Part IV
By Shawn Gauthier
‘Today is a good day…’ thinks Odysseus Indigo, as he stares at his reflection in the full length mirror. He is dressed in a finely tailored black tuxedo with gold cuff links and a Rolex. The perfect attire for tonight’s formal festivities.
Tonight, he and his workers from the Damocles Foundation are celebrating the successful completion of a long term project. They are celebrating because they have not only been able to create the perfect specimen by combining mutant DNA with External DNA, but they have done it twice. Their first test subject, Arcadia, has recently been returned to the foundation after her abduction by Ulysses, Odysseus’ traitorous brother. Indigo smiles as he thinks of his brother locked up in the holding cells located in the buildings bottom floor.
The foundation’s second source of good news came from the failed experiment in the small town of Almost Reno in Nevada. Though most of the test subjects had perished, one had survived. A diamond in the rough she was, with incredible psychic powers. Her name is Mary and she would prove useful for the foundation.
The cherry on top of this sundae of good news is the recent capture of X-Force, those troublesome mutant adolescents who kept popping up at the most inappropriate times. Although some did escape, they did manage to take most of the team alive, allowing the foundation’s scientists to test their DNA potential. And the few members of X-Force who had escaped were badly beaten both physically and emotionally. In fact, it had been several weeks since the encounter and there has been no sign of the missing X-Force members. Indigo suspected that he and his team of special powered enforcers called the Sword had forced them into early retirement from the super-hero gig.
“Yes, today is indeed a good day…” Indigo says to himself as he makes one final adjustment to his tie. He then turns towards the door to exit the room but finds that his way is barred by a large silhouette that fills the doorframe.
Fourteen floors down in the basement level of the Damocles Headquarters is the holding cells, of which three are currently occupied. In the first cell are two of the captured members of X-Force: Sam Guthrie, a.k.a Cannonball, and James Proudstar, sometimes known as Warpath. With them is the newest addition to their team, Jesse Bedlam. In the next cell sits the one time leader of X-Force, Domino, with the still unconscious Danielle Moonstar. In the far cell is the imprisoned Ulysses, whose face betrays his concern for his missing pupil, Arcadia. All of the prisoners are wearing Genoshan dampening collars that help cancel their mutant powers, with the exception of Ulysses, whose cell consists of electrified bars.
“So how did they catch you and Arcadia? The last I saw, the two of you were doing a rather fine job at avoiding capture.” asked Cannonball of Ulysses.
“It does not matter how we were captured. What is important is that I find a way out of here so that I can get Arcadia away from my demented brother’s reach!” snaps Ulysses, as his massive hands beginning gripping various bars and shaking them as if to test their strength. Electricity courses from the bars and through his hands until he reluctantly releases his grip, leaving the room permeated with the smell of cooked flesh.
“No offence, but Arcadia is not the only member of our group that needs saving from our captors.” responded Proudstar, staring at the door through which only moments ago guards had taken one of his teammates, Siryn, through.
“You have to trust that she will be okay James. We will find a way out of here and rescue her, but you can’t give up. Things will work out.” reassured Domino.
As if on cue, Stranglehold walks through the very same door James is staring at with Siryn’s limp form slumped over one of his massive shoulders. He is followed by the other members of the Sword. As he approaches Domino’s cell, he raises his free hand and fires a tranquilizer dart knocking her to the floor. He then enters Domino’s cell and lays Siryn down next to the still form of Danielle Moonstar before exiting and locking the cell. James looks on helplessly at the motionless form of his friend and teammate. Proudstar’s heightened senses allow him to make out a small surgical scar on the back of Siryrn’s neck.
“One down, five to go!” jokes Pyre, one of the members of the Sword.
Returning to Indigo’s personal offices we find a sharply dressed Odysseus confronted by a mysterious stranger.
“You have something I desire, Mr. Indigo.” stated the shadow in the doorway.
One of Indigo’s greatest assets has been his ability to quickly size up any situation. For example, though he could not see the features of the man in the doorway he knew that he was not a man to be taken lightly. There was a god-like air about him, and his voice sounded like a voice that was used to being obeyed.
Another great attribute of Indigo comes from his survival instincts. He chooses his battles wisely and this was one battle not worth the blood and sweat it was demanding. It was time to deal.
“Since I know you’re not on the guest list, I assume you did not come for the party. So why don’t you tell me what I can do for you so that I may move onto tonight’s festivities.” said Indigo, turning his back on the stranger to look at his image in the mirror again. He was doing an excellent job at hiding his fear.
“Do not try to be coy with me, Mr. Indigo. The only reason you are alive now is that I am intrigued by your genetics work. But make no mistake you are alive now only because I, Apocalypse, wills it so. So do not test my patience.” The voice paused before resuming, and Indigo was surprised to find that he was holding his breath. He had heard of the legends of Apocalypse, and suddenly he understood the gravity of his situation.
