Jean Grey-Summers is a telepath and telekinetic of the highest order, second-only to Charles Xavier. One of the original X-Men, and having once served as the template for the Phoenix Force, Jean was believed dead for years, and joined X-Factor after her ‘resurrection’. When the X-Men split over a philosophical conflict, Jean served as co-leader alongside her husband, Cyclops, up until the birth of their daughter Rachel. She is now the overseer of the restructured teams and the headmistress of the Xavier Institute alongside the Beast.
Scott Summers was the very first mutant recruited into the X-Men, and has been the team’s leader on-and-off for years. He is possessed of fiery optic blasts that, up until recently, he has had to contain with a special ruby quartz visor. After his unborn son was killed by a virus contracted from Omega Red, Cyclops took it upon himself to track him down and take him out for good. Now, with the situation resolved, Cyclops has returned to the X-Men full-time, serving as the team’s leader and as a teacher at the Xavier Institute.
Ororo Munroe was orphaned as a child in Cairo, Egypt and survived on the streets as a thief. Upon the blossoming of her mutant ability to control the weather, Ororo set off on a trek to Kenya, where she was worshipped as a goddess. Years later, Ororo was approached by Charles Xavier to join the X-Men and accepted his offer, taking the codename Storm. Over the years she has been a mainstay of the team as well as its leader. In light of recent events, Storm now serves as a member of the team and as a teacher at the Xavier Institute.
Piotr ‘Peter’ Rasputin was raised on a small farm in Siberia where he discovered his mutant ability to transform his skin into super-strong organic steel. He was recruited into the X-Men by Charles Xavier and was a mainstay of the team for many years until defecting to Magneto’s Acolytes. He later reformed his ways and joined Excalibur, only to eventually return to the X-Men. Now, after having served in Russia’s Winter Guard for a short while, he’s once again returned to the Xavier Institute as a teacher and a member of the X-Men.
Jubilation Lee was nine years old when her parents were murdered by a hitman, forcing the young girl into an orphanage. Jubilee took to the streets, where her mutant ability to detonate atomic matter activated itself after a skirmish with the police. Her last run-in with the law led to her meeting up with and later joining the X-Men. After a time with the X-Men, she left to join Generation X in an effort to better hone her mutant abilities, and recently, after her teammates were seemingly killed, she returned to the X-Men and is now also serving as a student teacher at the Xavier Institute.
Peter Valentino is a metamorph who can not only change his appearance, but the mass and density of his body as well. Since he was fourteen years old, he has used his powers to enhance his physical appearance and even impersonate people to keep himself one step ahead of everyone else. Peter was attacked by the Friends Of Humanity, who outed him as a mutant and tried to capture him. The attack was intercepted by two Mutant Underground agents who eventually brought him to the Xavier Institute where he’s now a student and an X-Man-in-training.
A powerful telepath and a ruthless businesswoman, Emma was once the White Queen of the Hellfire Club’s Inner Circle and one of the X-Men’s greatest enemies. After her students, the Hellions, were brutally murdered, Emma was left comatose and taken in by the X-Men. She awakened a changed woman and became a teacher to Generation X alongside Sean Cassidy. Now, Emma has reverted back to her wicked ways, having supposedly set up Generation X to be killed. One question remains, though – is Emma Frost being manipulated, or was she manipulating everyone else all along?

X-Men: Generations #1 – What Lies Beneath
In this special limited series, the X-Men have gotten a lead on Emma Frost’s location. The time has come to make the White Queen pay for her crimes! By Ryan Krupienski.

X-Men: Generations #2 – Infiltration
The X-Men infiltrate GeneTech’s Russian facility, and the long-brewing conflict between Cyclops and Storm is brought to the fore! But Emma Frost has some surprises of her own!

X-Men: Generations #3 – Ambushed
The newest X-Man is on his own inside GeneTech! Can Proteus get his teammates access before Emma Frost finds him? And what other surprises are in store? By Ryan Krupienski.

X-Men: Generations #4 – Wheel of Fortune
The X-Men battle the Hellions and Mystique makes some startling revelations as the mini series comes closer to its end! By Ryan Krupienski.

X-Men: Generations #5 – Secrets Not Long Buried
Emma Frost and Jubilee face off, the X-Men battle the creature called Rancor, and an old enemy makes a startling return! By Ryan Krupienski.
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