By Mike Bent
“It was a nice service.”
Meggan could feel the remorse in the gathering of friends about her, as they sat in the library of Braddock Manor after returning from Inspector Dai Thomas’ burial service. Rich mahogany lined the walls, and carved moldings showing the craftsmanship that had gone into bulding this mansion. All around the maze of antique chairs were rows and colums of books, most telling tales of events long since gone; which is what Excalibur was here to do themselves.
Brian looked up to his wife, Meggan, that reclined on the arm of his chair and then to the others in turn with a soft silence. Even Wisdom was subdued, recognizing the somber value of the moment, as he too looked somewhat forlorn.
The team about Brian in various chairs, or standing, the young Tangerine was actually the second to speak. “It was nice to see so many people there. Other heroes, his fellow bobbies and even just regular people. He sure seemed to touch a lot of people’s lives.” In fact, of all gathered Tangerine seemed to be the most comfortable of the lot, the one that was actually smiling now and again. Explaining why this was, she continued, “It’s comforting to know that someone can leave such great memories with so many different people. To be remembered with such great thoughts. To continue on, even after.”
“I’m sure Mister Thomas will be looked after now, in heaven.” Rahne stood close to Bridget as she spoke, to help to comfort her new friend. Bridget was not having an easy time with churches, as the last she was in she had burned to the ground, with the Reverend inside.
“Death is a perplexing notion. It appears to be a constant, yet figures throughout history have consistantly defied death in one manner or another. Myself, I am an amalgam: a means of continuence; a life after death, as it were.” Douglock spoke now, wishing to add his own notions which he had been pondering. “While Dai’s soul is being cared for by a greater force, his body shall provide as well: return to the earth to facilitate new life. The cycle continues. However, were I parted from my own life-energy, I would wish to be remembered as fondly as Inspector Thomas has been.”
“He was a good man. They don’t make them like him any more. Pity.” Pete Wisdom had to add his own two cents, as he fished around in his jacket pocket for a cigarette. He needed the niccotine to help him through this depressing mess. As all looked to him, silent, he looked back. What, they expected him to say something rotten, even at a time like this?
“Ja, I am sure Rahne that God has a special place for Dai now. Just as he may serve a greater purpose yet Doug, and each of us cherish him in our memories. While he may have appeared to have been a grumpy man set against those such as us, costumed types a he might have said, he came to accept us. And us him. I know that I shall miss him.” Kurt, leader of this team in more ways than one, felt the need to speak up now, smiling as he said this and looked to everyone in turn to share it. “He would be glad to be remembered.”
Chuckling a little, Brian drew the focus of those assembled as he did so. Noticing that all eyes were on him, he continued to smile as he explained. “What Kurt said, it reminds me of a story concerning Dai.” Looking first to Meggan and then back to everyone else, he leaned forward to share…
A few years ago…
Why did it always have to rain during these kinds of things?
Piccadilly Circus was the place to make a statement if you wished to do so, being in London’s West End. With the U.S. Embassy not far off, about as close to it as the House of Parliments along the Thames River, this was a central part of the city. One that was crowded by many of the citizens here at any given time, as the Circus was known for his shops, theaters and restraurants, and had all of the bright lights to draw the attention to such things.
The fact that there was a small pack of terrorists, who were holed up in the top floors of a main intersection’s store, were threatening to light it up in a completely different way held no comfort for Inspector Dai Thomas of the New Scotland Yard. The fact that they were broadcasting their demands for money from the crown loud enough for the crowds on the street to hear only angered Dai. The fact that they were threatening to blow the explosives they were sitting on only angered Dai even more.
“Inspector! We should get back from there ‘case they blow that…”
Cutting the officer off, Dai injected with something for the nervous young man to do, perhaps. “If I do go poof then the Yard’s doesn’t have to worry about my pension. But how about getting these people far away, Crawford? Find some way to shut the ranting up, I’ll give you a medal.”
But someone else was quick to point out a calvary had arrived as they pointed to the sky. Flying towards the building were Britain’s Greatest Heroes; Captain Britain, Meggan carrying Nightcrawler, and Phoenix carrying Shadowcat. Other people naturally turned and looked as well, but before there could be a chorus of, “Excalibur!” a hush fell over the minds of all, thanks to Phoenix.
