Julie ran down the street in her high heels hoping that she made it in time. She stopped back at her apartment in order to change to a shorter and skimpier dress. After her rant this morning, she had no idea why she would lower herself like this just for this one guy.
I have got to get laid or something, cause I’m obviously really in need right now, she thought with a chuckle as she came up to the Power Plant Bar.
She came to a stop before the door and turned away. Taking a deep breath she looked in her purse at the card with the address again. Glancing back at the building it was obvious that the two numbers matched. Sighing Julie made her final choice and turned to place her hand on the doorknob. Looking down she finally noticed black and gray smoke billowing out.
“That’s definitely not right, not right at all.”
Part II: The Darkness Within
By Scott Redmond
Cold metal slid across warm flesh; the metal tentacle wrapping it’s self around an errant limb. With a small tug Carolyn Trainer, the villain known as Lady Octopus, raised her tentacles up pulling Darkhawk and Namorita up into the air.
“Hmm this one appears to have genetic powers that can be used for the process. The other one has an armor of sorts, but could still be useful. Taking subjects in for further study.” Trainer shut off the recorder and turned to her men. “Get the van ready. And stow these two in the back.”
The two heroes were tossed to the ground at the men’s feet. Shrugging the men dragged the heroes limp bodies towards the back door. Trainer moved back to the stacks of moneybags and began using her extra limbs to toss bag after bag towards the back door.
“Now see, why blow this giant hole in the wall and then use the backdoor? Doesn’t make a lot of sense, but then we can’t expect you to be as smart as the real Doc Ock now can we.”
Nova stood tall in the new opening to the bank, powers flaring and ready. Surging forward he struck her across the face, her head rocking back and a bit of blood flying out.
A tentacle flailed out and smashed into his chest causing a cry of pain to explode from his lips. Two more tentacles grabbed his arms and began pulling in opposite directions. An amazing pain tore through the hero’s body as the other two tentacles pummeled his torso.
“Rahhhhhh!” With a build up of energy in his hands Nova exploded out of her grip. Jetting forward he pummeled her with his fists and energy again. “Where are they? Where did you take my friends?”
A choke filled the air as the cold metal slid around Nova’s neck. Trainer rose up on two of the appendages as she raised Nova up as well. “This is growing tiresome.” A click sounded as the recorder snapped back on. “Subject is part of the rumored Nova Corps, therefore it is doubtful the power is genetic level. Therefore subject is of no use to studies.”
A sickening crack filled the air as a tentacle slammed against his head, sending Nova’s world into darkness. Smiling Trainer flung his limp body across the bank. Grabbing the last few bags of money she moved across the bank to join her men.
Squealing of tires and a burst of exhaust and the van is gone, leaving a lone hero in the remains of a bank robbery. A mutter echoed in the empty room as Richard pushed his body up, wiping a trickle of blood form his chin.
Sirens could be heard in the distance as he stumbled out of the open wall. Sighing he pulled out a small diamond shaped communicator. “Thrash, this is Nova. We’ve got a bit of a situation.”
“You’re gonna burn for this, bitch!”
“Oh shit.”
As the words left Mickey’s mouth she dropped to the floor, a fireball soaring over her head to strike a wall behind. Rolling over behind the bar she began breathing again. “Out of all of us to be awake, it’s the hero that’s only useful with her suit.” She muttered while checking her surroundings.
Thomas howled in anger as the bloodlust affected his brain. He spun around shooting flame all over. Mickey slid up and glanced over the bar at the man’s actions. She knew that if she didn’t act soon the bar would burn down with all the customers within.
“I just wanted to be alone, why couldn’t I be alone! Damn metal octopus nonsense drive me crazy want my powers now.” Thomas muttered to himself as he stumbled forward the flames bursting from his body.
Mickey gulped as she realized that without her armor she had no chance against the man. Normal human against an obviously powered individual wasn’t much of a fight. As the thoughts passed through her mind, Thomas shot a fireball straight at her head.
Dropping back down as fire shot her way Mickey began thinking. “Okay WWNTD, what would Night Thrasher do.” She mumbled momentarily chuckling at the acronym for a split second before returning to task. “Okay Mickey, think. What do you have to work with?”
As her eyes scanned across the bar stopping when something bright red caught her eye. “Fire extinguisher.” A smile lit up as she slid forward to grab the item.
Hopping up she smiled and raised the nozzle. “Hey torch boy!”
Dawson stumbled around to face her and was met with a face full of foam, causing him to fall backwards. Mickey leapt up onto and over the bar without letting go of the trigger.
“Hmm, not so tough now.” Mickey’s smile faded away as suddenly Thomas’ hand shot out and clasped around her neck.
As the air began to leave her lungs, she felt his hand heating up blistering the skin beneath. Her neck was on fire, as the pain spread across her body.
