

He entered the pub on the east end, a long trench coat hiding his clothing. His brown hair reached down just past his jawline and he wore a pair of sunglasses. In the back of the bar, he saw a man seated at a table in the corner, partially obscured by shadows. A lit cigarette was held between the man’s fingers.

The man in the coat walked to the back and once he approached, the smoking man gestured to the chair. He leaned back as his guest took a seat. “So, you’re the infamous Remy LeBeau.”

“That I am, m’sieur.” Remy gestured to the cigarette. “Got one of those I can borrow?”

The man placed a weathered pack of Silk Cuts and a Zippo lighter on the table, sliding them over to Remy. The Cajun thief drew one out and lit it as the man began to speak with an English accent.

“We’ve got some mutual friends, Mr. LeBeau. You come highly recommended.”

“Good references are important. ‘Specially in my line of work, mon ami.”

“I appreciate you coming all this way. London’s a bit of a journey from Genosha.”

Remy lowered his glasses, showing off his unique eyes. The sclera was completely black whereas the iris and pupil were a deep red that seemed to glow slightly. “Who said anyt’in’ about Genosha”

The other man just smiled. “Relax, old son. We’re playin’ for the same team.”

“Gambit only plays for his own team, homi. N’cest pas?”

The Englishman took a long drag on his cigarette and laid a photograph on the table. He slid it across. Gambit picked it up and examined it as he puffed on his own cigarette.

“You recognize that girl?”

Remy did. Long black hair pulled into a tight bun with bangs framing her face. Pale white skin. He didn’t have much face-to-face experience with her, but knew her from the X-Men’s files.

“What you want with Sebastian Shaw’s Girl Friday?”

“Tessa Hartley has been working with the Hellfire Club for a number of years as an aide both for Sebastian and, when he was presumed dead, his son Shinobi.”


“In reality, she was a double-agent, working for an organization I’ve currently got ties to.”

“Très intéressant… What organization would that be?”

“She was recruited and trained by none other than Charles Xavier.”

Gambit cocked an eyebrow. “Charlie X trained Tessa?”

The man nodded. “But now, there’s been a problem. Shaw’s been tipped off to her true nature. And he’s not too happy. That’s where you come in.”

“You want her extracted, eh?” asked Gambit.

“Smart lad. Shaw’s presently in London and Tessa is with him. But we have reason to belief her health may deteriorate unless we do something.”

“So why me?” asked Gambit. “Don’t your organization have people who can get her out?”

“Absolutely. But that’d be risking heavy exposure. You and your partner have the ability to get in and out without causing too much of a mess and without compromising my people.”

“You pay?”

“Your usual fee plus ten per cent.”

“Not bad. But you should know I don’t really need the money. Workin’ for someone when I don’t know ‘em from Adam, that’s risky for me. An’ my partner.” Gambit took a slow drag on the cigarette. “So my question for you is who are you an’ who do you work for?”

“Apologies for my lack of manners.” He stomped out the cigarette in the ashtray and leaned forward. For the first time, Gambit got a good look at him. The Englishman wore a wrinkled dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the collar open. His black tie hung loose and he had short black hair and a matching goatee.

“My name’s Pete Wisdom. I work with the Underground.”


Part I

By Chris Munn and Dino Pollard

Hammer Bay

Alex Summers stood looking out at the sunset over the ocean. The man called Havok excused himself when he and his teammates returned to Genosha. While scouting for a potential new base of operations, Havok and two of his teammates, Avalanche and Phoenix, were captured by the Reavers. It was the intervention of Warpath and Magneto who liberated them.

But more importantly was who the Reavers were working for—the Reverend William Stryker. Havok remembered witnessing the old bigot, but couldn’t quite recall the events. His memory was muddled, probably had something to do with the upgraded technology the Reavers possessed.

“You’ve been quiet.”

