• Astonishing X-Men
    Astonishing X-Men #3 – Stateless (3)

    Things aren’t looking good for the newest incarnation of the X-Men! With a race riot brewing in Valle Soleada, spurred on by Erg and his new Gene Nation, can the X-Men stop this threat before it boils over? Or will it become an international disaster? The end of the new team’s inaugural arc is here, with the finale to “Stateless!”

  • Astonishing X-Men
    Astonishing X-Men #2 – Stateless (2)

    In the pleasant coastal town of Valle Soleada mutants and humans exist in harmony – but that seems destined to change when the new Gene Nation make their presence felt! Sensing potential violence on the wind, the X-Men set out to act as peacekeepers – but you know what they say about good intentions, and Colossus and Rogue are about to run into more trouble than they ever bargained for… by Chris Munn, Hunter Lambright, and Dino Pollard.

  • Astonishing X-Men
    Astonishing X-Men #1 – Stateless (1)

    After getting their footing in Amazing Fantasy #34, the team gears up for their first threat—a newly reformed Gene Nation—but only after it announces itself on their doorstep! Plus, Rogue confronts Mystique about her recent behavior while Kitty and Peter are reunited for the first time in months. Sparks will fly and mutants will rise and fall as a new Astonishing era begins! Find it all in part one of “Stateless,” by Hunter Lambright, Chris Munn, and Dino Pollard!