Author’s Note: The majority of this issue takes place after Champions #5 and before Champions #7.
Xandar Cluster, Then
Xandar had seen hard times. The Universe was having bad and hard times to top it off. From the Annihilation War to the siblings of Galactus. Damage from the attack upon the cluster could still be seen as rubble and debris still lined many of the walkways and non-essential areas. The morgues were still backed up with casualties as the graveyards were too full and there was not time to find other arrangements. Even the palace was still in ruins and the lovely Queen Adora still unaccounted for with a majority of her court as well. There was a general sense of disarray that marred the once proud Corps after their encounter with Tenebrous and Aegis*. The Nova Corps were no longer one of the premier law enforcement entities of the stars. In fact there was barely a Corps left. The Corps was dying.
*Note: The attack happened in Silver Surfer #2
“Steady that beam rookie! If you mess this up again I’ll strip your rank and boot you on an interdimensional transport faster than you can say Galactus,” newly appointed Star Corporal Muratik Grot barked, grabbing a rookie Kree corpsman by the collar and shoving him forward. Catching another corpsman wavering in his blasting of rubble, a grumble emerged, “One wrong move and you’ll bring the whole damn thing on top our heads. Be assured if I have to dig myself out of rubble, you’ll be cleaning the latrines with your tongue till the universe ends.”
Moving away, the grim look on Grot’s face never once faded. Entering the remains of the palace, he moved towards the lower levels. Seeing the palace and Xandar itself so barren was nothing new to long time Corps members. Years before the space pirate Nebula and her armada had destroyed Xandar and almost all of its inhabitants, including the Nova Corps as well. Luckily for the Xandarians and all who depended on them, it was only a temporary situation. The Nova Prime of the time, Richard Rider, and his Earth friends had come and brought life back to the world. Once the Worldmind supercomputer had been reactivated, Xandar had exploded back into the Universe.
Entering the War Room on the lowest level, Grot nodded at those surrounding the still dusty table. Most of the rubble in that level had been moved to the side until crews had time for full restoration. In the middle of the room a projection of a Nova helmet and face that the Worldmind used to communicate with others, sat hovering. At the head of the table was the acting Nova Prime, Centurion Samaya. The Centurion had proven herself over the last few years to be a worthy successor to the current Nova Prime, if the day should ever come.
Beside Samaya was her long time friend and partner on the Corps, Centurion Pyo a Rigellian. The squat woman sat with her arms crossed, staring at the table in displeasure. The last two figures in the room were recent additions to the upper echelons of the Nova Corps.
Centurions Malik Tarcel and Morrow, a Shi’ar and Mephistoid respectively. Sitting at opposite ends of the table, it was clear that the animosity between their two races was still not fully put aside by the two. As long as they didn’t let it interfere with their work, Grot couldn’t give a damn if off duty they burned effigies of each other.
All of them had been brought together for one reason, the future of the Nova Corps. In the aftermath of recent events, priorities and goals had to be rethought and upgraded.“Centurion Grot, progress report.” The Worldmind’s request was without emotion, which was not surprising when it came to the super computer. Even with all the knowledge and personalities and memories of Nova’s of the past within, the machine still couldn’t understand basic emotions.
Grunting, Grot plopped down into a seat across from Pyo. “The dinks couldn’t fight off a Kree Armada if their das’t lives depended on it, but they clean rubble with the best of them. Go figure.” Crossing his arms Grot leaned back and stared at the others, one by one. “What did I miss?”
Samaya stood up and held a small pad in her hand. Glancing at the Worldmind projection she bowed her head slightly. “If you don’t mind, I’ll take the briefing from here.” A slight acknowledgment by way of bowing slightly was all she got from the super computer. “Aegis and Tenebrous’ attack on Xandar left us severely crippled. Thousands were killed during the attack of the two. Many of our Corpsman turned on one another under the influence of Magus. The vile creature took many of the Corpsmen with him as puppets upon the retreat of our attackers. Most were left lifeless husks here.”
Pausing, a blue hand moved up to slide along the giant red Mohawk like ridge. “The Corps has been decimated from outside and inside as well. Queen Adora is still missing, and is presumed dead in the attack. Until she is found, the Worldmind has bestowed power onto the Nova Prime and the Star Corporal to rule in her stead. Grot will be focusing upon bringing the Corps back to full strength, as I focus upon the damage done to our home. The agricultural section was severed from the main Xandar cluster, but has been since restored to full function. The crops that were lost in the short separation are being replaced as we speak.