Havok glanced over his shoulder. Erik Lehnsherr, also known as Magneto, the Master of Magnetism, hovered above. He wore a dark outfit that made him look like what he was—a head of state. It was given his own signature touch with the purple cape that billowed in the wind and the familiar red helmet.

Magneto lowered himself to Havok’s level, but his feet did not touch the ground. “You’ve barely said a word since Australia.”

“Just been thinking, that’s all,” said Havok. “Where are the others?”

“Jean informed me that Xorn and Stacy have prepared their own mission and they took Chamber and Skullfire with them,” said Magneto.

“What about Gambit and Lila?”

Magneto shook his head. “On one of LeBeau’s personal heists, no doubt. What’s troubling you, Alex?”

Havok smirked. “I’m troubled?”

“So it would seem.”

Havok sighed. “Guess I’m trying to figure out just what it is we’re doing out here. If I’ve done my job properly vetting all our players.”

“You suspect someone isn’t what they seem?”

“I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the Reavers turned up in Australia while we were there. Doesn’t seem likely they’d risk returning after X-Corps was stationed there so recently. They’d know we were watching the place, so why take that chance?”

“A traitor?”

Havok nodded. “I don’t want to believe it, but that seems the likeliest explanation. And if there’s someone in our group who isn’t what they seem, then we’ve got to sniff ‘em out. Things are too volatile right now to take any chances.”

“Agreed,” said Magneto. “Have you spoken with Scott about this theory?”

Havok’s eyes bulged. “Excuse me?”

“Scott,” said Magneto evenly. “Have you told him there may be a traitor?”

Havok turned and faced Magneto. “Why would I tell Scott anything? He’s got no part of this, he’s probably the one who sent Storm and the others afte—”

“Don’t insult my intelligence, Alex,” said Magneto. “Did you really think I’d believe you were operating out of Genosha, with Jean’s knowledge and consent, without her husband being the slightest bit aware of the situation? Scott Summers is too smart for that, and so am I.”

“How long have you known?” asked Havok.

“I’ve had my suspicions from the beginning. The instant you and your team made your presence known on the world stage, Cyclops would have instantly pursued you, the fact that he didn’t shows he had a reason. And when he came to live in Genosha with Jean, I knew his ignorance was impossible.”

Havok nodded. “You’re right, Scott knows. He was the first person I brought this idea to.”

The X-Men’s leader walked past Magneto and the Master of Magnetism’s eyes followed Alex Summers. “Is there anything else you’re keeping from me?”

Havok didn’t break stride. “Would it surprise you if there was?”

“Welcome back to the Todd Keller Show. Today we’ve got two special guests. Here with me in the studio is Senator Robert Kelly. Evening, Senator.”

Kelly sat across from the plump, blond-haired pundit and smiled. “Thanks for having me, Todd.”

“The topic of the night is mutants,” said Keller. “The progressives in this country would have you believe that, despite their incredibly destructive powers and their numerous attempts to conquer the world, that mutants are just ‘normal’ people.” Keller emphasized that word by making scare quotes with his fingers. “Senator, you once sponsored the Mutant Control Act, which was unfortunately defeated. And now, you’ve had a change of heart. You’ve even sponsored the Mutant Rights Act, which has hit a wall as of late.”

“You’re right, I did have a change of heart and I’ll tell you why—Operation: ZERO Tolerance,” said Kelly. “This program, launched by an overzealous government operative, initially earned my support because I was under the assumption that it would locate and apprehend mutants who pose a threat to society. Instead, the program was violating the civil rights of an untold number of American citizens. I immediately withdrew my support and spearheaded the movement to shut it down with the aid of SHIELD.”

“And now you receive quite a lot of political donations from the X-Corporation, which is a known front company for a mutant militia,” said Keller. “Isn’t that true, Senator?”

“Todd, all politicians accept contributions from corporations. In fact, many of the ones you regularly endorse receive far more corporate contributions than I do.”

“That’s just not true, I don’t endorse any politicians on my program,” said Keller.

