The Assemblers in…
By Chris Oliva
Several Minutes Ago
“So how did you acquire your superpowers, Jonathon?”
Jonathon Gallante moved uncomfortably to a better position before answering, “Well, I was born with them.” He managed to laugh, before continuing, “I realized I could turn into living fire when I was about six. My father was lighting the family barbeque grill and some of the flames rubbed off on me. I lit up like a candle, but didn’t get burned. Not even scratched.”
The reporter faked a surprised expression and smiled, “Wow! That’s incredible! I doubt your father had any plans of you on the menu that night!”
Jonathon faked a chuckle, “No, I doubt that.”
“Speaking of your parents, how was your relationship with them?”
Jonathon smiled, “Nothing but love. I really couldn’t have asked for more. My parents always supported me through me being a mutant, to my dream of becoming a film actor. I’d really like to think that they’d be proud of me right now.”
“If you don’t mind my asking, how exactly did your parents die?”
Jonathon didn’t immediately respond. He took a deep breath, “Well, a few years back, my home was robbed while I was in California pursuing my acting career. During the robbery, my father had tried to defend my mother from the intruder. Neither made it.”
“Was the intruder ever caught?”
Jonathon shook his head, “No, and I have made it my life’s work to finally bring him to justice as the hero known as HOTNESS.”
The reporter turned her head slightly and stifled a bit of laughter, “Well on to a lighter note, why don’t you tell me a bit more about this brand new super-team?”
“Yer a bit too good at that.”
A young woman folded her arms across her chest with an obvious tone of annoyance and disgust in her voice. Olivia Evelyn never did really care about speaking her mind, as she was the type that felt everyone needed to know. Obviously, who wouldn’t want to hear Olivia’s opinion?
“…er, what do you mean?” Jonathon Gallante walked towards her, feeling slightly intimidated.
“You know bloody well what I mean,” Olivia answered quickly, “don’t act all innocent now. You lied to her.”
Jonathon was taken quite aback from Olivia’s accusation before leaning forward and whispering, “…how do you know? Do you think they’ll know? The public I mean…”
Olivia rolled her eyes in annoyance, “How the hell am I supposed to know that?”
“I just did what Brighton told me too.”
“Good dog, now roll over,” Olivia said sarcastically, messing Jonathon’s hair with a quick rub. She turned on her heel and adjusted her leather jacket before walking as far away from him as possible.
“Bite me, Olivia. It would be too much to ask for you to do what you’re told,” Jonathon said, mustering up the courage to stand up to her. Olivia waved her hand in annoyance behind her. It was people like him that sickened Olivia. No spine, no personality, do as their told; that wasn’t how to live. She lived quite the opposite of that.
Olivia never had much of a family. She ran away too early to really get to know them and became a common theif, travelling from her home in small village, Mission Beach, Australia to the big dogs in Sydney. As years progressed, she became incredibly skilled and was known simply as the ‘Bandit.’ Olivia actually quite liked the notoriety.
When Olivia was sixteen, she had heard news from the local thieves that the local hot item was a vial of water that had been delivered from New York to Australia to be tested. The vial of water had apparently come from the Hydro-Man and scientists had grown rather curious of his mutation and decided to run some tests on the vial for a possible cure. Needless to say, Olivia was curious as well.
The thrill of the steal was all she did it for. And she did retrieve the vial. But to show how non-caring she was, she drank the vial in front of her fellow thieves.
From then on, she was known as the Water Bandit.
“Hotness? What kind of name is that anyway?” she muttered, continuing to justify her anger, as if it wasn’t right. She walked towards a man who had been leaning up against a wall. A cigarette lay half fallen out of his mouth as she quickly snatched it.
“Olivia, what the hell…?” said the man, straightening himself quickly.
“Disgustin’ habit, Robby,” she said, crushing the cigarette in her palm. She winked at him and smiled, “Yer face is too pretty to let it get filled wit smoke.”
“Bitch,” Robby retorted, immediately lighting another one and repositioning himself against the wall. Olivia chuckled as Robby opened his mouth in between puffs, “hey, do you know how long we gotta be here?”
Olivia shrugged her shoulders, “Asking the wrong person, mate, but eh…did you hear Johnny boy’s interview with that sheila over there?”
Robby meakly nodded, “Yeah, Brighton’s got a nice little puppet, don’t he? Why don’t you go fire extinguisher on him and show ‘em who’s boss?”
“Can’t,” Olivia answered; a tone of disappointment in her voice, “I’m not one for rules, but I got the feds on me arse. Although a few years extra in jail may be worth a nice matchstick beatdown, eh?”
Robby grinned, “Hey, you never did tell me how the popo got ya. Care to share?”
Olivia grimaced, “None of yer business. Don’t see me asking you, now, do ya?”
“Touché,” Robby replied, knowing when to quit.
Several Minutes Ago
“Death Beam?”
“Robby’s pretty forward when it comes to choosing codenames,” joked Hotness, as he sat across from his interviewer. His interviewer smiled.
“So what does someone named Death Beam, do? How did he come to be?”
