A bearded Dan Ketch held the shotgun at eye level. The barrel was aimed at the grotesque man-monster called the Griffin. Moments ago, Ketch came upon the Griffin pounding the young hero called the Goblin into the ground. He still had his massive hand wrapped around the Goblin’s neck.
“Let him go, or else,” said Ketch.
The Griffin snickered. “Oh yeah? Or else what? Look at me, Grizzly Adams—think I’m gonna get scared by a goddamn gun?”
Ketch fired a shotgun but what came from the barrel was not a shell. Instead, it was a burst of flame that knocked the Griffin off his feet, leaving the Goblin unharmed. Ketch walked towards the costumed man, keeping the shotgun aimed at the Griffin.
“Who said anything about it being a regular gun, moron?” Ketch took his eyes off the Griffin and looked down at the man on the ground. He immediately turned the gun on the Goblin.
“Hey, we’re on the same side!” said the Goblin.
“Wouldn’t be so sure of that, Osborn,” said Ketch.
“Oh for…I’m not Osborn!” said the Goblin. As he started to get to his feet, Ketch threateningly raised his gun.
“Hold it!”
“I said I’m not Osborn! I’m the other Goblin,” he said. “Used to run around New York, ‘round the time of Onslaught.”
Ketch remained skeptical and the Goblin sighed. “Never heard of me, huh?”
The grizzled man shook his head but before he could take another action, a roar of anger grabbed his attention. The Griffin charged forward, barreling into Ketch with incredible speed and impact.
The Goblin summoned his glider back and hopped upon it. He flew towards the Griffin, ghost-like bombs firing from his glider. When they struck the Griffin, they emitted a gas that left him hacking but failed to incapacitate him. The Griffin stumbled back, thrashing around and fighting off the effects of the toxin.
“Don’t get it, that should’ve been enough to take out an elephant,” said the Goblin, hovering to Ketch’s side.
“Guess we need some additional help to put him down.” Ketch’s eyes crackled with Hellfire as the flaming chain he held snaked down from beneath the sleeve of his trench coat.
“So you believe we’re on the same side yet?”
“We seem to be on the same page for now, anyway.” Ketch jumped towards the Griffin, the chain wrapping around the criminal’s neck. Seemingly by magic, the chain yanked Ketch forward, throwing him onto the Griffin’s back. He pulled tightly on the chain, using it like a rein, the Griffin trying his hardest to throw him off.
The Griffin bucked hard and Ketch flew over his head. The former Ghost Rider landed hard on the street and the Griffin pinned him down with one of his lion-like limbs. He leaned forward, snarling.
“I’m gonna fuck you up, boy!”
The Griffin looked up, something else grabbing his attention. A sound from above. His advance warning was too late as he witnessed the massive form of Hercules crashing down into him.
Ketch got to his feet, watching Hercules trade powerful blows with the Griffin. Archangel and Justice hovered by his side and the Goblin came to join them.
“Never knew there were so many of us out west,” said Archangel.
“I just got back in the game,” said the Goblin.
Archangel glanced at Ketch. “And you?”
“Passing through town, that’s it,” said Ketch. “Got lucky. Someone wanna brief me on what’s happening?”
“You probably know as much as we do,” said Justice.
Part III
By Dino Pollard
The Deep
Shift changes for the guards at the Deep were kept to a strict schedule. A transport from the coast docked at the underwater prison, releasing the incoming guards. Departing guards met them in the docking chamber. Each of the guards were completely concealed in the armor they wore, a necessary precaution for dealing with the kind of inmates the Deep housed.
They exchanged no pleasantries, but just as the newly-arrived guards walked past the departing ones, a small black hole opened above their heads and before they could notice, fell down before vanishing at their necks.
The bodies of the now-headless guards collapsed on the ground. The departing guards continued into the transport as if nothing had happened.
The transport departed and once it arrived at the docking bay near the coast, the guards exited out one by one. Before anything else was said, four mechanical arms burst out from the back of one of the guards. The guards who remained at the coastal base opened fire, but the arms kept them distracted. It was just the distraction another of the guards needed to pull off his suit, revealing a yellow and red exoskeleton beneath. It granted him strength far greater than the guards were able to muster with their suits. Another of the attacking guards generated black spots around each of the guard’s barrels, essentially breaking them in half.
Once the guards were all dead, Lady Octopus removed the remains of her armor, as did the Spot. Rampage already shed his own disguise, leaving just his exoskeleton. The other guards who came with them on the transport remained standing still, not moving one bit. The Spot waved his hand in front of one of them.
“Wouldn’t do that if I were you, Ohnn,” said Rampage.
“Why not?” asked the Spot.
“Because they’re still under the Corruptor’s thrall, but that won’t last long with him back in the deep. They could come out of it any minute now.”
Lady Octopus’ arms went around to each of the enthralled guards, quickly snapping their necks and leaving their bodies scattered on the ground. “Problem solved.”
“What’s next?” asked the Spot.