Annihilus and his ilk’s movement through space like a plague decimated whole worlds in their wake. First wave responders Centurions Forzel and Pa-Lann, two of the first casualties, are still proving unresponsive to any treatment we try. Even with the defeat of Annihilus and the return of the Soul Gem, there seems to be little that can be done. Until we can reach the hero Quasar we must forge ahead as the two are not in danger. There are greater concerns. On top of our casualties from the attack upon the cluster, the numbers are still coming in from those added during the ‘Annihilation War’ as it’s being referred to. While we try to find new recruits to fill the gaping hole we now face, at the same time there are nowhere near enough Corps members to respond to all the distress calls throughout the systems. Entire systems are losing faith in the Corps. Never before have we been stretched so thin.”
Samaya paused as the information she presented was given a chance to sink in. Pyo caught her eye and gave a reassuring nod. Samaya was still not certain of her position as interim Nova Prime. Such a position would be coveted by many in more peaceful times. With so much piling upon their plates it was too much responsibility for any one person. “Also we all know the Worldmind saw fit to bestow a portion of the Nova Force upon the Silver Surfer who was able to repel the invaders of our home. The Surfer currently still holds this portion of the force. With the force severely depleted upon the other circumstances, we need all available Corps members recalled to Xandar for reassignment. Forces will be spread thin as we reorganize, but perhaps we can quell some of the universe’s unrest.”
”Your strategy is sound Nova Prime Samaya, yet lacking. In such a time of re-growth or rebirth a symbol is needed. Living beings seek something to rally around in such dire times my records indicate. The Corps needs to provide such a symbol. With no disparaging comments upon Nova Centurion Samaya, the Nova Prime is needed.” As the Worldmind’s docile tones faded for a moment the screen behind them all flickered as it changed. The image firmed as that of a tall sandy haired young man, clearly human.”Nova Prime Richard Rider is needed. For the sake of the Corps.”
Part I: Responsibilities New and Old
By Scott Redmond
Los Angeles, Now
“I don’t know. Seems kind of small.”
Mickey Musashi commented as her eyes drifted around the decent sized apartment. While everything seemed new or newish, a welcome change from the last few places that had been seen that were better forgotten, it just didn’t seem to fit right within her mind. Not for a first place for two people to live together. Turning to the young man beside her she leaned on his arm and stared up into his face. Being taller than the average for women it was still nice to be able to look up into his eyes. “What do you think?”
Richard Rider gave the place a once over himself. “It is a bit small. Especially for the price. Though I suppose we can’t be too picky.”
“He’s quite right you know.”
Mickey scowled at the real estate agent who had been getting on her nerves for some time now. “Didn’t ask you.”
“What? I didn’t.”
Rich laughed. “No you didn’t but doesn’t mean her head has to be bitten off now does it?”
“I suppose not.” Moving into the room some more the door to the bedroom was opened. As the light switch was hit and the room was illuminated a soft gasp came out. While the entry room and the living room seemed a bit on the small side the bedroom was almost palatial in its size. “Wow. It’s amazing.”
Rich and the agent followed in and glanced around. A low whistle came from the sandy haired young man. “Wow is probably the right word. I guess it’s not seeming so small now is it?”
A playful glare was sent his way. “Don’t push it rocket boy.”
“So are you interested in this one?” The agent’s eyebrow rose at the comment about a rocket but then just assumed he was fast at something he did like a sport nick name or a driver or something. If only she knew that the two people possibly ready to take a place off her hands were superheroes in their spare time. Turbo and Nova were formerly New Warriors but lately had been part of Los Angles newest hero team the Champions. Not the first team of Champions the city had been home to as the original incarnation had called the city home as well.
“Yes, I think we are.” Mickey smiled and gave Richard a small hug. “We’re actually doing this. We’re getting a place together.”
“Yeah we are…it’s really grown up, isn’t it.?” Richard’s arms wrapped around his girlfriend’s body. It had been months since they had started secretly dating at first. After the mess with Patriot and GeneTech they had fallen into a relationship after realizing they had a mutual attraction to one another. After the mess with the Vampires they had decided life was too short to be wasted on keeping secrets. It was Mickey who suggested getting an apartment. Rich wasn’t sure at first but accepted the idea as he didn’t want to mess up the relationship as had happened with Namorita and others. This was his chance to do it all right.
A loud rumble came as the entire building began to shake. Lights flickered and things began to fall in apartments next door and nearby. The sounds of people screaming could be heard even muffled by walls and floors. Rich caught sight of something streaking through the sky and headed for the nearby park. While the agent was busy hiding her head, Rich pointed at the motion to get Mickey’s attention. The woman’s eyes widened. There had to be something wrong.