A bright light slammed into Thomas sending him hurtling across the room. Mickey dropped to the ground holding her throat as the pain receded. Turning and looking up she came face to face with a floating and glowing Julie Powers.
The blonde girl smiled deeply and cocked her head at Mickey and reached a hand down. “Come with me if you want to live. I’ve always wanted to say that.”
Cold, that is the first feeling that hit Chris’ body as he stirred awake. His head slumped on his chest and as he struggled to pull it up he noticed that he was secured to some vertical platform. Groaning he glanced to his right to see Namorita trussed up just the same.
“God I swear,” he muttered bitterly, “we have got get some kind of superhero insurance against abductions.”
“Subject is awake and showing signs of resistance. Studies of subject’s armor shows that it is of no use to our project and therefore the subject is of no use in procuring samples.” Trainer slipped out of the shadows talking into her tape recorder.
As she finished up the recording, her tentacles slid around the room, two of them moving up Chris’ body. One of them removed a sensory device from his chest while the other plucked a headband off him as well.
“Useless? Let me out of these restraints and I’ll show you useless babe.” His efforts to yank his hands free proved futile just as he figured they would, but he had to try.
“Oh Mr. Powell you are far from useless to me.” Trainer’s grin grew wider at the surprised look spreading across his face. “Oh yes I know exactly who you are. You may find it hard to believe but we villains have our own resources as well.”
“Well since the cat is out of the bag might as well add me to the Christmas card list. I’m partial to the more funny cards myself. Injects a little humor into the commercial holidays, but hey that’s just me.” Chris flinched as one of the tentacles slid across his face and opened and closed menacingly. “Not a big fan of Christmas I take it, not that I can blame you. Probably not many presents for knock off villains I’d think.”
A soft chuckle emerged form the woman’s throat, cold and eerie. “What is it with you heroes and your attempts at humor and banter. Do you truly believe such juvenile remarks would rattle someone of my intelligence? I am the protégé of the great Otto Octavius, child.”
“Otty you say! How is old fat ass? Haven’t had the pleasure of smashing his chubby little face in for awhile.” Her tentacles flinched back in anger as Chris continued smiling. His hand worked at freeing the shackles while she was distracted. “Though I do get to laugh whenever I get to see Spidey hand old pudgy his ass every other week on TV, it is hilarious. I Tivo that shit and hit that rewind. Fun for the whole family.”
Trainer moved her face till it was mere inches from the heroes. The venom was obvious in her eyes. “You try my patience Mr. Powell. I suggest you refrain from testing it too far.”
As his hand began to wiggle free one of the tentacles shot forward and slammed his wrist against the table. Chris grunted as pain burned through his arm. “Really bitch I got nothing to lose. You already said I was useless so I might as well make this as painful for you as possible.”
“Oh Mr. Powell I said you were useless for harvesting of powers.” Her hand slid down to the tray beside them to grab a needle filled with some liquid. Smiling she squirted a bit of the liquid out before moving the needle towards his arm. “Useless for harvesting, but perfect for DNA trials. Now relax this won’t hurt…much.”
A cloud of dust settled around the gawkers as the small jumper jet landed on top of the bank. With a grunt of effort Nova pushed himself up from the air conditioner unit he sat upon, to stumble towards the jet. A hiss sounded as the pressurized door slid open to reveal Night Thrasher and Silhouette at the top of the ramp.
“Thrash, Sil.” With a nod the three were sealed within the jet in seconds rocketing into the air leaving confused crowds behind. “That Dr. Octopus rip off, Lady Octopus or whatever she calls herself got Rita and Chris.”
“Understood. Vance and the others have found themselves in a situation as well. En route to their location now.” Fully intent on the flight before them, Night Thrasher’s words were almost like he read off the weather report. No emotions or feeling behind them at all.
“If you’re not careful you might strain something in your excitement Dwayne.” Nova’s comments were ignored as the jet came to a stop over a slowly burning bar below. “See, guys like us can’t even get a drink without shit hitting the fan.”
“Take Sil and check it out while I park the jet.”
The only acknowledgement to Dwayne’s orders was the hiss of the outer door opening and then the blast of Nova’s powers as the two heroes rocketed into the still night air. Landing on the street below Richard threw off a small wave at the huddling civilians that were frightened of the goings on, but were also too interested in watching it all go down.
As they strode towards the burning bar door all hell broke loose. An explosion ripped through the foundations of the bar and the door blew outwards straight for Nova’s head. With extreme agility and speed Silhouette dropped to the ground, her crutches snaking out and dragging Nova down just as fast as the door flew over him within inches of his helmeted face.
A blast of light lit up the sky as Julie blew out of the bar, Mickey securely in her arms. Dropping to the ground she noticed the other heroes and ran to their side. Settling the dazed Mickey down, Julie took a spot next to Nova as another figure burst from the bar.
