Not much is known about the man called Logan. A mutant gifted with an incredible healing factor, enhanced senses, and retractable claws, Wolverine is a veteran of several wars and black ops. The mysterious Weapon X program bonded his skeleton with the unbreakable metal called adamantium. As an agent of SHIELD, he was tasked by Nick Fury to be the X-Men’s field leader and he’s stayed with the team after they went underground.
Born and raised in Anchorage, Scott Summers lost his parents at an early age and was raised by his grandparents. Possessed of powerful optic blasts that must be kept at bay by a ruby quartz visor, he joined the X-Men after being attacked by the M-Squad. In the time since he joined the team, he’s come a long way, growing into a leader in his own right.
Hank McCoy’s mutation granted him simian-like hands and feet as well as superhuman strength and agility. Despite his appearance, he is possessed of an incredible intellect and he came a long way as a member of the X-Men. After being brutally tortured and left for dead by the Marauders, his body mutated even further in order to enable him to heal, a side-effect of which was growing a thick coat of blue fur over his body and becoming closer to his namesake—the Beast.
Unlike many mutants, Alison Blaire’s ability to transform sound into light proved to be a great asset, one that enabled her to become a young pop star. But when her mutant heritage was revealed, she had nowhere else to go and so she joined the X-Men. Since joining the team, she’s struggled to find her place with the team, but has nonetheless proved to be a valued member of the team.
John Proudstar’s mutation granted him superhuman strength, speed, and endurance. With those abilities, he became a football star and was headed towards a life of comfort. But after being attacked by the M-Squad, he had no choice but to join the X-Men. Although he sometimes clashes with his fellow teammates, he has a good heart and has stayed with the team through their darkest hours.
The son of the mutant terrorist Mystique, Kurt Darkholme was pressured by his mother into using his teleportation powers as a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants. But he turned on his mother when he saw the error of her ways and aided the X-Men in stopping the Brotherhood. Since then, he’s joined the X-Men, trying to redeem himself for his past sins.
Growing up in Russia, Piotr Rasputin had only one escape available to him, joining Mystique’s Brotherhood of Mutants. As a member of that team, he first met the X-Men as an opponent. After the Brotherhood’s defeat, Colossus was imprisoned and eventually ended up captive in a Black Air facility. When the X-Men went up against Black Air, Colossus helped them to defeat the mutant Proteus and then joined the team.

Ultimate X-Men #1 – Deadly New World (1)
In a new world, a war is brewing between humans and mutants, and the terrorist called Magneto is fanning the flames. To stem the tide, the President and Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD, consult Professor Charles Xavier to assemble a task force. By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #2 – Deadly New World (2)
Wolverine and Professor X track down their first recruit, pop star Alison Blaire, who has been targeted by the M-Squad! Also, Ororo Munroe breaks free from prison with the help of Gambit! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #3 – Deadly New World (3)
John Proudstar is targeted by the M-Squad, and it’s up to Wolverine to stop them! Meanwhile, Professor X seeks out some new recruits. By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #4 – Deadly New World (4)
The X-Men are coming together, and Wolverine leads the new recruits against the M-Squad to claim their latest member, Scott Summers! But while there, one of the X-Men will come face to face with Magneto! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #5 – Deadly New World (5)
The final member of the team faces off against the M-Squad, and Professor X meets Magneto to try and dissuade him from his present course! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #6 – Deadly New World (6)
Magneto attacks New York City! Can the X-Men face such a massive threat on their first mission? Find out here! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #7 – Blood Feud (1)
Wolverine seeks out an old colleague by the name of Mastermind, searching for information. Meanwhile, the mansion gets a dangerous visitor! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #8 – Blood Feud (2)
Blood Feud comes to a conclusion and Wolverine faces his former teammate and old enemy, Sabretooth! But who is pulling his strings? By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #9 – Honor Among Thieves
Fallout from Wolverine’s battle with Sabretooth as Logan and Professor X exchange some difficult words. Meanwhile, Ororo meets up with her old partner, Gambit! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #10 – Sinister Reckoning (1)
Cyclops is adjusting quite well to life in New York, even has a new girlfriend. But a surprise call from his brother summons him back to Alaska! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #11 – Sinister Reckoning (2)
Dazzler struggles with the loss of her music career while up in Alaska, Cyclops learns some shocking news about his grandparents! Who is the mysterious Sinister? By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #12 – Sinister Reckoning (3)
The X-Men come to Cyclops’ aid against Sinister, and Alex discovers his mutant powers! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #13 – Brothers in Arms (1)
Cyclops plans on telling his girlfriend that he’s a mutant and a member of the X-Men, but Wolverine has something to say about that! And the Brotherhood of Mutants strikes! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #14 – Brothers in Arms (2)
The assassination of Reverend Stryker heightens mutant/human tensions, with Gyrich wanting to strike against them. Meanwhile, the X-Men begin their own investigation! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #15 – Brothers in Arms (3)
