• Tomb of Dracula
    Tomb of Dracula #4 – Blood and Honor!

    Eric Arcane is a wanted man. First, Dracula learns about the mage’s involvement in his affairs and then Arcane is approached by none other than Doctor Strange himself! Meanwhile, Paladin finds himself sucked deeper into this situation. And can Misty Knight and Colleen Wing find anyone to aid them? See for yourself in “Blood and Honor!” by Curt Fernlund!

  • Tomb of Dracula
    Tomb of Dracula #3 – Blood From A Stone!

    Master Khan and Paladin get involved in Dracula’s latest scheme! Also, Eric Arcane contemplates the previous night’s events. And how is the Triad involved with this? What is their connection to Dracula? That’s what Frank Drake and the Daughters of the Dragon intend to find out in “Blood From A Stone!” by Curt Fernlund!

  • Tomb of Dracula
    Tomb of Dracula #2 – First Blood!

    Who is Eric Arcane? What does he have to do with the Lord of the Vampires? Meanwhile, Frank has teamed up with the Daughters of the Dragon and Jimmy Woo of SHIELD and their search for Dracula has led them right into the path of the White Dragon! But what is his connection to Drake’s ancestor? Find out in “First Blood!” by Curt Fernlund!

  • Tomb of Dracula
    Tomb of Dracula #1 – The Tomb of Dracula!

    Frank Drake has some issues to work out regarding his family’s heritage. Unfortunately, no one will come to his aid! So where does this former vampire hunter and descendant of Dracula turn to when he needs help? Find out as Frank relates his story about “The Tomb of Dracula!” by Curt Fernlund!