Thomas Dawson’s eyes glowed with power as the flames flickered around him, licking along anything he came into contact with. His clothes were all but burned away and blood from a deep cut poured down the side of his face.
“I’m guessing she’s yours.” Julie chucked her thumb at Mickey as Richard knelt down next to his teammate. “She was holding her own pretty well before I showed up. Damn there goes another pair of heels. Wonder if they make villain attack proof shoes for the super heroine on the go.”
“Julie, long time no see. How’s Alex?” A flash filled the air as Nova let off a blast at the still approaching Thomas. The blast struck the man in the chest only staggering him slightly.
“You know the usual. College and all that.”
“Lucky for Mickey you were in the area then.”
Thomas surged forward and grabbed Richard’s hands increasing his heat ten fold. Pain ripped through the heroes’ body as his skin began to blister and pucker from the flames. Channeling the energy in his body, a blast exploded from his hands staggering the man backwards. The brief confusion was enough time for Richard to grab Thomas wrist and use the man’s own momentum to flip him like Dwayne had taught him a long time ago.
“We’ll I was supposed to meet a contact here to get my big shot in the movies, but lucky me the bar was on fire.”
Julie let off a blast of light that caught Thomas, as his body was about to hit the ground driving him down again. Before the man could move Silhouette was upon him slamming his head down with the end of her crutches. A final well placed blast from Nova brought the man down for good finally.
“Looks like you didn’t need any help.”
Turning the three stared at Night Thrasher as he dropped down from the roof above to secure electronic cuffs on Dawson’s wrists.
“Nice of you to finally join us.” Dwayne ignored Richard as he hefted the unconscious man to his feet and began heading for the jet again.
“Parking was a bitch.”
Rolling his eyes Richard picked up Mickey and followed after the others. Minutes later the jet rocketed into the sky leaving the city officials to clean up the burning mess.
Champion Building Med-Center
“Ow.” Mickey muttered as the medical staff finished wrapping up her burned neck. Luckily for her the burns were only first degree. Sitting back in the bed she watched as Richard strode into the room his Nova helmet folded up in his hands. “Visiting hours already? I’m such a lucky girl.”
“I could always take these flowers to someone else. I’m sure Vance would really appreciate them. Might send the wrong message to him, but hey, the man has obviously got it to get a gal like Angel.” Watching Mickey roll her eyes, he smiled and set the small vase of flowers down on her bedside table before settling in the chair beside her bed.
As soon as the medical staff had left the room the two leaned towards each other to share a passionate yet secretive kiss. Pulling away Mickey smiled at him before whacking him on the head.
“Ouch what was that for?”
“No chocolate? Only flowers? Even after two months of sneaking around I don’t rate chocolate? What’s a girl got to do I say.”
“Oh you mean this?” Reaching into his pocket, Richard smiled as he pulled out a medium sized box of chocolate.
“How did you fit that…”
“Don’t ask you really don’t want to know.”
“Any word on Chris and Nita?”
Richard shook his head as he reached down to hold her hand tightly within his own. “No sign of them so far. Thrash is searching databases for possible haunts Trainer could be using, but as such a low level villain she really hasn’t established any repetitive traits. Most of those baddies we fight fall into ruts of sorts and hang out in the same places. Not her.”
“You think they’re okay?”
“It’s Nita and Chris. I’m sure Nita has broken out and torn the base apart by now. Their both probably on their way home for dinner as we speak.”
Glancing across the room her eyes settled upon the unconscious forms of Vance and Angelica hidden away behind their own set of curtains. “How is the happy couple over there?”
“Vance’s wounds are healing nicely. Angelica has a concussion but she’ll recover soon. You all got off pretty luck in the end.”
“Yeah, lucky. What happed to our little firebug?”
“Down in the holding cells. Thrash and Sil said that he was high as a kite on some drug that simulated powers within the user. With Trainer’s comments about testing and genetics, we’re thinking the two incidents might be related.”
“So that means that Chris and Nita may be part of this woman’s trials or something…” Mickey paused as she noticed the vase shaking beside her. “What now, an earthquake?”
The entire med-lab was thrown into chaos as the far wall exploded inwards, sending debris flying through the air. Richard reacted swiftly throwing his helmet on and throwing himself over Mickey’s body to protect her.
As the smoke cleared a figure began gliding through the air. Darkhawk’s black armor glinted in the moonlight as flames flickered up and down his right arm and ice covered the left arm. The eyes glowed with an unearthly yellow as he settled onto the ground staring around the room.
“Chris!” Mickey cried out as his eyes settled upon the two.
“Die.” The single word was all he uttered before flames and ice rained down upon the two heroes.
Next Issue: “Superstars” comes to its conclusion as an MGH affected Darkhawk takes on his teammates!
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