“Oh Rich, you should go check on the car and umm make sure everything is okay.”
“Oh yeah, the car. Sure.”
Before the agent could even react to the ridiculous idea of checking the car, Rich was out the door. It wasn’t the most graceful lie to get to something that needed the attention of a super hero but it would work. Both knew that Rich could get to the incident faster and one of them had to stick around to not only not lose the place but not scare the agent into denying them. Sometimes real life did have to come before adventure. For one of them at least. Reaching the outside Rich concentrated as his clothing rippled and melted away to reveal the Nova Corps uniform. Seconds later he was airborne.
The blur streaked through the sky and finally came to a stop as it crashed into the ground of the park. Everything shook as a crater was formed. Water from the nearby, and now broken, fountain poured into the hole. Another blur arrived and came to a softer stop as Nova had arrived. People ran away screaming from the site of the crater leaving him alone with whatever had arrived on planet. Experience told that it wasn’t anything friendly. Hardly ever was it something friendly. Shame that so many spices populated the universe and so few were on good terms with Earth.
“Whoever you are, I’m sure glad you showed up. If the choice is between beating up some super villain or picking out wallpaper for a new apartment, I’ll take villain any day.” Striding towards the hole, his forearms glowed as eyes took in what was within the crater.
A figure groaned and moved out of the hole, revealing themselves fully. Their distinctive blue and yellow costume caused Rich to shut his powers off quickly. “Identify yourself Corpsman. What is your mission on Earth, and why was I not informed?”
Shaking their head as if to push off the effects of crash-landing, the corpsman still had a broad smile upon their lips. “Always acting the leader part boychick.”
The helmet slid off the figure’s head revealing red curly hair, and a very familiar face. Bernie Dillon, one of Rich’s oldest friends. “Bernie…but how?”
Folding the helmet up Bernie’s smile faded away slightly. “Well that’s part of why I’m here buddy. You’re being recalled. I’m your replacement.”
The Vault
Pain. There should have been pain, but there wasn’t. All feeling had been lost years before in the accident. The small amount of light within the cell glistened off the diamond shell that was Archie Dyker’s skin. Diamondhead was the moniker that had served him during the years of criminal activity. Every villain worth their weight had to have some catchy name that usually was just a reference to their condition.
Five years. Five years he had rotted in the small cell that was now his home. Most of those years had been spent as a pile of unmoving diamond shards. Unable to move. To talk. All basic human actions were denied to him, all but one. Thought. He was alive and coherent the entire time. Nothing but the hatred had sustained him. Hatred for the costumed hero called Nova.
The last battle with Nova those five years before had not been a planned one. A simple job to kill a doctor that some anti-abortion nuts had wanted taken off the map, was easy money in his mind. The man was right there, cowering and ready for death. Things could never go easy, as that was when Nova burst onto the scene. The obligatory hero and villain battle had begun, as the two faced off. Captain America had shown up at one point, but Nova wanted the glory all for himself.
As the upper hand ended up on Dyker’s side, Nova was a beaten mess on the ground. In a moment of apparent rage or recklessness, Nova took the Captain’s glove that controlled his photon shield. The shield was activated and the energy slammed through Dyker’s body, shattering him all across the ground. All conscious thought had fled at that moment, as his mind couldn’t handle the reality of what had happened.
It had taken all those years just reform, and the hatred for the hero burned ever stronger. There was a click at the door, as a figure pulled the heavy metal door open. Two guards moved into the room, their weapons drawn and aimed. The doctor with them brought in a tray of food, with the steam still drifting off it. Setting the tray onto the ground before the hulking man, the doctor scurried backwards.
“You got twenty minutes to eat freak, then we take the tray back. No funny business.” The lead guard nodded at his compatriot to move towards the door. The two men backed towards the door, as a diamond hand reached for the food.
Pausing Dyker let a smile spread his face. “Hey buddy, I think you forgot something. Gotta light?”
His hand shot out capturing the bright light from outside the door inside his arm. Reflected around the diamond surface, the light re-emerged even brighter than it had started. Catching the guards off bearing as they grabbed for their eyes, he surged forward slamming into them. The lead guard’s ribs snapped easily as he crumpled to the ground.
The second guard slammed back into the wall, his head connecting with the wall. A sickening crack was heard as he sagged to the floor. Grabbing one of the fallen guns, the once prisoner caught the retreating doctor. Holding the gun to the man’s neck, the long walk down the hallways began.
“You’re my ticket out of here doc. I got some revenge to dish out. Diamondhead is back.”