“Robby may very well be our most powerful member so far. He can harness incredible amounts of ambient solar energy and shoot it forth in a focused and powerful beam. Robby’s still learning how to use these powers, so in combat, he wears a special suit that our liason, Brighton Danbury, ordered for him.”
“And how did he acquire…?”
“Oh right,” remembered Hotness, “Robby’s pretty hush hush around us about anything involving his past. The most he’s told us was that his powers weren’t wanted nor sought after.”
“Oh?” questioned the reporter, “so you’re saying he received his powers forcefully?”
Hotness shrugged his shoulders, “I couldn’t tell you, you’d have to ask him.”
“Is she on?”
Jonathon stood next to a very stoic looking female, who stood perfectly and eerily still. She was dressed in entirely black leather, with a small beret on his head. He waved his hand in front of her pupil less eyes to hopefully draw attention, but the woman didn’t budge.
“I think Tracey was turned off after the group interview,” said a young man wearing complete business attire. He took out a blackberry and began to text before continuing, “No need to have a complete military android on during casual time, right?”
“She still kind of freaks me out, Brighton,” Jonathon said, knocking on her body like an un open door.
“That’s what we want; strike fear in the hearts of villains everywhere!” Brighton said, his eyes transfixed on the blackberry.
“Brighton…” Jonathon says, still looking at Tracey, “…do you think they’re going to find out?”
“Find out about what?”
“That story today…with my parents.”
Brighton doesn’t immediately respond before flashing a smile, “Nope. I’ve worked my magic and my bank account on this matter. Anyone who knows what really happened…well, they have enough money to buy a few Bentleys.”
Jonathon takes a deep breath and manages a weak smile, “…oh, good. Good.”
Several Minutes Ago
“So, you’re a military designed android?”
Tracey nodded. “That is correct. The rest I am afraid is classified.” Her pupil-less eyes sent shivers down the reporter’s spine that she tried desperately to hide from the camera.
“And what exactly can you do?”
“I have been programmed to perform any martial arts currently learned by humans, coupled with enhanced strength, agility and speed. I am the ultimate killing machine.”
The reporter fakes a nervous laughter and fumbles through her interview notes.
“My sensors indicate a large amount of perspiration appearing on your body. Are you worried about something?” Tracey asks, folding her legs.
“You are a bit intimidating, if I may say so.”
“So when are we finishing this up? I’m hungry.”
A man with a buzz cut of white hair folded his arms and tapped his foot impatiently. Olivia giggled and playfully nudged him.
“You’re always hungry, Guy,” Olivia said.
Guy waited a bit, before nodding quickly, “Well being a super speedy person, means a super quick metabolism and me being hungry almost all the time.”
“How many shelias have ya picked up with that line?” Olivia asked, a smile on her face.
“Big ol’ goose egg, my loudmouthed aussie,” Guy said, patting a laughing Olivia on her back, “although I really don’t need one liners to get laid.”
“Oh, ya don’t? What do ya do, hire hookers?”
“No, no, no, no. Being super quick has its advantages, Ms. Evelyn. Whenever I’m horny, I just super speed bang a chick and instant satisfaction. All the woman feels is a sudden sensation and their pants around their ankles.”
Olivia’s mouth hung slightly agape, “So you’re saying you rape women…randomly on the street?”
“Uh….yeah. Yeah, I guess,” Guy said, “It’s the perfect crime since I’m long gone before they even realize the penetration has occurred.”
“Yer gross,” Olivia said, disgusted, “Condoms?”
“No time for that.”
“…so yer the father of hundreds of lil’ Speedies and don’t even know it?”
Guy thought for a minute before eyeing someone with a Milky Way bar. He suddenly disappeared for a millisecond and reappeared back with Olivia, eating the bar happily, “Yup.”
Several Minutes Ago
“So you’re known as the Speedster. I’m guessing you can run really fast?” joked the reporter, as Guy laughed with her and nodded.
“Uh-huh, and we speedsters aren’t only quick at running,” he said, winking at the camera. The reporter laughed as did Guy.
“And what role do you bring to this team dynamic?”
“I scout, I make sure wherever it is we are is a safe place for the rest of us to run in and murder/take names. I also make the team look good with my chiseled good looks and my quirky brand of charm. It’s really hard to not utterly fall in love with me.” Guy said, stretching his arms and putting them behind his back.
“I can see that,” said the reporter, smiling. “Are you currently single?”
“Sadly, yes. But that usually doesn’t last for long. Speaking of…are you free tonight, say….10-ish?”
The reporter looks slightly embarrassed and said, “Definitely.”
“So that’s the five of you; Hotness, Water Bandit, Death Beam, Tracey and Speedster. Have you five decided on a name for your team?” asked the reporter to the five of them as they sat down together.
“We’re taking a cue from one of the most iconic teams around…the Avengers. And their signature battle. We’re the Assemblers! And we guarantee you that we will be living by that name.” Jonathon said, with a strong sense of determination.
“Well there you have it. America, meet your brand new heroes – THE ASSEMBLERS!”
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