“You have recently captured the mutant group called X-Force. One of the teams’ members happens to be one of my creations. I want him returned to me.”
Indigo recognized the name Caliban; he had run across it when he was doing research on X-Force. Caliban was at one time the groups mutant tracker. The files gathered stated that Caliban was once a pathetically weak member of the Morlocks, who lived in the sewers beneath New York. The story goes that Apocalypse captured and changed the mutant into the powerhouse he is today. Considering who was now standing in his personal offices, Indigo assumed the story must then be true. But the X-Force that Indigo had battled showed no sign of Caliban.
“There was no sign of Caliban in any of our confrontations with X-Force. We assumed that he must of parted from the rest of the team. Maybe he has returned to his former home with the Morlocks?” replied Indigo.
He picked up a remote unit from a nearby desk and pointed it towards one of the large monitors set in the far wall. “Look for yourself. Here is all of the information my scientists have gathered on our guests.” Pictures of individual members of X-Force began flashing on the screen, along with test results and a summary of their powers. Indigo had to fight the urge to apologize and beg for his life.
Indigo was amazed to see that his own computers had responded to Apocalypse’s demand. The display on the monitor had stopped on the test subject called Danielle Moonstar. Apocalypse moved closer towards the monitors.
“Something has changed this one. What has happened to my world as I slept?”
Indigo’s thoughts immediately went to Arcadia, the child who was responsible for Moonstar’s position. He had to find a way to keep the child from Apocalypse.
The blue mutant then turned towards Indigo once again, “You may do what you want with the rest of X-Force but you will bring the Moonstar child to me before I depart!”
Thirty minutes later…
Odysseus Indigo approaches center stage and takes his position behind the podium. He has done a superb job pulling himself back together after his encounter with the one called Apocalypse. Outwardly, he shows no sign of the encounter. He is cool, calm, and collected as he looks out among all of his employees. At least he had succeeded in keeping Arcadia.
In the auditorium each of the large tables are filled. The audience is comprised of members from the foundations different departments. They are scientists, doctors, engineers, solders, guards and biologists. Each of them has helped in the completion of the project. They have all contributed towards the completion of the project. So he has gathered them here to thank them for their loyalty and hard work.
He waits for everybody to settle down and take their seats before he begins. The only movement from the audience is a couple of the caterers who are still distributing beverages and appetizers around the tables.
“Let me start off by saying thank you to each and every single one of you. We would not be here today, celebrating our success, without your help. I am very appreciative for all of your hard work and long hours. To show my appreciation, I would like to invite you to have a good time and enjoy tonight’s celebration. But before we start the festivities, I would like to propose a toast.”
The first sign of trouble came as the audience members started opening various cans and bottles for the toast. All of the containers exploded, showering everybody in the room with various alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. If they had time, most would of deduced that somebody must have really shaken all of the cans and bottles, but the workers of the Damocles Foundation did not have time to think. After the last can had exploded, all of the appetizer plates began to spontaneously explode, covering all of the audience with the gourmet food.
It was then that Indigo noticed the black shape skimming across the ceiling towards him. The rooms sprinkler system burst into action as the fiery mutant streaked towards him on the stage.
“Sunspot!” cried Indigo, as the mutant grabbed him by one of the horns on his head and carried him towards a nearby window. Both Indigo and Sunspot exited the party with a shattering of glass and splintering of wodd from the window pane.
“Is this a party or what?!” asked an excited Tabitha, as both she and Rictor shed their caterers’ uniforms. She began throwing small explosive spheres at the crowd as Rictor began shaking the floor boards.
Back in the basement sits Indigo’s elite guard and muscle called the Sword. The members of the Sword are not happy. Instead of being upstairs celebrating with the rest of the foundation, they are instead pulling guard detail, guarding the X-Force brat pack.
The only door leading into the dungeon opens to reveal to reveal a caterer pushing a food cart. “Mr Indigo sends his regrets about you not being able to attend the party, but he has sent me to make sure that you don’t miss out entirely.” says the caterer, as he begins setting up a small buffet table.
“Food! Great I’m starved!”
With that, Stranglehold, the largest of the Sword, pulls a chair up next to the buffet and begins eating the food faster than the caterer can lay it out.
“Stop hogging all of the food you idiot! There are other members on this team, remember!” says Argos, as he crosses the room to stake out his own claim on the buffet.
As the caterer turns around, a smile spreads across the faces’ of the members of X-Force as they recognize their former teammate, Shatterstar. It is the first time they have smiled since Moonstar was taken from her cell several hours ago.
They know immediately what is happening – it’s a jailbreak, X-Force style.
Shatterstar makes his way across the room towards Pyre with a towel over his arm and a plate of food balanced on top. “Would you like some food, sir?”
“You don’t work for the Foundation. I know everybody Damocles employee, and I’ve never seen you before. You must have been contracted from outside of the company. So why would Indigo allow somebody from the outside into such a secured area? It also begs the question, if you are from outside of the Foundation, how come you are not surprised by our appearances and powers?” asked the overly inquisitive Pyre, at the same time that the sedatives in the food began to knock out Stranglehold and Argos.
