One of the founding members of the X-Men, Warren Worthington III possesses large, feathered wings which give him the power of flight. After serving as a member of the X-Men under the name Archangel as well as X-Factor, the Defenders and the Champions, Warren has now chosen a new vocation. Along with Melissa Bennett, Warren has converted his company, Worthington Industries, into the X-Corporation, dedicated to promoting positive relations between humans and mutants across the world.
When his father was murdered, T’Challa succeeded him as King of Wakanda and soon after donned the ceremonial garb of the Black Panther. While possessing no actual superpowers, T’Challa is a skilled fighter and is the pinnacle of physical perfection. After meeting Captain America, T’Challa was offered a place in the Avengers, and he accepted, serving a lengthy time on the team. Eventually he returned to his royal duties in Wakanda and found the country had slipped into a state of turmoil during his absence. He is now splitting his time evenly between Wakanda and X-Corporation.
Janet Van Dyne is a high-profile socialite and one of the founding members of the Avengers. After her father, a world-renowned scientist, was murdered, Janet contacted his colleague, Henry Pym, and vowed to dedicate her life to fighting crime. Through use of the Pym Particles, Janet gained the ability to shrink herself to a miniature size and fire off small bolts of energy, and became the Wasp. Over the years she has been a mainstay of the Avengers and even served as its leader as Wasp. Now she works with X-Corporation in Hong Kong.
After her parents died, Ororo Munroe grew up on the streets of Cairo, living as a street thief and a pickpocket. When Ororo’s mutant ability of weather manipulation manifested, she travelled to Kenya and was worshipped by the villagers there as a goddess. It was there that she was found by Charles Xavier and accepted his offer to join the X-Men. As Storm, Ororo served as a stalwart member of the X-Men for many years, even leading them on many occasions. After the death of Xavier, Storm left the X-Men to take charge of the X-Corporation branch in Cairo.
Given powers similar to Captain America by the Power Broker, John Walker became a corporate-sponsored superhero called the Super-Patriot. When Steve Rogers stepped down as Captain America, the CSA chose Walker to replace him. Once Rogers reclaimed the Captain America mantle, Walker took on the identity of the USAgent, serving as a member of the West Coast Avengers and Force Works. After serving with the Jury and the Commission on Superhuman Activities, Walker was appointed head of security for the X-Corporation.
James “Rhodey” Rhodes is an old friend of Tony Stark’s and served as Iron Man in his absence while working at Stark Enterprises. Rhodes eventually received a suit of his own and became War Machine, serving on the West Coast Avengers and Force Works. After a falling out with Stark, Rhodes struck out on his own with the War Machine armor. Since then, he retired from superheroics and formed Rhodes Recovery, a marine salvage operation. Now, Rhodes is the division head of the Los Angeles branch of X-Corporation.
Sam Wilson suffered an emotional breakdown and turned to a life of crime as the Falcon after his parents were murdered. While on an assignment for a minion of the Red Skull, Sam realized the error of his ways and joined Captain America in defeating the Skull. He was subsequently given a better Falcon suit outfitted with jet-powered wings, thanks to the Black Panther, and joined the Avengers. Now, the Falcon operates with the X-Corporation in Chicago.
Doctor Walter Newell, an oceanographer, worked for the United States government. While supervising construction of a domed sub-sea experimental city, he befriended Prince Namor. Armed with a battle suit that enhances his strength, durability, allows him to breathe underwater and can discharge electricity, Newell became the Stingray. Although a reluctant superhero, Newell has served as a reserve member of the Avengers on several occasions and is now chosen to head up the Sydney branch of X-Corporation.
Jamie Madrox possesses the mutant ability to create multiple doppelgangers of himself through physical force. Serving as Moira MacTaggert’s lab assistant for many years, Jamie eventually joined the government-sponsored team, X-Factor and worked among them as the Multiple Man. After his apparent death at the hands of the Legacy Virus, it turned out Jamie lived on in the form of one of his doubles. Now he runs the Toronto branch of X-Corporation.

X-Corporation #1 – Holy Land (1)
No, you’re not seeing things! After a long wait, X-Corporation is finally here! Warren Worthington plans to open an X-Corporation office in Jerusalem, but the Israelis may not be too happy about a pro-mutant organization operating in their holy city! Meet the division heads of the X-Corporation in part one of “Holy Land,” by Eric Faynberg!

X-Corporation #2 – Holy Land (2)
Mousa al-Ghoul has been behind numerous terrorist attacks in Israel and now he has his eyes set on getting rid of the X-Corporation! But Warren and the other X-Corp board members have plans of their own, because they’ve discovered al-Ghoul’s dirty little secret! It’s the conclusion of “Holy Land,” by Eric Faynberg!
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