NOTE: This takes place prior to Champions #7
Part III
By Scott Redmond
Xandar Cluster
“You are the Nova Prime, Richard Rider.”
“Thanks for that update, Worldmind.” Sarcasm was the best defense, at least in Richard Rider’s eyes. A hand slid through his unruly brown hair as a sigh came bubbling up. They wanted more from him than he was willing to give. They wanted his life just about. To lead the Corps as he was supposed to do in his position or responsibility. To leave behind Earth and all his friends and loved ones. Sure he could visit them anytime with their faster-than-light technology, but it wasn’t the same. “You know I have connections to Earth. Connections I never wanted broken before. But I’ve thrown everything to the wayside to come to the rescue multiple times. Don’t I earn some credit for that, so I can cash it in and pick my own permanent assignment to Earth?”
The current stand in Nova Prime Samaya shook her head as her large red fin wobbled slightly. “Earthling dink.” A barely audible word slipped from her mouth and even though he couldn’t translate it at the moment the connotation and venom behind it told him it probably wasn’t very nice.
“Earth is insignificant.”
“Hey, that’s my home world you’re talking about…”
“You misunderstand Richard Rider.” The Worldmind shifted its gaze fully upon him as the large hologram of a Nova Helmet sat upon the table. “Earth is insignificant within the scope of our duties. As a planet there are more defenders of said planet per capita than any other in the Universe. Earth is highly protected. Your presence does nothing to amend or assist this fact. It is, in fact, trivial.”
“Be that as it may, my place is still there. My team needs me, and my family needs me. My girlfriend needs me. That’s all I need to know.”
The large green hand of Muritak Grot, Star Corporal of the Corps, landed upon Rich’s shoulder. “Told you all the d’ast dink didn’t have it in em. Waste of flarkin time.”
“If you got something to say Grot, just say it.”
Loud laughter emanated from the Skrull’s throat as he removed the hand and stared the human down. “Not the time to be puffing up and acting tough Rider. You wanna prove you got balls? Do your flarkin job.”
“Enough.” All eyes fell back upon the Worldmind as it spoke. “Queen Adora is among the dead. Until a suitable clone can be produced, the running of Xandar falls upon the Worldmind and the Nova Prime. Therefore said Nova Prime needs to be upon Xandar. As is proper. You are to be recalled, Nova Prime Rider.”
“It’ll be a cold day in hell.” Before any could move, Rich was out the door and gone.
Rider Household
Long Island
Pain wracked through every fiber of being. Tears had stopped long before as there was no reason to shed them any longer. Nothing was going to come along and save the day. Blood steadily dripped upon the fine carpets. Turning beige to crimson red. Coughs sent pain wracking through the chest and more crimson dribbled from the chin. Breaths were ragged as Gloria Rider tried to keep taking said breaths. On the floor was the crumpled from of Gloria’s husband Charles Rider, long since having passed out from extended beating before her arrival.
Across the room a figure huddled in the corner, cap torn and bloody. Roger Cooper, longtime friend of Gloria’s son Rich, had invariably betrayed his friend after hours of unbearable torture at the hands of his uncle, the super villain now known as Megaman as well as his associates Diamondhead and Condor.
Perched upon the mantle, Condor watched Diamondhead move back from the cringing Gloria. “How much longer do we have to go through this?”
“What’s wrong Condor, weak stomach?” If there was a face upon Nathan Cooper’s now smooth head, there would have been a sarcastic and sinister smile etched upon it. Cooper was not only going to get revenge upon the hated Nova, but upon his nephew as well. The same nephew blamed for his condition. Once Nova was down, Roger was his to torture or kill or maim. Basically his heart’s desires.
“Fuck you.” Wings spread as the avian man prepared to spring.
“Enough. Good god, you two are like a goddamn old married couple. Bickering left and right. We do this till we find out where Nova is. If they die, guess we’ll find out quick where he is. Trust me, the punk will show. The hero always does when danger comes to those they love. Cliché bastards.”
A chuckle came, as all around the screams started once again.
“Rich! Wait up man!”