“Aren’t you the bright one.” commented Shatterstar as, in one fluid motion, he drops the platter, grabs the fire extinguisher off the wall and hurls it at Pyre. Once the extinguisher makes contact with the flaming Pyre it explodes covering him in flame-retardant foam.
‘It won’t stop him for long!’ thinks Shatterstar, as he begins sprinting for the holding cells. He doesn’t make it far before he trips over the invisible form of Zona.
“Nice try handsome, but you’re not even close to being in our league!” ribs the invisible Zona, as she connects several hammering blows to Shatterstar’s face and mid-section.
“I just might surprise you! Let me show you a trick I learned in my recent encounter with the Mutant Liberation Front.”
Shatterstar raises a hand towards the buffet cart that he had wheeled in earlier. With but a thought from their master, Shatterstar’s swords fly out from underneath the cart towards the holding cells. They wedge themselves in the cracks that form the doors to the cells. Once wedged, they begin to vibrate and become energized before the cell doors are blown open. Through the smoke Domino emerges, and behind her is Cannonball and James Proudstar who is carrying Siryn.
“Where are you witch? I want some payback!” yelled Domino, as she surveyed the room looking for any sign of her invisible opponent. The only door in the room opens and closes, as if by itself. “There she goes!”
After blasting Indigo through the window Roberto DaCosta, a.k.a. Sunspot, managed to blast both of them onto the buildings roof before his powers were negated by Indigo abilities.
“You would think a leader would be able to learn from his past mistakes! Especially after the beating I gave you last time my powers nullified your mutant abilities!” boasted Odysseus.
“Things were different then… you caught us by surprise! Now you face me on equal ground. Now you are facing my X-Force team!” retorted Bobby.
“Ha!” laughed Indigo, as he leaps toward his much smaller opponent. Bobby easily evades the attack by ducking, and responding with several kicks and blows all of which connect.
“Impressive… I almost felt that…” replied Indigo, just before he rolls with the latest punch and spins around with lightning speed to land a massive blow to Bobby’s kidneys.
“You put up a much better fight than your little friends and girlfriend did last time!”
Trading blows, Bobby recalls the scene in the warehouse where his friends were badly beaten within an inch of their life. Bobby remembers how he felt staring down upon Tabitha’s badly burned body, and he suddenly realizes that nothing will ever be the same for X-Force again… and it is all Indigo’s fault!
With a renewed sense of rage, Bobby lunges at the source of all of his frustrations.
“I am more than my mutant powers! I am a man! I am a DaCosta! I am a leader! I AM X-FORCE!” With each sentence, Bobby delivers a blow to Indigo’s face, each of which is harder than the one preceding it.
“But most important of all is that I am better than YOU!”
The final blow lands, and Indigo tumbles backwards onto the roof.
The door to the roof blows open, and the remaining members of X-Force and Ulysses rush to stand behind Bobby.
“Oh, don’t go getting all cocky! You may have won this battle, but the war is far from over.” says Indigo, as he pulls himself to his feet wiping a small trickle of blood from his nose. “I made the mistake of underestimating you DaCosta, I won’t make that mistake next time.”
“Next time? What next time? X-Force, get him!” cries Domino, but before any of them could move they are overcome by the excruciating pain in their heads.
“Ahhh, I believe you know of my new associates, Mary and Arcadia.”
Two girls approach the team from behind, and walk past the members of X-Force, as if in a trance, and stand by Indigo.
“Arcadia…?” Ulysses begins.
“Mary?!” asks Tabitha.
A helicopter lands on the roof behind Indigo, and a sharp-dressed man exits the cockpit to help load the young girls onto the helicopter. Once everybody is aboard, Odysseus stands on the landing gear as the helicopter begins to rise.
“X-Force, I bid you farewell! Until next we meet… Arcadia, level the building.”
Finally the pain within their head subsiding our heroes are able to rise to their feet. “I think we better get out of here!” yells Domino.
But before any of them can move, the building starts to rumble and topple in on itself until it is nothing more than a pile of rubble.
Meanwhile, in the helicopter that is hovering above the carnage….
“I guess that is the last we will see of them, sir.” comments the pilot.
“I won’t underestimate them again, Jarvis. They’ll be back…”
After a moment, Indigo turns away from the wreckage towards his pilot. “Where have you been? You know as a personal assistant I could have used you earlier.”
“Actually, sir, I was in Los Angeles visiting with your lawyers. I’m afraid I have some bad news, sir. A company has made a bid to buy out the Damocles Foundation and it looks like they may succeed.”
“Who would make such a move against me?”
“The company is called DaCosta International, sir.”
“I can’t believe I underestimated him again!” said Odysseus Indigo, shaking his head. “Jarvis, today has not been a good day.”
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