All but one that was.
“Bloody hell. Now I have more of a mess to clean up,” Dai muttered.
Almost an hour later…
“Inspector, Excalibur hasn’t come out yet.”
“I know, Crawford. Now the terrorists in there have hostages.” Dai shook his head slightly as he raised himself out of the car he was waiting in. Waiting for the very news he was suspecting to hear, that he was just delivered. “Should have left it to us in the first place,” he sighed. “Right then, I guess it’s time we fix this.”
“Us, sir?”
“That’s right, Crawford. About time we did what we’re paid to do.” Reaching into the car’s glove compartment, Dai took out something he was loathe to use, but now was perhaps the time when he would need it most. Sliding his gun into his holster under his jacket, he stopped to adjust his trench coat before he started his march through the rain towards the building the terrorists were not holding Excalibur within. “Cover me, Crawford. I’m going in.”
Inside the building…
Phoenix was locked away in the basement in a box. Nightcralwer was bounded, blindfolded and gagged and hung upside down. Meggan locked away in some room elsewhere, prevented from seeing her friends. Captain Britain unconscious and hanging from the rafters by his arms. Shadowcat restrained by two men on their side of her. All of them completely powerless.
All of this his doing.
Standing in the center of the large open room was one man. Simon Lords, a fragile and stately looking fellow, who held himself aloft with air of refinement. Floating around the complex explosive device, this gentlemanly figure looked rather odd in that it appeared all hair had been shaved from his body. He was dressed in the same brown jumper that the other terrorists here wore, the ones that were positioned about the room, all armed and masked. Just like the two that restrained Kitty.
Kitty Pryde attempted to tug free from her capturers, unsuccessfully, as she knew whatever drug she was injected with was taking effect. It was nice to be solid again, not have to worry and focus to maintain some form of tangibility. But she didn’t want to have that comfort come like this, at the loss of her powers. Having no control over her situation at the moment. That she decided, she certainly did not like.
Ignoring the others, Kitty’s mind raced for some way out of this. Perhaps if she stalled, tried to fight the drug some… but there were many of them. “Why… why are you doing this?” The bad guys always liked to explain their plans, right? That might buy some time.
Looking to the little girl as she spoke, Simon turned to her to reply to this. “Why, because I can.” Pacing towards her, he made sure to slide a glove onto his hand before he reached for her chin, to draw it up so that he might speak to her more intimately.
“Before I was just a madman with a bomb, threatening to blow up the queen for her crown jewels, to live off of them like a prince. Surely the police would have stormed this little get-together between my friends and myself, overwhelmed us and saved the day. In time. But according to plan, you heroes arrived and provided me with what I wanted. Arriving before the authorities, and providing me with very sepecial hostages. You heroes, you’re all so alike, all so predictable.”
Her chin dropped, Kitty was fighting hard to keep it upright enough to glare at Lords, which she managed to do with difficulty. Even though it appeared as if this lunatic had won, she won’t go down yet. There had to be a way.
Simon continued, as he paced towards Captain Britain where he hung prone from the ceiling. “You, Excalibur, are the darlings of all of England. Britain’s greatest heroes. Is that what you are called? In fact you are nothing more than an expensive means to an end. With my ability to completely negate /any/ abnormal power with but a thought… well, you were witness to how easily surprized you each were, and how we used to this our advantage to overcome you. But to have you back, they will pay top dollar. Perhaps even from the Queen herself.”
Swallowing, Shadowcat’s eyes rolled a little, more at the effects of the drug than the speech. But that too. She grinded teeth a little, she managed to say, “…not that easy… someone will stop you…”
Looking away from Captain Britain to Shadowcat once more, Simon almost sneered to her in reply, “Oh? And who is going to stop me now?”
“That’d be me.”
Turning to look to the doorway, all eyes noticed one figure; a middle-aged, balding gruff-looking man in a plain trenchcoat. The men about the room, while they leveled their weapons on the figure, also looked to Simon for an answer. Especially as the man took a few steps forward towards Mister Lords.
Speaking on behave of his group, Simon asked, “Just who do you claim to be, and how do you plan on stopping me? As you can see better, and more numerous, have tried and failed.”
