The Bar with No Name
New York City
There were certain places that catered to the criminal population of the world. Scattered all over, none was as famous as The Bar with No Name. The name was a joke in and of itself, as well as a statement to the need for secrecy and underground nature of their chosen career paths.
“Another one, barkeep.” The glass before the speaker was still full to brim having sat untouched. The bar tender frowned but whisked the glass away to place another in its place. A slightly pinkish hand slid out to wrap around the glass. It wasn’t raised to the lips like others would do, because the reality of the situation was that they had no lips to speak of. Where a face would be on others was just a blank slate in the shape of a head. No facial features at all. Just a blank pinkish canvas. “Thanks.”
The bartender grunted and moved away, leaving the faceless man to himself. Nathan Cooper gripped the glass before pushing it away. Every moment in life was a reminder of what had been lost years ago. During a fishing trip with his nephew Roger, Nathan tripped over Roger and fell into a swirling black pit. Shot over a million years into the future he was saved by the last remaining life form on the planet. As her people had long ago evolved far beyond humans, she was able to save Nathan’s damaged body but could not restore his facial features. As if to make up for it she gave him the power to control the environment around him.
Returning to the right time after escaping the being that had fallen in love with him, revenge had been the sole thought. Nathan captured Roger and tried to kill him. Luckily for Roger, Nova had burst onto the scene and saved the young man. Fighting with the hero, Nathan took on the name Megaman as he tried to get his ex-wife back into his life. In the end she denied him and the future entity returned him to her time, as she loved him deeply.
After years of being doted upon by the female, finally the chance to escape had come again. With the return to Earth Nathan tried to lay low in the new world that greeted him. The desire for revenge against Roger had abated over the years, but not against his ex-wife and her new husband. Finding them and observing from the shadows he had prepared to finish their lives, but in the end couldn’t do it.
“That shit ain’t gonna drink itself.” Nathan’s head didn’t move as he took in the approaching stranger. The strange sight that was given to him from his mind showed a shining individual with a diamond shaped head. “Hey barkeep, get me whatever he’s having.”
A glass slid to the new figure as he took a seat next to the pink villain. “So Megaman huh? Bet you get all the jokes comparing you to that video game character don’t ya?”
“Can’t say I do.”
“Heh, I guess not. Can’t say the hero crowd out there is that clever really.”
“I suppose.”
“Not a man of many words, are you Cooper? No matter, I got all the words you’ll need. Just got myself out of the joint recently, a free man again after five years. Five years of lying in a pile of diamond shards on a cold cell floor. As you can imagine not the most pleasant experience. Though you very well know about being trapped in unaccommodating places don’t ya?” Diamondhead raised the glass as if in a mock toast before downing the liquid. “That hits the spot. Though not really like I can taste it anymore. Body of diamond and all.”
Nathan lightly grunted, as his head remained facing the same way it had the entire time he was in the bar. The glass sat forgotten as he tolerated the guest that sat beside him.
“Anyways, I owe that shitty stay in prison to that punk ass Nova. I believe you’re quite aware of him.”
For the first time in the conversation the pink head turned to face the newest arrival. If there were a face to convey emotion, it would be full of rage. “Nova. I will grind his bones to dust for interfering.”
“Yes. I thought as much. What if I were to tell you I’m forming a little team to deal with Nova once and for all?”
“I’d say tell me more.”
Part II: Change is a Six-Letter Word
By Scott Redmond
Author’s Note: The Majority of this issue takes place after Champions #5 and before Champions #7
Xandar Cluster
“… damn it Bernie!”
The words died away as sight returned and the new surroundings became apparent. Sunlight trickled through the large dome that maintained the atmosphere of the main branch of the cluster. In the distance the shouts of countless Corpsman could be heard. No doubt they were in the middle of intense training to gain full admittance to the corps. Richard froze as he caught sight of the agricultural dome just drifting alongside the main dome. It was clear that Bernie spoke the truth about the damage done.
“You could have given me time to prepare.” Muttering vehemently, Rich turned back to his friend. “I suppose since I’m here you should take me to Queen Adora then.”
“Umm, Queen Adora is not exactly in charge right now boychick. More accurately she’s been missing since the attack. She’s presumed dead, and the facility in which to accesses a clone is still offline. So for the moment Adora is effectively off the board.”
“Then who the hell am I supposed to be talking to here?”
“Well look what the das’t tar’lak dragged in.” The voice was unmistakable and caused a momentary sense of irritation along with happiness. It was conflicting emotions, but the person in question caused that. Richard turned to see the figure of Grot in all his Skrullness ambling over. “Bout time you got your Kree kissing butt back here Rider. I woulda dragged you kicking and screaming myself if Samaya woulda let me.”
Bernie moved forward to give the traditional Nova Corps salute at Grot’s arrival. Waving the tradition off, Grot gave a throaty chuckle. “Your possible replacement if you keep living with your head up your ass. Centurion Samaya was acting Nova Prime in your stead. Damn fine job she’s been doing too. Shame you returned.”
