The Fantastic Four are more than simply Marvel’s First Family. They represent a staple in the role interrelations can play within a team. In honour of the unique corner of the Marvel Universe that they hold, an event took place commemorating not only the Fantastic Four but also some of the supporting characters and villains that have made them so enjoyable over the years. A series of one-shots highlighting what we love about these characters.

Amazing Fantasy #46 – Franklin vs. Outdoor Activities
When the Fantastic Four are away, it’s Franklin Richards’ time to play! With a superhuman babysitter in the form of Alex Power, what can go wrong? The answer depends on how wrong you think a giant robotic robotic teddy bear is! It’s antics on a scale that could only be brought to you by Tobias Christopher!

Amazing Fantasy #47 – The Thing That Should Not Be
The Fantastic Four’s pilot, Wyatt Wingfoot, finds himself called on by a higher power! Will he be able to best an ancient beast to save the world from destruction at the hands of Quetzalcoatl? Or will he fail and live only to see the world burn around him? Find out here, by Desmond Reddick!

Amazing Fantasy #48 – Dressing Down / Just The Mailman
In the first of two short stories featuring the FF’s human supporting cast, Debra Bernard gives her status report to her handler Jasper Sitwell… but will she give the right answers and continue her assignment? And then, Willie Lumpkin has been the First Family’s mailman for years, but when trouble strikes will he be able to call himself a hero? Find out in these two vignettes from Curt Fernlund and Hunter Lambright!

Amazing Fantasy #49 – H.E.R.B.I.E. Rides Again!
H.E.R.B.I.E. has been an ally of the Fantastic Four for years, always finding an unfortunate end at the hands of invaders to the building. With his programming awakening once more, will the robot abort his programming in the name of self-preservation, or will he remain as vigilant as ever? Find out here, by Dave Golightly!

Bring on the Bad Guys #10 – Blind Loyalty
For years, the Mole Man has been one of the Fantastic Four’s most stalwart foes! So why has he been absent for the entirety of Marvel Omega’s history? Find out the answer here, as the Mole Man confronts the threat of the Hijacker to his makeshift family! It’s a battle taking place underneath our feet, by Hunter Lambright!

Fantastic Four #23 – As Soon Go Kindle Fire With Snow (4)
Join the Fantastic Four as they find themselves in the midst of a primal battle between Pele and Poli’ahu! Will things get too hot in the battle for the Casket of Ancient Winters, or will the conclusion chill you to the bone? Plus, Reed Richards makes a trip to see his kids at boarding school, but what does this mean for his increasingly dire problems with thinking? Check it all out here, as Meriades Rai’s Fantastic Four concludes!

The Thing #8 – Night Shift
The Thing’s mission to save the future of the universe continues as he’s joined in his mission by the Prowler! With so many irons in the fire, will the one in the Baxter Building be the one that melts? Plus, Colleen Wing meets with Iron Fist for a conversation that will impact her future with the Thing’s team of time-saving misfits! With the fate of the timeline at stake, the Thing can’t afford to fail, even when his old team confronts him! The resulting blowout is right here, by Curt Fernlund!
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