“That’s simple. You haven’t faced the best yet. Name’s Sensible-Man, and I have a power you can’t drain, Mister Lords.”
Sneering now, Simon nearly spat, “There isn’t any power I can’t cancel!” Closing his eyes, Simon concentrated, attempting to negate whatever Sensible-Man’s powers were and yet… nothing! He opened his eyes, only in time to see…
… the figure known as Senisible-Man standing directly before him. Drawing his pistol from its holtser, Dai gave Simon a quick sharp blow to the temple, to render him unconscious. “Told you. You criminals, so predictable, all of you alike.”
As Simon collapsed to the ground, Dai turned his gun to point at the nearest standing terrorist. “Right then, you’re all under arrest. Put those guns down before you make me hurt you. Now, before you start shooting up the place and me, it’s best to remember that with your employing pal here out of the way, you have some mighty pissed super folk headed this way this instant. Not to mention the Yard’s finest which will be coming through that door any minute now. So, what do you say to coming along peacefully?”
Ten minutes later, outside…
As the surrendered criminals were being loaded into a paddywagon, Captain Britain took a moment to step forward to Inspector Thomas under the rain. The rain was something that Meggan seemed to be enjoying tremendously behind him, as she danced about it in slightly, getting her bare feet wet in a nearby puddle. Not far off Shadowcat, Phoenix and Nightcrawler were busy talking to the gathered media after having had their own private moment with Dai inside, something that made Dai shake his head over.
Just like them to get all of the glory.
Clearing his throat, Brian drew Dai’s attention away from Excalibur, his teammates, and from Simon Lords who was loaded last into the wagon which was just now leaving. Speaking just loud enough to be heard over the siren, Brian shared a private, “Thank you, Dai. Kitty told me what you did in there for us. How did you know?”
“Mister Lords has quite an extensive record with Interpol. Sometimes it pays to do your own homework. Thought you did time in the ivy leagues, Brian?”
Forced to smirk as Dai had indeed caught him, he took the jab he rightfully deserved. But he made sure that he said, “If no one else sends the thank you your way, I want to be sure that I do.”
Dai turned to look up to Cap, who somehow always managed to appear damned impressive in that funny suit. But he also knew the man underneath, Brian Braddock. As much as he was loathe to admit it at times, the two men were friends. They were, honest. Nodding, Dai turned back to looking forward as he spoke.
“Can’t believe I did that, what I did in there. You better not tell anyone what happened in there Braddock. I know we’ve traded the score back and forth in the past, but for that? You owe me for that one. Don’t you ever forget it either…”
“… don’t worry, Dai, I never will.” Brian concluded his tale. He leaned back in his chair to mull over his own story, as Meggan slipped her arm around his shoulder to share her own comfort with her husband.
All sat in silence for a moment, imagining the tale they were just told, envisioning this man. Others that knew him remembered him as he was. Gruff, stubborn, opinionated. Yet also generous, curageous and strong.
Dai would be missed, but never forgotten.
Other tales of Inspector Thomas would be told that night, as well as additional touching moments from each other’s past. It was a time of comfort, of coming together despite the tradegic loss of an ally, and a friend. A time for a family to mourn and yet grow more strong, together.
Sitting silent in his chair through most of this, Brian merely watched and listened, comforted by such shared sentiments. While churning over a thought deep inside, a regretful one that was the cause of his joy, Brian whispered softly to himself, “Thank you, Dai.”
Several hours later…
He wasn’t going to get any more sleep tonight than last, or the night before, or the night before that… if any at all. All he needed was a good strong drink. Perhaps that would help.
Looking up from the desk where he had sequestered himself to, after having gone to his room following the evening’s get-together, Brian saw it was his beautiful wife that had called out his name. Dressed in only one of his old college days shirt, which was easily oversized for her small frame, Brian couldn’t help but notice how concerned she was. For him. And with good reason.
Reaching up with a hand across his body, he laid a hand atop her’s, that was now on his shoulder, in hopes to comfort her. Comfort himself. “I’m sorry, Meggan. I know, I shouldn’t be like this. I don’t mean to be.”
Moving to wrap her arms about her husband, Meggan laid her head on Brian’s shoulder as she hugged him from behind. “It’s okay, Brian. It really is. I know that you’re being strong for the others, doing all that you can for them. Being Captain Britain for their benefit.”