“I really feel the love. So you gonna tell me who the hell I have to talk to here in order to get back to Earth? Samaya can keep the damn job for all I really care.”
Grot’s head shook, his massive shoulders moving slightly. “Typical Human. Looking for the first chance to scurry off like a space rodent. Told the Worldmind we were better off without ya. Let ya keep running around that blue mud planet is what I said. But nobody listens to me.”
“I could never guess why.” Rich’s hand rose and gestured towards the palace. “I’m assuming that’s where I’ll find the Worldmind and Samaya.”
“Score one for the dink. Let’s go.” With a huff, the Skrull Star Corporal turned and led the way towards the massive palace in the distance.
“A cave? This is where you expect to find someone else to help us? Got a super hobo in here or something.”
Diamondhead ignored Megaman’s gripes as they moved further into the dark cave. Drops of water and who knows what else fell from above and created echoes as they hit the puddles below. It had taken some time and money passing through the right hands to figure out the location of the one they sought.
“If we’re gonna do this thing with taking down Nova, we’re gonna do it right. We need a third to be a proper Terrible Trio.”
“Who the heck comes up with these names? Terrible Trio? Sounds like a horrible Saturday Morning Cartoon villain group.”
“It’s about the history you moron. Nova needs to know who’s coming for him and he’ll know that name. He’ll know it well. As well as he knows each of us three that’ll be in the group.”
“So we’re going after another cast off villain that Nova beat up on? You realize we have almost no chance of winning if we’re all guys that Nova beat up. Guys not even Avengers quality hero.”
A hissing sound filled the air as something zipped by quickly overhead. Megaman ducked his head quickly even though the movement was far overhead. “What the fuck!”
Diamondhead allowed a grin to split his face. “That’s our other teammate.”
The shadows began to part as the figure of a man slid from them. Black wings were out from the body flapping slightly as if to keep them in motion at all times. A red and black body suit covered the body as red eyes stared out at them from the darkness and gave off sort of a glow in the dim cave. Orange bulky gauntlets covered the forearm as black gloved hands with clawed fingers clenched at the side. What appeared to be three silver talons were at the top of the head with the black head covering. The Condor stood before them.
“Diamondhead –chik chik – you dare show your – chik shik – face here!”
“Guessing you two ain’t on the best of terms.” Megaman shook his head and wished he could roll his eyes. If he had eyes.
“Condor. What happened to you ain’t my fault man. That’s between you and that Sphinx dude.”
Condor hissed and brought a clawed hand forward. “You truly are –chik – lucky my claws cannot –chik chik—penetrate your diamond –shik shik—skin for I would tear you apart!”
“We don’t have time for this. I came because I heard you know more about Nova than others. Like who the guy is outside of his dorky hero persona. His real name.”
The change of expression upon the avian man’s face was evident as he tried to turn his head away quickly. “It is of no –chik—consequence what I know.”
“It is to me. We’re gonna seek revenge on the kid once and for all. It’s his fault we’re all the way we are. If he had just kept his nose out of shit we’d all be rolling rich and be fine.”
“The Nova –chik shik—and I have no grudge. We have –chik chik—parted as foes.”
“Just cause you and he saved some chick together don’t mean nothing Condor. He’s still responsible for what happened. You know it, and I know it. The man in you knows it’s true too.”
Condor hissed and turned his face back. “Even if that is –chik chik—true…what would you have me do? Join you?”
“Join us and put the hero in his place once and for all. So we can become what he has stopped us becoming for years. A force to be reckoned with.”
“His name…-chick chick—is Richard Rider.”
Xandar Cluster
“All…all of that happened?” Both hands were on each side of Rich’s head as he stared at the screen before him. Images encompassing the events of the last few months came to an end with one showing the devastation caused on numerous worlds by the Annihilation Wave. “Why wasn’t I informed?”
“You’re ship was left numerous messages and you were to be summoned back to Xandar but you never responded to the summons or the messages.”
Rich turned towards Samaya to deny her claim when thoughts went back to the last few months and the dull buzzing felt at the back of his mind off and on. It had been written off as just an annoyance or part of his powers out of whack. Something to be dealt with later. It made sense now, as Rich realized that basically he had been on vibrate like a cell phone except he was ignoring every call. “Things were…hectic on Earth as well.”
“Yes the records of your world indicated a massive energy build up recently that broke through the dimensional barriers around your world.”
Rich’s thoughts went back to the incident with the Red Skull not long before. The world had been changed, though not that Rich knew about it. The Champions and others hadn’t been part of those that remembered and helped bring the world back. Speaking with the Avengers had brought them back up to speed afterwards, not that all of the bigger heroes were willing to be fully forthcoming. Not a surprise when it came to dealing with those like himself that never really used their full potential.
“Yeah there was that among other things. Doesn’t matter now though as it’s all done and over with. You’re all still here and you’re dealing with the aftermath. You’re filling in as the temporary Nova Prime and hell you can have the position if you want. I’m not needed here. As I was telling Bernie.”