Empire State University
One-Week Ago
Heavy with textbooks, the tossed backpack settled onto the table with an audible thump. Sweat dripped from his face as Bernie plopped upon the couch. The professors had been riding them harder this year as the date of graduation for most moved ever closer. In all the years of higher education he had almost never thought he would make it to that day. Guess it was true about being one’s harshest critic.
“Roger, you home man?” There was no response from his roommate. Sighing, his head sagged back on the couch back. “Looks like another night with just me and the TV.”
The remote lay on the coffee table ahead. Reaching and groaning he finally grasped the device and yanked it back. Just as the television flickered on, a bright flash of light filled the room as the viewing device sputtered out. A glowing figured smashed through the window and stood in the middle of the room staring around. Green scaly skin could be seen from beneath it’s helmet, a helmet design Bernie knew well. A Nova Corps member.
“You’re…. you’re a Nova.”
Grot grunted as his eyes took in the red haired human. “Where is Richard Rider?” The Skrull wasn’t one for pleasantries.
“He’s in California now.”
Something on the Skrull’s belt beeped, and earned an annoyed glance from the Nova. Pulling the communicator up he began to speak in a language that was totally foreign to the college student’s ears. It was clear from the tone of speech that whatever was happening was annoying the Nova. Part of Bernie wished that Rich had never left New York.
Placing the communicator back upon his belt, Grot cursed in Skrull for a second before turning back to Bernie. “Bernie Dillon you have been chosen by the Worldmind to hold great power as a member of the Nova Corps. Your training begins immediately.”
Before the offer could be expected, a glowing light surrounded both of them. With another flash the room was suddenly empty.
Downtown Los Angeles
“My replacement?” Stunned would be an understatement to describe the current feelings that ran through Rich’s mind. After everything he had ever seen as Nova, this was not one he had been expecting. “They’re taking my powers away? What the hell did I do?”
Bernie’s hand rose to silence his friend for a moment. “Sorry, my bad man. Your replacement on Earth. They are recalling you to Xandar. They need the Nova Prime there to help with rebuilding of the Corps. They’ve been hit bad lately man. Galactus and his siblings. Some Negative Zone dude instigated some interstellar war. It’s rough stuff.”
Thoughts of the ship in orbit that was his link to the Corps, Rich felt a moment of guilt as he realized it had been months since he had even bothered checking in. Worried about Earth and his teams, the problems of those in space had not seemed to matter much. The Nova Prime was supposed to be the key figurehead of the Corps, a rallying point for the Corps. Instead they had a perpetually absent figurehead.
“There has to be some mistake. Earth is where I need to be. I got the Champions now and a girlfriend. I’m about to move into my first place with her. My life is here. I’ll relinquish the Nova Prime title if that helps. I’d be better off serving here on Earth.”
“Did I ever tell you how you sell yourself short is a big problem in your character?”
“No, but I suppose you are going to now.”
Folding the helmet that once covered his head into a pouch, Bernie strode away from the hole his impact had created. Reaching one of the benches he sat and motioned for Rich to follow. With a sigh the current Earth Nova followed. No doubt they would make a strange picture if anyone walked by.
“After everything you have accomplished on Earth and for the Corps over the years, you still don’t think you have a greater destiny than Earth? There are so many planets and galaxies out there just begging to be explored. It’s the dream of like every little child to see the stars. You have the power and chance to do just that. Yet instead you are content to handle small fries here on Earth. Great planet and all, but still boychick think about it.”
“That used to be the dream, when I was young. I have responsibilities here now.”
“You have responsibilities to the whole damn Universe Rich. You are the Nova Prime. That isn’t going to change. You are exactly what the Corps needs right now. You’ve saved them before.. The ways of old aren’t working anymore. The Universe has changed greatly. People are dying out there. They need you.”
“I’m not leaving Earth.” Pushing from the bench, he began to move away.
“Rich wait.” Bernie stood and caught his friend’s shoulder. “Can’t you at least go talk to the Worldmind and check out the situation on Xandar, what harm could talking do?”
“Fine.” A sigh shuddered through his body. “I need to inform the others where I’m going and then we can leave.”
“Sorry buddy, no time like the present.” Before Rich could respond a bright light surrounded them, and with a flash the park patrons were left looking at an empty space with surprise. The Novas were gone.
Next Issue: Diamondhead forms a team! Return to Xandar! The fate of romance! It came from beyond!
So here it is at last, the return of Nova’s solo series. The decision to reboot was not a simple one as I had some like for where things were going but I realized I fell into the opening story trap of trying to do too much and not just getting to the point of things and having fun. So here’s hoping this new first issue does the great Nova service, and keeps you on the edge of your seat for all the good times to come!
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