And that was it, wasn’t it? It wasn’t something he was sure he should be again, not now, not like this. He could even handle a Warwolf by himself, as he needed to be saved by a twelve year old girl. Remembering all that Dai had accomplished only further made Brian wonder why he shouldn’t simply be Brian Braddock; scientist, lord and husband. Was he still fit to be a hero? He wished he knew, to give his wife an honest answer, though he knew that she knew all that he was feeling. And more.
Giving her hand a soft squeeze, Brian knew the best he could do was to continue to try, just as he was doing now. Standing, he drew Meggan to him, as with her he was happy. Truly so. He did love her, appreciated her. Cherished her. “Let’s go to bed, okay?”
Again, it would be another night of sleeping on the matter, to see if the answer would be there for him in the morning.
Sitting at the dining room table, Kurt looked about his surroundings. Interesting how fine china could be mixed with bright cables and wires, as all he noticed were scattered bits of technology which littered the room. Currently using this manor as their headquaters, the room here had been coverted into a make-shift meeting hall, complete with all of the necessary communications gear to hopefully get themselves back on track.
Being a creature of the night more than he might like to admit, Kurt was alert and awake as he sat before the video-conference computer/phone combination device Douglock had whipped up. Cup of coffee in tail, both to keep it preoccupied and to free his hands for typing, Kurt attempted to contact the X-Men again. And he was unsuccessful again. Having taken the time difference into account, perhaps there were still complications with the array patterns, their not being strong enough to make an overseas connection yet. Kurt had hoped to talk to Kitty, his dearest friend, which he was coming to miss more by the day.
Knowing that he had another call he could make, despite the late hour, Kurt decided to give it a go anyway. His mind made up, he dialed the number for the Pendragons.
The connection was made, and the video-feed was established. “Pendragons answering. What would be the emergency… Nightcrawler?” It was Dane Whitman, the Black Knight and leader of the Pendragons, that was answering the call. “To what do I honor the call from the X-Men?”
Grinning from pointed ear to pointed ear, Kurt relaxed in his chair, his tail providing him with a sip of coffee before he replied. “Nein, Mister Whitman, I am making this call on behalf of Excalibur, to which I have returned once more. We didn’t get a chance to speak at the service, and it is to my regret our respective teams haven’t been in contact. Had we been, we might have been able to help poor Dai.”
“There is no need to regret that, Nightcrawler, more than we both already do. Even if we were there, I am not sure anything could have been done. Yet… it was a pleasant service, was it not? And, please, it’s Dane.”
“Kurt, bitte,” Kurt returned with a polite wink.
“I am glad that you have returned my call, Kurt. To what do I owe the pleasure? Hopefully it is not to inform us that Britain is only big enough to support one heroic team?” The way Kurt had spoken earlier seemed to indicate that it was not.
“Quite the contrary, Dane, as it would be a pleasure to welcome you. Not only England, but all of the world could use more heroes dedicated to protecting it. In fact, with our recent run of bad luck at the hands of Black Air, as we are now withour Muir Isle, we could use all the friends and support we could get.”
Chuckling a little, Dane answered, “We also have had our fair share of conflicts in recent months, and the help would be welcome indeed. Perhaps we could strike up a working partnership of sorts. If it were not for the late hour I would be welcome to hammer out the details with you tonight, if you are in agreement?”
“I am indeed, Dane. That would be most welcome, and beneficial for all, I would think. I know that is is something I would welcome. An open line of communication, as we are right next door to one another.”
“Feel free to drop by Avalon anytime.”
“I do have to admit that I am curious about the place,” Kurt winked. “I shall drop by tomorrow?”
“I’ll be waiting, Kurt. Perhaps you can bring a blade and we could both discover that I am the better swordsman?” Dane grinned slightly, warming to Kurt as much as the Elf was warming to the Knight.
“Consider your challenge accepted!” Kurt winked again. “Gute Nacht, Dane.”
With that Kurt reached forward to press the button that would end the call, to allow Dane to go to bed. Something that Kurt could do himself now, and do so with greater comfort than he had in some time.
NEXT ISSUE: An old friend makes a phone call, and the result will split the team and Excalibur will never be the same again. Who will leave? Who will stay? What does the future hold?
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