“Centurion Dillon informed us you would most likely say as much.” Samaya crossed her arms over her chest and gave her head a slight shake.
“Let me guess now is when you try and convince me to care and come back and be the big time hero? Am I even close?”
“No you are not, Centurion Rider. You are further off than you know. The choice is yours, and we will not try to force or influence you otherwise. A Nova Centurion forced into their position is of no use to the Corps. A willing member is what is needed. Therefore you may go when you please.”
Richard rose from the seat and started for the door before pausing. “All said and done though I’m willing to help where I can. I’m just not ready to be here leading. I’ve got a life on Earth.”
“I said I would not influence or coerce you Rider that does not mean I won’t give my thoughts. You are a coward. You are like all other humans that we have encountered. Selfish and focused only upon your ball of mud. You are not the only ones in this universe. It would do you all well to remember that. There might come a day where you will need the others of the universe by your side, but it will be too late.”
Before Rich could answer the blue skinned woman was gone, the sharp red fin upon her head swaying back and forth as the door closed behind her. A sigh emerged as Rich ran his hand through his brunette locks. Coming back was a mistake and he’d have to speak to Bernie about it later. Clearly his friend was a better fit for the Corps already giving in to every order they threw about. Rich had done his time as the Prime and saved the Corps numerous times. It was enough; they had to find their own footing now. There was too much to do on Earth.
Empire State University
It had been over a week since Bernie had vanished, and Roger was worried. The two had been friends for years along with Richard. With the hero amongst them on the West Coast the two had been left to continue their lives with a lot less interesting and dangerous situations. It was refreshing while also annoying. A bit of super heroics in one’s life really helped make a boring day in class sail by. Entering the empty apartment, a sigh went out as keys fell upon the small door side table. A hand rubbed against a sore neck as he began down the hall. A steady drip sounded from the bathroom, the tub faucet no doubt leaking again.
Sighing, a head popped through the bathroom door to double check the source. Only a dark shadow filled the eyesight before Roger was rocked back by a solid punch that sent him quickly to his backside. The pink fist that had struck him withdrew as the door slammed open wide. Fear-filled eyes slid up to the featureless face that was thought gone for good. “Uncle Nathan?”
“Megaman, kid, Nathan Cooper is dead. Thanks to you.”
Another door opened as Diamondhead strolled out, the window in the far bedroom shattering open as the sleek form of Condor sailed into the room. Roger felt fear like never before, realizing that his best friend’s enemies had at last teamed up…and knew that he knew something about the hero. “Oh god…”
“That’s right, kid; the Terrible Trio is back in business. Better than before. Now you got some information on our favorite yellow and blue wearing cosmic hero.”
Dryker’s arms crossed as a dark smirk emerged. “See I know you know about Nova’s identity. The last battle between the little punk and me, I remember it all clearly. I remember seeing you being more friendly than most people and supers are.”
“I don’t know anything. You have the wrong guy, I swear.”
Condor hissed as he edged closer, the animalistic tendencies in his mind at last taking over somewhat. “Perhaps, but – chik chik – we shall find out soon enough – shik – won’t we?”
If it was possible Nathan’s face would be covered in the smuggest look ever. As the bathroom door closed up behind, the screams of Roger began to echo all around.
The Rider Household
Long Island, NY
Keys rattled in the door, as a sigh moved through Gloria Rider’s body. Calling her day at work a ‘long day’ would be an understatement really. Working for the NYPD certainly kept one on their toes. Even if it was just working logistics. The caseload had almost doubled recently with surges in criminal activity. Not to mention then having to factor in the superhero quotient of the city. For pretty much every one case the police solved for themselves, ten more were handled by some super powered individual.
Pushing the door open, her purse and keys settled onto the small table beside the door. The house was unusually quiet, which was strange considering her husband was retired and spent most of his time puttering around the house. Once a high school principal, Charles had retired a few years before after the stress got to be too much for him.
“Charles dear, I’m home. You’re never going to believe the day I had today.” Moving through the hallway her voice carried through the house.
Reaching the kitchen, a frown colored her face as no answer had come. Even in his most lazy, the man would have at least yelled something back about a sports game or the like. A thump sounded far back in the house and her eyes shot back towards that direction. Sliding from the kitchen, she moved slowly through the house. It was rare for the man to make it to the back rooms but not unheard of. Knocking softly on the back door, she pushed it open. “Charles?”
A slight scream ripped from her lips. Charles Rider hung from the ceiling, his wrists tied to the same ceiling. His chest moved up and down occasionally showing he was still breathing. A massive shining man stood in the middle of the room, a grin splitting his face. The crumbled up body of a youth was on the floor, only held upright by the gleaming man’s hold on the figure’s jacket.
“Ah Mrs. Rider, how lovely of you to join us. Where is your son? Where is Richard Rider, or should I call him…Nova?”
NEXT: The story concludes in Nova #3 as everything comes to a head. With the Terrible Trio holding his family hostage, can Rich reach Earth in time to save them or is this is for the Rider family? All the questions are answered as a new phase for Rich and the Nova Corps begins!
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