“Griffin’s already out on the streets, probably contending with the rest of the Champions,” said Rampage. “I say we join him.”
“Only if you want to end up a captive again,” said Lady Octopus. “Horton was a distraction, nothing more. If you want to see the Champions destroyed, then first we have to lure the remaining members to the Deep.”
“And how do you propose we do that?” asked Rampage.
Lady Octopus smiled. “By giving them a call.”
Los Angeles
The Prince of Power tore a streetlamp from its housing and swung it like a large bat as the Griffin dive-bombed towards him. The force of the blow knocked the Griffin into the side of an abandoned bus. As the behemoth began to get back to his feet, a bubble of telekinetic energy surrounded him and hefted him into the air, courtesy of Justice.
The Griffin pounded against his prison, each blow causing the young mutant to wince, each punch more of a strain on Vance Astrovik’s concentration. Justice struggled to hold him still, but finally gave in and simply slammed him against the street.
“Hey guys, we’ve got trouble,” said the Goblin, hovering close to the ground on his glider. “I just picked up a broadcast on the police band.”
“What broadcast?” asked Archangel.
“Looks like some bad guys have taken over the Deep.”
“That’s where the rest of my team is,” said Justice.
“Yeah, I know. Looks like whoever’s callin’ the shots says if the rest of the Champions don’t turn up, your friends are dead,” said the Goblin.
“Wrap things up with the Griffin,” said Justice, hovering into the air.
Archangel flew up quicker, intercepting the Champions’ current leader. “Hold on. You do realize this has ‘trap’ written all over it, right?”
“I don’t really have a choice in the matter, do I?” asked Justice. “Those are my friends and they’re my responsibility.”
“Fair enough, but you’re not going alone,” said Archangel.
“We can’t just leave the Griffin alone out here,” said Justice.
“Worry not, friend Vance. The Scion of Zeus shall keep the brute occupied!” said Hercules.
“Then shall we?” asked Ketch.
“Sticking around, huh?” asked the Goblin.
Ketch gestured with his hand and Hellfire burst forth from it. The flames struck the ground and rose up, forming into a shape and then solidifying into a customized motorcycle that appeared to be modeled from bones and skulls. The flames had dissipated, all except for the wheels, which were simply rings of fire. He climbed aboard the bike and raced off into the distance.
“That’s a yes,” said the Goblin, kicking his glider into gear with Justice and Archangel flying alongside.
The Deep
Julie Power awoke in a large, domed room. It was the size of maybe two football fields, with exercise equipment, a basketball court, and a boxing ring. The last thing she remembered, some sort of gas filled the cell she had shared with her teammates—Silhouette, Firestar, and Turbo. Whatever it was, it quickly caused her to pass out and now she had a splitting headache.
“Glad you’re finally up.”
The voice belonged to a man with purple skin, white hair and glowing red eyes. The Corruptor himself, seated on a nearby weightlifting bench. Still dressed in his prison-issue orange jumpsuit.
“What’s going on?” asked Lightspeed.
“Like the place?” asked the Corruptor, motioning to the huge room. “This is the Deep’s equivalent of a prison yard. Equipped with power dampeners, of course. But as you’ll quickly realize, those dampeners are off.”
“So what’s to stop me from teleporting out of here?”
The Corruptor pointed over Julie’s shoulder. She turned and saw her teammate, Nova, approaching. She quickly ran up to him. “Hurry, we have to—”
Nova’s response was an uppercut that knocked Julie clean off her feet. She struck the ground not far from where a laughing Corruptor sat. “You won’t find him to be much help, girl. See, my old enemy has just become my new best friend. Isn’t that right, Nova?”
A rainbow-colored aura surrounded Lightspeed and she began to zip around the yard. Nova gave chase to her. She knew that he was capable of absorbing any energy she directed his way and she had no other offensive options. Her only hope was to stay on the defensive, try and avoid Bernie as much as possible, until she could figure out a better plan.
Nova stopped in mid-flight and shot off a powerful pulse beam. Lightspeed barely had a chance to see it and throw up a shield to deflect the blast. The shield only managed to blunt the beam, the force of it still able to break her concentration so she fell to the ground.
The Human Rocket dove towards her, his fists extended in front of his body. Just before he struck the ground, Lightspeed vanished in a flash of rainbow energy and Nova slammed into the hard surface.
Lightspeed flew towards the Corruptor, planning to strike at the source. But as she dove towards him, a figure came from the shadows above, landing on Julie’s back and forcing her to the ground. Julie tried to stand but before she could, Silhouette landed a powerful kick to her back.
The Corruptor walked towards Julie, kneeling down before her. “You didn’t think I forgot about the rest of your friends, did you?”
The doors to the yard opened and the remaining two Champions were tossed inside the chamber. Turbo and Firestar both got to their feet and once they did, Turbo turned her armor’s wind gusts on the mutant woman.
“Champion versus Champion,” said a grinning Corruptor. “Once your friends kill you and Firestar, I turn them on each other.”