The M-Squad attacks the X-Men, and the Brotherhood’s mysterious founder pays Professor X a visit. But does he know her? By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #16 – Brothers in Arms (4)
Learn about the history between Professor X and Mystique. And while the two teachers exchange words, their students battle to the death! But not everyone in the Brotherhood likes where things are going! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #17 – Dangerous Games (Prologue)
In the aftermath of their confrontation with the Brotherhood, the X-Men have taken in two new members—but they aren’t all that welcome. And events begin to be set in motion involving the mysterious Arcade and the Clan Yashida! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #18 – Dangerous Games (1)
Gambit has taken Storm from the mansion to help her wake from her coma, while Nick Fury gives Wolverine a new mission! Plus, more on Kitty Pryde and Arcade! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #19 – Dangerous Games (2)
Scott tells his girlfriend the truth, Logan infiltrates the Clan Yashida, Gambit approaches the mysterious Patriarch, and Kitty comes face to face with Arcade! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #20 – Dangerous Games (3)
In order to prove his worth to Shingen, Wolverine must battle the Clan Yashida’s top assassin—the Silver Samurai! And Kitty is brought before Fury with important information about Arcade’s viruses! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #21 – Dangerous Games (Conclusion)
Wolverine gets his first assignment from Shingen Yashida and Jean tries to reach Xavier, while Kitty and the X-Men work to stop Arcade. But an even greater threat looms in the shadows! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #22 – Rising Sun (1)
Shingen’s first assignment for Logan is to go after his nephew, Shiro Yoshida. But Logan quickly discovers that Shiro has some secrets of his own! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #23 – Rising Sun (2)
Shiro and Leyu Yoshida send their assassins after their cousin, Mariko! And Logan is the only one who can protect her! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #24 – Rising Sun (3)
Wolverine and Mariko face off against Shiro’s latest assassin, Arkady Rossovich! Now the time has come for the endgame, not only of Shiro and Leyu, for for Logan to complete the mission he came to Japan for! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #25 – Weapon X (1)
The Shadow King begins his attack, using Storm as his puppet! And John Wraith has a solution, one that may prove far more dangerous! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #26 – Weapon X (2)
Rogue goes toe-to-toe with Storm, who is possessed by the Shadow King! And soon, Gambit! Can the X-Men prevent the situation from getting out of hand? By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #27 – Weapon X (3)
The X-Men and Gambit join forces against a team of mutants called Weapon X, led by the mysterious Cable! Meanwhile, the Shadow King consolidates his power and Wolverine returns! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #28 – Weapon X (4)
The X-Men are captives of Weapon X, and the Shadow King asserts more and more power over SHIELD and the White House! But now, Wolverine has returned, and he’s got a voice in his head… By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #29 – Weapon X (5)
Magneto is back! And the information he has about the Shadow King will shock you! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #30 – Weapon X (6)
Jean Grey returns to join the fight, but why is she calling herself Phoenix? Can the X-Men and Phoenix defeat the Shadow King, even with Magneto by their side? Also, a rematch between Wolverine and Sabretooth! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #31 – The Omega Mutant (1)
Wolverine has gone from Agent of SHIELD to Prisoner of SHIELD! But his fellow X-Men are coming to stage a break-out, alongside their new benefactor—Magneto! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #32 – The Omega Mutant (2)
The X-Men and Magneto journey to Muir Isle in order to locate Black Air, a mutant prison—and destroy it. But they’ve happened upon the facility on the worst possible time, and may be forced to alter their plans! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #33 – The Omega Mutant (3)
Beast and Dazzler are stuck in the London sewers with John Allerdyce. And over on Muir Isle, the X-Men and Pete Wisdom have just arrived at Black Air, where they learn just what it is they’re dealing with! By Dino Pollard.

Ultimate X-Men #34 – The Omega Mutant (4)
In the London sewers, Beast and Dazzler discover the mysterious Morlocks! Meanwhile, Wolverine and Wisdom have their first encounter with Proteus, and Nightcrawler discovers Colossus imprisoned in Black Air! “The Omega Mutant” continues, by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #35 – The Omega Mutant (5)
The X-Men vs. Proteus! Dazzler vs. Callisto! The conclusion to “The Omega Mutant,” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #36 – Savage Land (1)
Colossus settles into life with the X-Men while Phoenix and Nightcrawler investigate Magneto! A new story-arc begins in “Savage Land” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #37 – Savage Land (2)
Who is the mysterious Ka-Zar? What are the secrets of Avalon? And just what has Magneto been hiding from the rest of the X-Men? Answers abound as “Savage Land” continues, by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #38 – Savage Land (3)
Can the X-Men and the mysterious Ka-Zar face up to the fearsome power of Sauron? What is Magneto up to? And when Cyclops returns to New York, what sort of welcoming will he receive? Find out in part three of “Savage Land” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #39 – Savage Land (4)
The X-Men face off against the Acolytes and the secrets of Magneto are revealed in the conclusion to “SAVAGE LAND.”

