
Graviton has taken possession of the comatose Moonstone for his own plans, but just what does he have in mind? Does a man with his power have the ability to bring her back to consciousness? Plus, Baron Zemo meets with Mister E for information on Control as he inches closer to his endgame! The intrigue continues, by Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #26 – The Cardinal Rule
Since joining Zemo’s Thunderbolts, Jack O’Lantern has coasted by in easy situations without much thought given to his worth. That ends now. Will a mission into the Mojave Desert to perform recon on Harrier be his undoing? Plus, Radioactive Man and the Abomination begin work on what will lead down the road to CONSPIRACY! There’s trouble in this pit of vipers, and it’s all brought to you by Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #27 – Back in Black
After some less-than-satisfactory performance, some of the Thunderbolts are required to go on a recruiting mission in order to prove themselves! Can they perform a simple turn on Blacklash, or will they manage to botch it in the process? Plus, how does Blacklash’s current project factor into Zemo’s plan? Find out the answers here, by Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #28 – Renegades
Abomination and Carnage are sent on a mission to recruit the latest piece of the Thunderbolts army! Will they be able to talk to him before he tries to take their heads off? Plus, Justin Hammer does some recruiting of his own! What does he have in mind for the Fixer, and which familiar faces will he be using to exact his plan? It’s all the villainous violence you’ve come to know and love, by Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #29 – Random Violence
Under orders, Random takes on the Fixer! But with restlessness on the rise, can Zemo keep his team together long enough to find out who? By Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #30 – Crescendo (1)
You asked, and the guys responded! The series has built up to a brand-new story-arc as the sides have been set and all of these villains are prepared for a collision course that will end explosively! Get in now while you can, brought to you by Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #31 – Crescendo (2)
The various players begin arranging their pieces on the chessboard: Moonstone and Graviton make their move on Hydra, Justin Hammer approaches a powerful and dangerously-unpredictable figure as a potential ally, and both the Thunderbolts and the Masters of Evil plot their next move! But tensions are high in Castle Zemo, with certain Thunderbolts growing restless! More villainous action, from Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #32 – Crescendo (3)
Fixer leads a team against Roxxon in pursuit of what’s hidden in some convoys but before they can strike, another team is after the same products! Roxxon is the least of their worries now! Elsewhere, Swordsman meets with Justin Hammer in what is promised to be worth his time, but is it or will blood be spilled? Written by Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard.

Thunderbolts #33 – Crescendo (4)
Swordsman makes new alliances to strengthen his power but can they be trusted? Written by Dino Pollard and Steve Seinberg.

Thunderbolts #34 – Crescendo (5)
Chess pieces shuffle around in the aftermath of last issue’s confrontation! Can Zemo find a way to maneuver the board so that he comes out on top? With all of the shifting allegiances and supervillainy you’ve come to love, don’t miss part five of “Crescendo,” by Steve Seinberg and Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #35 – All Hail The King (1)
Wheels turn within wheels as allegiances shift. Can Zemo win over a new ally? Moonstone and Graviton prepare to make a deal that could shift the tide for good, and Mentallo finds himself between a rock and a hard place! Traitorous intentions come to a head for a brawler-on-brawler throwdown you won’t want to miss, brought to you by Dino Pollard.

Thunderbolts #36 – All Hail The King (2)
The heady mix of villains working and living together proves too strong for Blacklash and Bulleyes to resist, while Zemo continues to consolidate power as he moves ever closer to Control. Meanwhile, the Swordsman strikes with a definitively final and atomic response! Find out what this means for the future of MO in Thunderbolts #36, by Dino Pollard!

Thunderbolts #37 – All Hail The King (III)
This is it, the final issue of Thunderbolts, and it’s going to end as every issue has – Not with a whimper, but a Bang! Even in the 11th hour, alliances shift, machinations are afoot and villains deal to limit the fall out of bad decisions, and forecast their successes – Read the Final, Brilliant take on Thunderbolts by Dino Pollard in Issue #37 “All Hail the King Part III”
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