By Brent Lambert
Wisdom dictated to Lorna that she needed to sleep, but rest wasn’t an option. Only hours before Polaris had to bear witness to two mutilated teammates. Seeing the two lovers, Vargas and Ms. Witch, in such a state broke Lorna’s heart. She believed that she had failed them both as their leader. It was her responsibility to make sure that they remained as healthy and injury free as possible. The mauled state of Vargas and the altered state of Elena were glaring proof of that lapse in responsibility.
Which was why Lorna had been spending the last few hours searching for every little piece of information she could find on Donald Pierce. The former Hellfire Club member had assaulted Elena on so many levels. Her physical being had obviously been assaulted, but Lorna cringed to think of the mental damage once Elena woke up. What Pierce had done was nothing short of rape in his own twisted cybernetic way.
“Watch that computer too much longer and your eyes might fall out. At least that’s what the television says,” Red Lotus joked as he abruptly interrupted Lorna’s crusade. She hopped up in her seat and looked back at him with a frustrated scowl that a mother might give a child who just broke the cookie jar.
“Must you sneak up on me in the middle of work. Could you not find something better to do with your time?” Polaris insisted as she turned away from Lotus and went back to work.
“Two times the Lorna attitude and none of the Lorna fun,” Red Lotus sighed in mock disappointment.
“Knowing that Vargas and Elena are lying in hospital beds kinda drains the fun away,” Lorna explained.
“Right. Which, is why I’m trying to bring it back,” Lotus smirked.
Lorna scowled at Red Lotus again, “Is this all one big joke to you? Shit is hitting the fan and all you want to do is make us laugh. This is the real world Lotus.”
“Knowing that fact is the only reason I even attempt to do what I do. This world is dark and brooding enough Lorna. Us being that way isn’t going to help Vargas and Elena. They’re going to need our smiles more than anything else.”
“I’ll smile when I’m looking at Pierce’s metal corpse.”
Red Lotus shook his head, “I’ve seen revenge consume too many people. Don’t make me add you to the list.”
“This isn’t revenge! This is justice! Do you honestly expect me to believe you wouldn’t rip Sugar Man limb from limb if you could?”
“I see there’s no getting through to you,” Red Lotus said as she turned to walk out of the room. Looking back one last time he answered Lorna’s question, “No I wouldn’t expect you to believe me.”
Lotus’ last words quickly faded out of Polaris’ mind as she returned to her frantic search for whatever information she could acquire about Pierce. Her fingers sounded like a tap dancer hard at work as she dashed them across the keyboard. She was so caught up in her activities that she didn’t realize the phone was ringing until well into its fourth ring.
“Shit!” Lorna exclaimed as she hopped up out of her chair and rushed to the phone. Taking a breath before answering she said, “Hello. Oh hey Forge! Anything new in LA? You’re kidding right? Oh hell you’re not kidding. Yea…I’ll get the team together. See you in a few.”
Lorna hung up the phone, sat down in her bed, and cried.
“We know very little about this group. They’ve just appeared on the scene and it would seem that they have a mutant supremacist agenda,” Director Nero explained as eh stood before the assembled X-Factor. Their numbers were low, but it was obvious that they were itching for battle. Especially Lorna as recent events had a very personal toll on her. All was going as Durklan had planned and he only needed to continue playing his part well.
“Then why attack an oil rig? What does that have to do with mutant supremacy?” Ruby Claw asked not sure what the terrorists were aiming to do. What had they achieved by destroying that particular piece of infrastructure? It seemed like a worthless attack in the big scheme of things.
Forge immediately looked to Lorna to see her reaction and he was surprised that she seemed unaffected. That surprised turned to logic as Forge realized that his teammate was probably off in her own world. He couldn’t help but to wonder what cogs were turning in her head.
Shard caught the distressed look on Forge’s face and wondered just what was it about Claw’s question that had shook him up. It was valid question because attacking an oilrig hardly seemed like an impressive first showing for terrorists looking to make a name for themselves. Between Forge’s expression and the ill logic behind the attack Shard knew something was amiss. For now she would play it safe and wait the secret out.
“A colleague of Polaris’ was working on that rig. We believe Regalo del Ferro attacked it for that reason and that reason alone,” Nero answered sending an awkward silence across the entire room.
Valerie Cooper was the first to break it, “So given the circumstances do you really feel it wise to send out X-Factor? Especially in a weakened state.”
“I have complete confidence in your team Cooper unless there is some reason I shouldn’t,” Nero said eyeing Cooper suspiciously. Of course he knew good and well X-Factor wasn’t prepared for the battle ahead of them. The leader of Regalo del Ferro was enough to give X-Factor a problem let alone the rest of his team. Durklan wanted the mutants weakened before Dr. Osman’s creatures were sent after them. The former Prelate of Apocalypse had to suppress a smile. X-Factor’s days were numbered and soon would be freed of having to masquerade in this pathetic post.
Cooper didn’t weaken under Nero’s visual assault, “The team is much smaller in number sir. With all respect this is X-Factor, not the Fantastic Four.”