Ultimate X-Men #40 – Mutant Massacre (1)
With Magneto out of commission, the X-Men are once again on their own. Plus, the Morlocks are back, but they might not last
long! Meet the Marauders in part one of “Mutant Massacre” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #41 – Mutant Massacre (2)
Meet Scalphunter, Arclight, Blockbuster, Riptide, Harpoon, and Vertigo – collectively known as the Marauders. Vicious killers hired for one, specific purpose – the slaughter of the Morlocks! It’s part two of “Mutant Massacre” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #42 – Mutant Massacre (3)
Against Riptide, Harpoon, and Blockbuster, the Beast stands alone to protect the young Morlock named Artie. Will the X-Men arrive in time to help him? Probably not. Part 3 of “Mutant Massacre” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #43 – Mutant Massacre (4)
The Beast’s life hangs in the balance and the only person who can help him is an old flame of Wolverine’s by the name of Cecilia Reyes! Plus, Shadowcat, Colossus, and Nightcrawler come face to face with the Marauders in Part 4 of “Mutant Massacre” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #44 – Mutant Massacre (5)
It’s the final showdown between the X-Men and the Marauders, and not everyone will walk away alive! Lives hang in the balance and in the end the X-Men will find themselves minus one in Part 5 of “Mutant Massacre” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #45 – MojoVision (1)
With Wolverine gone, the X-Men have set up shop in the Morlock tunnels and are adjusting to their change in status. But halfway across the world in Hollywood, the media mogul called Mojo is having some trouble with his prize star, Longshot! He needs a ratings boost, and fast! Part one of “MojoVision,” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #46 – MojoVision (2)
While Phoenix confronts Cyclops about the real reason Wolverine left the team, Mojo sends his casting agent, Spiral, and the warwolves to “audition” Dazzler! And what is Feng Tu? Find out in part two of “MojoVision,” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #47 – MojoVision (3)
Auditions have begun at MojoVision Studios! While the X-Men find themselves facing their own personal demons, Mojo has an offer for Dazzler—one that won’t sit well with his prized star, Longshot! “MojoVision” continues in this issue, by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #48 – MojoVision (4)
Longshot and Dazzler meet face-to-face for the first time! But will they become lovers or enemies? And just how will the X-Men be able to free themselves from Mojo’s “auditions”? Find out in the conclusion to “MojoVision,” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #49 – Family Ties (1)
Meet Christopher Summers, who calls himself Corsair and leads a group of space pirates called the Starjammers against the Shi’ar Empire, run by the evil D’Ken Nermani! But on a rescue mission to the Brood-infested planet of Hala, all is not as it seems. Find out the secret of the Starjammers in part one of “Family Ties,” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #50 – Family Ties (2)
Cyclops receives a surprise message from his brother, telling him to return to Anchorage. Does this have something to do with Corsair and what is Nick Fury’s involvement? Find out in part two of “Family Ties,” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #51 – Family Ties (3)
Is Corsair really the father of Cyclops? Has he been fighting the Shi’ar Empire as a member of the Starjammers, a team of space pirates? Or is he simply crazy? Answers abound in this latest issue, but they may also raise more questions for the X-Men. “Family Ties” continues, by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #52 – Family Ties (4)
The X-Men and Corsair are alone in a SHIELD research facility in Alaska and faced against an army of Brood warriors and waiting in the wings is the Brood Queen herself! But what is the secret about Corsair’s involvement in Project: SHIAR and if the X-Men survive the Brood, will Nick Fury let them walk away with the knowledge they’ve learned? Find out in the conclusion to “Family Ties,” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #53 – Bound By Honor (1)
Wolverine is back! Well… sort of. Since leaving the X-Men, he’s returned to Japan in order to be with Mariko Yashida. But Mariko has problems of her own when faced against the strength of Matsu’o Tsurayaba and the Hand! And when Matsu’o’s latest assassin, Cyber, comes calling, it’s up to Logan and the Silver Samurai to put aside their differences and take him down! Also, a look into the thoughts of Kitty Pryde in part one of “Bound By Honor,” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #54 – Bound By Honor (2)
After the death of Cyber, Matsu’o Tsurayaba decides to send his own personal assassin, a deadly woman with an adamantium skeleton and claws which rival Wolverine’s! But what is the secret behind Yuriko Oyama’s adamantium? Is she somehow connected to Weapon X? Find out in the conclusion of “Bound By Honor,” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #55 – Phoenix Rising (1)
