• Squadron Supreme
    Squadron Supreme #1 – The Return of the Nth Man (1)

    The Squadron Supreme have been trapped on an Earth not their own for quite some time, but that won’t stop the past from catching up with them. As apparitions of the past abound, can anyone truly trust what they see? What is going on in Lab 43-J? Who can stand against the danger that is returning for them? And, most importantly, who will win this hand of poker? The story begins with “The Return of the Nth Man,” by Bruce Cook!

  • Amazing Fantasy
    Amazing Fantasy #30 – Birds of a Feather

    It’s not easy being an anthropomorphic duck with a presidential dream and a drinking problem. It’s even harder to get away from it all, even for just a while. But then, nothing in the world is harder than being Howard the Duck. As he waddles his way into a bar, will he only find puns, or will he find instead a kindred spirit? Check out the answer in “Birds of a Feather,” brought to you in the Marvel Omega debut of Bruce Cook!