Los Angeles
The Griffin roared as he swung his massive tail. Hercules braced himself, grabbing the tail. He used both it and the Griffin’s own momentum to swing the beast and hurl him through a billboard. Horton was able to stop in mid-air, his powerful wings enabling him to hover. He flew back towards the Greek god.
Hercules reached for the adamantine mace held in his belt. As the Griffin dove towards him, Hercules leapt to meet him half-way. He grabbed the Griffin’s shirt and slammed the mace against the beast’s head. Hercules positioned himself on the Griffin’s back, holding the mace between his powerful jaws. The Griffin flew, trying to shake off his opponent, but they both ended up falling to the ground.
The ground shook when they struck. As the dust began to settle, the Griffin slumped out of the crater, landing on the street. Hercules then pulled himself up and grabbed the unconscious villain by his neck.
“A fine battle!” he bellowed and looked around. “Now where can a warrior such as I find some wine and women to celebrate?”
The Deep
Rampage awaited at the docking bay as the remaining heroes arrived. He smiled at the sight of Archangel first. “Worthington. Been waiting a long time to clip your wings.”
“Someone already beat you to it,” said Archangel. “What’s this about, Clarke?”
“Revenge, simple as that,” said Rampage.
“I don’t have time for this and I’m not interested in your hang-ups,” said Justice. “I’m here for my friends. Where are they?”
“Prisoner transport is waiting,” said Rampage. “Shall we head down there?”
“You’re coming with us,” said Archangel.
Rampage smiled. “Of course. Didn’t think we’d let you run loose without a chaperone, did you? You first.”
He gestured with his arm towards the transport. Justice boarded first, followed by Ketch. The Goblin disembarked from his glider and carried it with him. Archangel hesitated, eyeing Rampage with suspicion. “I don’t know what you’re up to, but you won’t get away with it.”
Rampage grinned. “Still full of yourself, I see.”
Archangel boarded the transport and Rampage followed, closing the hatch behind him. Clarke moved to the controls and activated the transport, piloting it down to the depths. He connected it with the docking chamber at the Deep. Once he turned off the transport, the hatch opened and the Spot was waiting on the other end.
“NOW!” shouted Justice, immediately slamming the Spot against the ceiling and encasing him in a telekinetic bubble. Archangel slammed his wings against Rampage and Ketch’s chain snaked around Clarke’s body, keeping him bound.
“Goblin, that device I gave you, are you locked on to their GPS signals?” asked Justice.
The Goblin hopped on his glider, looking at a small device given to him by Justice. There were several dots in the upper right corner of the display. “Yeah, looks like they’re all in the same spot, too.”
“Get down there, we’re right behind you,” said Archangel.
“On it!” The Goblin rocketed down the corridor on his glider.
Firestar’s low-intensity microwaves did little against Turbo’s armor, but she didn’t want to risk harming her friend. Meanwhile, Lightspeed was still struggling against the combined efforts of Silhouette and Nova, using her abilities to teleport and evade. All while the Corruptor stood by with a wide smile on his face.
The door blew open and the Goblin entered the yard. This instantly drew the Corruptor’s attention and the Goblin was surprised to find the Champions at each other’s throats.
“Nova!” shouted the Corruptor, pointing towards the new arrival. Nova followed his instructions and flew towards the Goblin.
“Well, this isn’t what I expected…” muttered the Goblin. As Nova approached, the Goblin launched a smoke bomb at him. When it struck, Nova began coughing and careened into the ground.
Turbo turned her jets on him and the Goblin tried to maintain his equilibrium aboard the glider. Firestar drew her attention quickly with a microwave blast.
“You have to get to the Corruptor!” she said.
“Think I got a trick that’ll work nicely in a place like this,” said the Goblin. He flew up towards the top of the dome, narrowly dodging past Silhouette. Once he reached the apex, he began to laugh. The laugh grew louder in intensity, the yard causing it to echo and bounce all around. It brought both the Champions and the Corruptor to their knees, and it was just long enough for the Goblin to fly closer and hold out his hand. A discharge of electricity flew from his fingertip, striking the Corruptor and loading him with close to a thousand volts.
With the Corruptor disabled, the Champions who were under his thrall suddenly snapped out of their trance in a confused state.
The Champion Building
Images of the five criminals involved in the attempted overthrow of the Deep appeared on the screen. Four of them had red Xs appear.
“The Corruptor, Rampage, the Griffin and the Spot,” said Justice. “All four have been apprehended, which leaves only one still at large.”
The fifth image enlarged to fill the entire screen. “Carolyn Trainer,” said Turbo.
“I think it’s safe to say that Lady Ock was the brains behind this operation,” said Silhouette. “The others were just pawns meant to provide a distraction so she could cover her escape.”
“Four out of five’s not too bad, though,” said Nova. “Even if we did go down like suckers.”
“We’ve had a lot on our plate lately,” said Justice.
“And I hate to add to it,” said Archangel. “But Vance? I think it’s time we continued our talk…”
NEXT: Under New Management
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