Kelly chuckled. “Of course you don’t.”

“You’re avoiding the question, Senator.”

“Actually, I think I answered it.”

“No you didn’t, isn’t it true that the X-Corporation is a front company for a mutant militia?”

Without skipping a beat, Kelly said simply, “no.”

“No?” asked Keller. “What about this X-Corps program?”

“That was shut down.”

“And what about the X-Men?”

“The Xavier Institute is a school for mutants,” said Kelly. “They receive support from numerous contributors, the X-Corporation is among them.”

“But the X-Corporation was founded by one of the X-Men. And some of those mutants also sit on the board of directors.”

“As do former Avengers,” said Kelly.

“But there’s no denying the danger mutants pose. Going unchecked, they’ve caused countless deaths, not to mention incredible property damage.”

“Todd, is Doctor Doom a mutant?”

“What? No, but—”

“The Red Skull?”



“What’s your point, Senator?” asked Keller.

“My point is that when you break it down, there are as many non-mutant megalomaniacs as mutant ones. Probably even more,” said Kelly.

“But the United Nations gave Magneto his own country.”

“The United Nations appointed Jean Grey-Summers as President of Genosha. Erik Lehnsherr is Vice-President.”

“And the country is a known launching ground for a mutant terrorist organization that calls itself the X-Men,” said Keller. “What about that, Senator? What connection do they have to your beloved Xavier Institute?”

“None whatsoever. Those terrorists are using that name without any endorsement from the Xavier Institute. They’re suspected to be in Genosha but the Genoshan government has assured the international community that the organization has received no support from them.”

“And we’re to believe the word of a genocidal madman?” asked Keller.

“Genosha is a democracy, Todd. If you want to talk about genocidal madmen, what about all the very human dictators who populate the world?” asked Kelly.

“Those dictators can’t tear cities apart with a wave of their hand, Senator.”

“Todd, my wife was killed as the result of a mutant-related battle. So I understand the potential danger—”

“So you admit that they do pose a danger.”

Kelly’s gaze steeled. “A potential danger. Just as assault weapons pose a potential danger. Yet you’re against gun regulation, Todd.”

“The Constitution specifically grants the right to bear arms. Constitution says nothing about mutants.”

“‘No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of the citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws,’” said Kelly. “That’s the Fourteenth Amendment, Todd.”

“Mutant registration doesn’t violate the Fourteenth Amendment,” said Keller.

“Just like gun registration doesn’t violate the Second Amendment?” asked Kelly.

“You’re twisting things around and I’m not going to get into this with you,” said Keller. “We’re here to talk about mutants, Senator. Not guns, mutants. And with that we’re going to bring in our second guest, live via satellite. He’s the founder and head pastor of the Kansas Humanity Church and also something of a controversial figure—Pastor Phillip Fredericks. Pastor, good evening.”

An image appeared on the monitor of an older man with short, white hair. He had a scowl on his face that he seemed to have to force into a smile. “Evening, Todd. Senator.”

“Pastor, you started off as a deacon in Reverend William Stryker’s Church of Humanity but a few years ago, you and your family broke away and formed your own church. Why is that?”

“It’s simple, Todd. Reverend Stryker wouldn’t take the necessary steps to spread the word about the abomination of mutie garbage that’s dragging America into the depths of Hell,” said Fredericks.

“You run the site GodHatesMuties.com,” said Keller. “And on the main page, you have an image of the late Charles Xavier with an X over his face and a slogan that reads: ‘Xavier burns in Hell, let’s send his students to join him.’”

“It’s garbage of the highest order,” said Kelly. “I knew Charles Xavier personally. He was a brilliant man and an extremely decent human being.”

You’re garbage of the highest order, you mutie-enabler!” shouted Fredericks. “I’m not surprised this mutie-enabling *beep* has betrayed his own species. He’s a genejoke whore-monger who will burn for his sins.”