It’s the story everyone’s been waiting for! Cyclops convinces Wolverine to return to the X-Men and meanwhile, Jean’s dreams continue to grow more and more intense. Are they simply fantasies or is there more behind it? And how is the mysterious Hellfire Club involved? “Phoenix Rising” begins here, by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #56 – Phoenix Rising (2)
Wolverine is back with the X-Men, and it seems like he’s just in time. The Hellfire Club discusses their own plans for the Phoenix. And Jean Grey’s erotic dreams involving Martinique Jason continue to grow in their intensity. What does this mean for the Phoenix? Find out in part two of “Phoenix Rising” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #57 – Phoenix Rising (3)
The mysterious Hellfire Club has invited the X-Men to a charity event at the home of Sebastian Shaw. An event which benefits the mutant rights group called the Mutant Liberation Front. But why does Jean recognize the symbol of the Hellfire Club as the one from her dreams? Just what does the Hellfire Club have in store? “Phoenix Rising” continues, by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #58 – Phoenix Rising (4)
The X-Men are at the mercy of the Hellfire Club as well as their newest memberthe Phoenix! Can Cyclops save his teammate before she becomes corrupted by the influence of Emma Frost and Martinique Jason? Things aren’t looking too good for the mutants right now, but Wolverine is still alive… or is he? Discover the history of the Hellfire Club and their plans for Jean Grey in part four of “Phoenix Rising” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #59 – Phoenix Rising (5)
He may be down, but he’s not outWolverine fights his way up from the sewers through Shaw’s mansion in order to reach the Hellfire Club! But he may be too late to save Jean before the Phoenix Force and En Sabah Nur take possession of her vast power! “Phoenix Rising” continues, by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #60 – Phoenix Rising (6)
Jean Grey has been possessed by the power of Sabah an-Nur and the Phoenix! Can the X-Men save their friend before she brings about the Apocalypse? Is there even anything left of Jean to save? Find out the fate of the Phoenix in the conclusion of “Phoenix Rising” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #61 – Clash of the Titans (1)
Sebastian Shaw, in addition to being the leader of the Hellfire Club before he was killed by the Phoenix, was also a friend of the President of the United States. Now, the President has a personal vendetta against the X-Men and even more reason to push for their elimination. Nick Fury has a possible solution. A team of Super Soldiers hand-picked by himself to take down the X-Men once and for all. A team the President has chosen to call… the Avengers! “Clash of the Titans” begins here, by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #62 – Clash of the Titans (2)
The death of Phoenix has taken a toll on the X-Men, particularly Cyclops who was forced to deliver her killing blow. But there’s little time for reflection on the X-Men’s chosen path when Fury unleashes his newest project on the team—the Avengers! It’s Earth’s Mightiest Heroes versus Marvel’s Merry Mutants as “Clash of the Titans” continues, by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #63 – Clash of the Titans (3)
The Avengers have captured the X-Men and are now holding them prisoner at the Triskelion. Cyclops and Wolverine are their only hope for a rescue, but first an old friend by the name of Pete Wisdom has some secrets he’d like to get off his chest… But will any of this matter when Gyrich and Stryker plan to unleash the Man From Room X? Find out as “Clash of the Titans” continues, by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #64 – Clash of the Titans (4)
Pete Wisdom is dead at the hands of one of Weapon X’s top assassinsâDeadpool! Can Wolverine and Cyclops stand up to this vicious madman, especially when he has a supercharged version of Logan’s healing factor? They might need the help of a certain Living Legend… Meanwhile, Brent Jackson begins his own torture of the captive X-Men, but will it get him more than he bargained for? All this and more as “Clash of the Titans” continues, by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #65 – Clash of the Titans (5)
The X-Men’s tenure as enemies of the United States comes to a halt as they must unite with the Avengers against a common enemy! Onslaught is on the loose, and has reprogrammed an army of Sentinels with one goal in mind – wipe out humanity! Can he be stopped? The action continues in part five of “Clash Of The Titans” by Dino Pollard!

Ultimate X-Men #66 – Clash of the Titans (6)
The X-Men and Avengers band together and take a final stand against the creature called Onslaught! What terrifying discovery do they make about the monster along the way, though, and at what cost might they finally defeat it? It’s the end of an era as the series comes to close in the shocking finale of “Clash Of The Titans” by Dino Pollard!
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