Sighing, Rich paused as Bernie came dashing from the palace with helmet in hand. “What, Bernie? I’m not going back in there.”
“Nah, not out here for that, boychick. Just thought I’d see how you were doing is all. Nothing more. Nothing less. Scout’s honor.”
“You weren’t in the scouts.”
“Yeah, wellk close enough now I suppose. My mom always said I needed a non academic activity. Guess I got that covered now.’
Light chuckle broke through the grim exterior. “What am I supposed to do, Bernie? I can’t leave it all behind.”
Leaning against the nearest railing, the slightly younger man shrugged. “I can’t answer that for you. You know inside where you really belong. Fact is, Earth is just a ship or transport away. Granted the teleportation isn’t guaranteed safe and such, but we’re Nova Corp members. We can get to and from faster than most could believe.”
“So I should give up life back home and come here? In my heart I know I should be there but I should be here. I look around and see the Corps failing. Pulled in so many directions. There are bodies all over from the attack. If I’m to be Nova Prime, I have to live up to that.”
“Then I think you know what needs to be done.” Bernie’s hand settled upon his friend’s shoulder. “Don’t you?”
“Yeah I suppose I…” Flash of light cut them off as Centurion rocketed onto the scene. In hand was an information pad. “What is it, Centurion…
“Centurion Malik Tarcel sir. There is word from Earth, sir. Calling for you. Something about a group called the Champions and an attack on your family.”
Color faded from Rich’s face as the news sunk in. His family… “Secure a transport beam back to Earth now.”
“Sir, transport beams are highly…”
“Now!” As the Centurion flew away, Rich began running for the palace with Bernie in tow. The moment he had always feared had come. Now was the time to make sure it didn’t get any worse.
Word had come out from friends in the area of a call out demanding Nova to come back to New York. Pinpointing the transmission, it had been easy to pinpoint it as coming from the Rider home. Not waiting for the others to return from assignments, Mickey had taken the Champions jet right to Long Island. Securing the jet in an abandoned field not far away had been easy. As had traveling from the jet to the home. Facing what waited there hadn’t been so easy.
Sparks rained from the turbines on arms as they were held within the hard grip of Diamondhead. Mickey was on her knees as the villain held her in place with that same grip. Condor perched a top the house with the riders hanging from the roof by ropes. Roger lay bloody and unconscious upon the stoop as his uncle Megaman stood over him.
“Where’s Nova? I won’t ask again.”
“I’m right here, you piece of trash.” Mickey slumped to the ground as the form of Nova slammed into Diamondhead, driving him all the way back into and through the house.
It was over in seconds. She knew that Rich had shattered Diamondhead and had a distinct image of Condor ‘s body crashing through a window. Other than that, Mickey’s memories blurred from the moment of impact until the moment where she held Rich, quietly sobbing into her shoulder as his father was rushed to Mercy Hospital in an ambulance…
…and his mother to the morgue in a body bag.
Mercy Hospital
Two Hours Later
The soft sound of machines permeated the room as wet footsteps echoed outside the door. A crack of light entered the dark room, a figure sliding through the crack. A hand was raised to motion a companion to stay outside as the main figure closed the door again and moved deeper into the room. The soft swish of the ventilator grew as the figure finally stood over the medical bed. A mask covered the slack face as eyes were shut tightly. The great Condor looked almost harmless lying there. Yet the man had helped perpetrate murders that could never be forgiven. Eyes fluttered open as the villain caught sight of his visitor.
The usual helmet of the Nova uniform was gone; instead the rain-soaked visage of Richard Rider stared down at the pitiful man. A grimy trench coat covered the yellow and blues of the uniform. Fists were squeezing tightly as the two men caught eyes. As the prone man reached for the nurse buzzer, a hand shot out and smacked it away. The neutral look upon the hero’s face was gone. In its place was one of pure hatred and contempt. One that spoke of vengeance too dark to contemplate.
“You know why I’m here.” The man could only offer a pitiful nod. When the costumes and egos were stripped away, heroes and villains were nothing but average people, with their own foibles and follies. They feared that which put their life in peril. “You took everything from me.”