Forge stood from his chair, “I have a solution to that numbers problem. Shroud has agreed to loan us Wisp and Mongoose until this Regalo del Ferro problem has been officially taken care of.”
Nero smiled, “Good Forge. I knew I could count on you to make this happen. Start running training simulations with them. I want you all prepared when Regalo del Ferro strikes again. I’m positive they will.”
“I’ll continue to try and find info regarding their membership. The more we have the better off we’ll be. Do I have permissions to check classified files?” Valerie asked. She’d pull Lorna to the side and they’d use those same files to dig up whatever they could on Pierce.
“Yes, use whatever files are necessary. This is already a delicate situation. I don’t want it anymore stressful than it has to be,” Nero replied.
“We’ve made our first move against X-Factor. Now we shall wait to draw them out,” New Son explained to his gathered team.
For the time being Durklan had given them one of its many warehouses to set up camp in. The place was essentially bare save for a few mutant signature detectors placed in key areas throughout the building. New Son was confident X-Factor would not find them so early, but Durklan wanted to take extra precautions. Regalo del Ferro held a key role in the plans of Durklan and New Son rather them be overprotective than not protective at all.
The Italian had gathered his team together for a briefing to calm their nerves. Normally, the room would have been a cave in terms of light, but New Son was basically glowing blue kinetic energy. He was a giant candle in the room and gave a blue luminescence to all in his path. A meager table had been given to the team and it was there that Marcus Tsung, Trial, and Gryphon sat around. All of them had hawkish expressions. New Son had come to expect that from his team just like he expected Post and Tusk to go and look menacing in a nearby corner. The only one that he even remotely liked was Whiteout and that was because the Savage Lander never said a single word. She simply followed orders.
Gryphon was the first to speak. Her voice always sounded like a lion roaring. She was quite frankly the most unladylike creature that New Son had the unfortunate luck to run across. Everything about her was gruff and rugged. The Damocles Foundation had done quite the number on her.
“While that oil rig was fun you promised all of us the chance at vengeance against those who harmed us. We can’t wait around forever for X-Factor to come and knock on our door,” Gryphon complained.
“Yes, certain assurances were made. I have quite a few bodies that I need to pile up,” Tsung added.
New Son glared at the former Asian crime boss, “And you will in due time Marcus, but remember this and remember it carefully. You all could still be rotting in cells right now if it wasn’t for me.”
He knew that would strike a chord with all of them because they all believed him to be their savior from the hell of Department K. That was hardly the case at all, but they believed it. The truth of the matter was that an associate of Durklan ran Department K. New Son was allowed to stage their escape in order to lure them into a false sense of trust. They all believed that Department K could be on their tail any minute and that staying together was the best way to survive.
“We understand that and are grateful to you, but I am picking up on radio waves. We’re being labeled as terrorists. Even though we’re thought of as minor having the label of terrorist is dangerous in this day and age. Whatever you’re planning on doing needs to be done soon before things explode on us,” Trial said.
New Son nodded in mock understanding, “You are all safe with me. Besides you are all each tremendous warriors in your own right. There is no need to fear the humans and once we have X-Factor out in the open our real plans can begin. Just be patient with me a bit longer.”
Each step was made with unwavering authority as Director Nero led two of his direct superiors, Colonel Wilson and Colonel Cole, down the long, rank stairway. The terrible smell of unlawful science filled the nostrils of the three men. All of them never flinched in the face of the putrid smell. Men of their kind never showed weakness in front of each other. The only sign of any reaction at all was a concentrated slowing of breathing from the middle-aged Army officers. The former Prelate of Apocalypse was used to such smells. Battlefields of the future did not have the niceties of barracks and welcoming parties. Ch’Vayre felt the warriors of this period were hardly respectable. Apocalypse’s reign, if nothing else, restored strength of will to the ranks of humanity.
“Just what are you conducting down here Nero?” Colonel Wilson asked. Nero knew that neither Wilson nor Cole really cared for him, but that was precisely why he had chosen them to see this project first. He had kept Cooper and his superiors in line with mind control, but they were beginning to grow immune to it. Ch’Vayre knew that Durklan wouldn’t give him a gross amount of power for too long.
Cole gave Nero a nasty scowl and badgered Nero in his scratchy voice; “You had better not be pulling any crap with us Director. X-Factor’s fuck ups have already been putting the heat on us. I hold you responsible.”
Clearing the anger out of his throat Ch’Vayre forced a smile and replied, “Believe me sir this address those very problems. What I have in mind is a grand re-envisioning of the Hound program. The soldiers I plan on producing here will be like nothing ever before.”
Wilson detected a hint of power madness in Nero’s tone and he wasn’t at all pleased with what he heard. The man was in charge of a superhuman division within the government. Under his command were mutants who could construct deadly devices within minutes, rival Magneto in power, beat any normal man into a pulp, and take lives with just a touch. Wilson would be damned before he saw that kind of power be held by an overly ambitious prick. Why he hadn’t gotten rid of Nero yet was something he still couldn’t figure out. A nagging thought just kept Wilson from making that one phone call.