“That’s absolutely uncalled for!” said Kelly.

“I agree. Pastor, please restrain yourself,” said Keller. “Let’s keep this civil.”

“You can’t talk civil with those who congregate with the Beast!” said Fredericks. “The Bible is very clear on the wickedness of mutants! Fallen angels—demons—took human whores for their wives! And their unholy offspring were called the Nephilim in those days! Their main purpose was to lead mankind away from the path of God! The Great Flood wiped them out, but Satan has chose to rise again and send his minions to mate once more with the whores of Babylon! And the Nephilim live, except now we call them mutants!”

“This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.” Kelly pointed at the monitor for emphasis. “This trash perverts Christianity to justify his own illogical hatred. They picket funerals, for Christ’s sake. These people have no conscience.”

“Much as I hate to say, I agree with Senator Kelly. Mutant registration is one thing, but genocide is completely uncalled for,” said Keller. “You’re a sick man, Pastor Fredericks.”

“Oh am I?” asked Fredericks. “America has brought this wretched sin upon itself! With your idolatry of false gods! Worshipping pagan demons as so-called ‘superheroes!’ You’ll all burn in Hell and suffer an eternity of torment, you mutie-enabling *beep*! Kelly’s whore wife regularly gets *beep**beep* in Hell by demonic mutant fathers! She chokes on mutie*beep* and *beep**beep**beeeeeeeeeep* UNTIL THE DAY OF JUDGMENT IS AT H—”

The video feed of Fredericks was abruptly cut. Senator Kelly appeared visibly disturbed and disgusted by the pastor’s words. Keller looked directly into the camera and sighed.

“We’ve cut the feed of Pastor Fredericks. I really have to apologize for that, ladies and gentlemen. And Senator Kelly, I owe you an apology as well. No one should have to endure the hateful rhetoric such as that. Senator, are you—?”

Kelly removed his glasses, covering his eyes. “Excuse me, I just…I need a minute…”

“We’re going to go to commercial now,” said Keller. “Again, my sincerest apologies.”

Kansas City, Kansas

Skullfire and Chamber sat in their motel room, watching the video of Keller’s program on the Internet via a laptop computer Chamber brought along. Skullfire simply shook his head.

“When Todd freaking Keller is the voice of reason, something’s fucked up.”

{Tosser’s been doing this shit for years,} said Chamber.

“His daughter’s a massive bitch, too,” said Ecstasy. She sat on the bed across from Chamber and Skullfire. Hovering above the bed in the lotus position was Xorn, deep in a meditative state. “Turned up at ESU when they added mutants to their non-discrimination list. Almost caused a fucking riot.”

Skullfire scanned through some of the images on the website. “Look at this shit. They’ve got pictures of dead mutants with captions that say ‘only good mutie’s a dead one.’”

“Precisely why we have to put a stop to them.” The voice of Xorn was hollow, echoing inside the iron helmet he wore to contain the massive power of the miniature star in place of his brain. He hovered past the bed and slowly extended his legs so he could stand on the ground. “This mission will not be pleasant. I hope you all understand the reason we’ve come here. If you have any reservations, now is the time to back out. Stacy?”

“We know the score, Xorney signed up with this outfit knowing we’d have to get our hands dirty.” Ecstasy reached over to the night stand and picked up a small device. With a push of a button, her appearance changed to that of a normal human woman and she smiled. “I’m image induced and ready to go, baby.”


Skullfire crossed his arms and shook his head. “Hell no. We’re doing this.”


Chamber was still focused on the images on the website. The Kansas Humanity Church’s site even kept a tally of known mutants and mutant supporters who had been killed. Above it were the words “THANK GOD FOR DEAD MUTIES AND MUTIE-ENABLING GENE TRAITORS!” Among the names were some X-Men who had died and some of their associates, such as Moira MacTaggert.

{I’m in. We need to show these sick fucks just what happens when you mess with our kind.}