Hands began to flail for the side of the bed hoping to find or hit anything that would summon help. The grizzled and shaded face of Richard Rider moved ever closer to his enemy. Their eyes met again and Condor couldn’t help but stop moving to stare deeply into the eyes. The fear grew in his eyes as he knew what was coming.
“You took my family.” A hand slid over the railing and against the machines. “You took my home.” The hand moved down the side of the machine towards the wall behind it. “You took my identity.” The man shivered in fear as the hand moved ever closer. “You took my girlfriend. You took my life!” With the final punctuated word the hand curled around the power plug of all the machines and yanked.
The room erupted with the sound of alarms and crying machines. The figure upon the bed began to seize as everything keeping him alive was gone. The body went into shock as he flopped about the bed slightly. The hero moved back as his hand dropped the cord. Gone was the look of hatred. Replacing it was one of despair and a lack of comprehension of what had just happened. It was all like a dream. As the machines blared footsteps echoed down the hall as the others came running.
The door burst open as armed guards came first, weapons aimed at the only target. It was clear to them what had just happened. “Nova, freeze!”
The hero stared at them as his powers began to kick in. The first cop cursed as he opened fire. The bullets smashed off the protective field as Nova rocketed through the nearest window into the rainy night. Outside the door, Mickey stared at the scene before falling to her knees, tears brimming out of the corner of her eyes. The man she knew and loved was gone.
The nurses and doctors flooded into the room, scurrying about to save the life of their patient. The alarms blared into the hospital as the silence was shattered. The world had changed in an instant as a hero had crossed the line. The line that had always been in place. Thunder boomed in the distance as all faded to black and away.
Epilogue One
Space Sector 213, Just Outside the Milky Way Galaxy
“So you’re sure you want to do this?”
The question hung in the air as the questioner watched the other figure in the room. Richard stood tall before the vast porthole, staring into the distant stars all around. All his life he had wanted to explore and go on the greatest adventure. Now at last he had the time and the reason to do so. Before Earth always held his heart and held him back. Not any longer. That wasn’t possible anymore. Eyes slid from the view port towards the helmet less Bernie.
“I’m sure, Bernie. This is my place now. Earth is yours. I talked with the others and you’ve been promoted to full Centurion and your new assignment is to protect the Earth sector as well as act as Corps liaison to the Earth heroes.”
A swift nod was all that was needed, but there was always more to be said. “Understood, Nova Prime.” A soft salute was given and then returned. “What about you though, sir? You still have friends left on Earth.”
“No. My life on Earth is over. This is my life now. To serve and protect the Corps. This is how it always should have been Bernie. I never belonged on Earth. I finally realize that. I’m free at last to embrace the adventure in my life.” Sliding his eyes back to the view port, a sigh came from Rich’s lips. “It took a lot of pain and suffering to realize, but I finally realize. In time the others will as well.”
“Even Mickey.”
A pause. “Even Mickey.”
Epilogue Two
The Vault
There was still no pain. There never was. Not after the accident. A thin beam of light shined into the cell and through the scattered pieces of diamond. There was no longer any diamond head. Just fragments that were once a whole. The guards had taken no chances this time. Installed within the cell were multiple lasers and other various devices that were used to keep the parts from re-combining to form the villain. Archie Dyker would never be whole again.
Thoughts were fragmented as the mind tried to recover, broken into millions of bits. Each piece was encoded with a single portion of the man’s brain. Each was just a part of the whole. No more dangerous than the rain or the flower on the side of the road. Inert yet still active. The neurons still fired, just not in the same ways as other humans. Capable thought moved through the pieces as they yearned to once again come together. To form a whole.
Two pieces beneath the lumpy frame that was called a bed. Calling to one another, moving ever closer. A flash as two become one. The system to prevent it wasn’t foolproof. Piece by piece, inch by inch, and year by year if need be the pieces would form a whole. It might take years to accomplish but no one has better patience than the man made of diamond. Richard Rider would one day pay; it was only a matter of time.
The End
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