There was no hesitation apparent in Wilson’s voice as he said, “Remember your place Nero. The idea here is sound, but the last Hound project failed miserably. You’ve done this without our authorization, so know if it fails you will be going to jail.”
At that point Nero’s temptation to slap Wilson was as strong as a starving shark’s need to feast on a bloody limb. The feeble fool had the nerve to threaten Ch’Vayre with jail! When Durklan’s plans were bought to fruition he would be sure to personally smash the weak skull of Wilson. Then he would blow the dust from it to the far winds!
“Do we really even need The Hounds? X-Factor could get back up to snuff with a few cosmetic improvements. I don’t think you should have taken such a drastic step without our approval,” Cole added.
Nero took a deep breath and replied to the criticism, “X-Factor has become too personal of an organization. The Hounds will return a sense of security where X-Factor has failed. As for you authorization…well, I felt it best to keep this secret until the right moment.”
As they neared the end of the stairs Nero began to delight in getting to see the first batch of his future Prelates. Apocalypse may have died, but Ch’Vayre would continue where his master left off.
Nero was smiling unconsciously and Wilson caught the smile. He looked at the man awkwardly and with a clipped tone asked, “Just what the hell are you smiling about?”
“The future is a bright one my friends,” Nero replied as the three men turned a corner and were standing on a balcony overlooking the Hound experiments. The smell was fouler than a pile of dead road kill, but Ch’Vayre held the scent within his nostrils. He wanted to savor it for it was the smell that would bring about his ascension.
Wilson covered his nose and mouth with his hand and said, “This is huge! How many of them bastards do you have cooking down there?”
“Around fifty. Give or take a few. They’ll be ready within a week,” Nero answered.
Cole nodded. He was still awe-struck by the work that Nero had put into this facility without them ever knowing anything about it. Nonetheless, if Nero’s work proved successful then his failing reputation could possibly be saved and even heightened.
“We’ll come up with a mission for these boys within that time. Give us a reason not to doubt you boy,” Cole said as he looked to Wilson and the two Colonels walked away from Nero.
As they departed, Ch’Vayre sighed. “Stupid humans. They know not what they do.”
New Son floated slowly down to crowds of Coney Island below him. As soon as people spotted him they began to run in fear of what he might do. The Italian mutant looked down upon the cowering humans with disgust. If it hadn’t of been for people like himself, this entire planet would be ruled by some upstart and his Kree army. Regular humans like the ones here in Coney Island were just wastes of space.
As he landed on the ground, New Son stretched out his arms and blue energy arced out from his fingertips. This was the part where he was going to have fun. The energy reached out through the panicked crowds and randomly struck certain individuals. Their entire bodies were lit on fire with kinetic energy and before they had a chance to scream they exploded. Anyone that was near them was either killed on impact or flung through the air at a high velocity.
Bodies were continually charged as the rest of Regalo del Ferro teleported in with wristbands devised by Trial. Marcus saw what his leader was doing and with a devious smile said, “A take no prisoners attitude I see.”
New Son narrowed his eyes at Tsung and replied, “If I wanted to I could light this entire park afire without any effort. These people are having my mercies today.”
“And what are we to do? Simply wait here until X-Factor decides to show?” Gryphon complained.
A strong laugh came from New Son, “No my dear. All of you have your fun.”
Extending her claws with ease Gryphon let loose a guttural roar and charged towards an elderly woman who had fallen behind the pack of panicking humans. Marcus Tsung mowed down a group of teenagers who thought to hide behind the Port-A-Potties.
X-Factor should not be far behind now, New Son thought to himself as the screams of chaos echoed all around him.
“His team struck Coney Island approximately ten minutes ago. It seems one of his team members has blocked all the viable exits with force fields so these people are trapped and at the mercy of these brutal mutants,” Valerie explained.
Red Lotus was disgusted at the thought of what was happening to those innocent people and snappily said, “Then why are we still here talking? We need to be moving out right now!”
Cooper nodded, “Agreed. Be careful out there though. Your numbers are smaller than theirs and they’re packing heat my friends.”
Polaris arrogantly snickered as she rose up from her seat. “Don’t worry about us Val. Worry about them.”
“Amen!” Red Lotus agreed.
Val sighed, “Look just be careful. I have a bad feeling about all of this.”
Forge gave Valerie some reassurance, “I’ll look out for them. We’re all angry here, but we won’t be letting our emotions get the better of us.”
That last statement was mostly directed at Polaris, who was going through a whirlwind of emotions. First, it was Elena and Vargas getting hurt in the line of duty. Lorna was taking their injuries very personally and then her friend was killed by Regalo del Ferro only hours ago. If the team wasn’t so low in number Forge would ask Lorna to stay behind on this mission, but they just needed her power too much. It would be suicide to leave her behind.
“Do we shoot to kill?” Shard asked.
“Without a doubt. These jokers are far too powerful to try and play games with. Good hunting, team,” Val said.
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